2 research outputs found

    Simultaneous pulse rate estimation for two individuals that share a sensor-laden bed

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringSteven WarrenSleep monitoring has received increased attention in recent years given an improved understanding of the impact of sleep quality on overall well-being. A Kansas State University team has developed a sensor-based bed that can unobtrusively track sleep quality for an individual by analyzing their ballistocardiograms (BCGs) while they lay on the bed, foregoing the need to visit a sleep clinic to quantify their sleep quality. A BCG is a signal that represents cardiac forces that have spread from the heart to the rest of the body – forces that result in part from the injection of blood into the vascular system. The sensor bed software can extract BCG-based health parameters such as heart rate and respiration rate from data acquired continuously throughout the night. Such a toolset creates a new challenge, namely that many people sleep on a shared bed. In such cases, a given sensor bed would acquire mixed BCGs that contain information for both people. This thesis documents efforts to create an algorithm to extract individual health parameters from mixed parent BCGs obtained from bed sensors that reside on a shared bed. The first component of the two-part algorithm performs ‘blind source separation:’ a technique originally designed for mixed audio applications that attempts to optimally separate two individual BCGs contained in an original mixed signal. The second component of the algorithm utilizes a frequency-domain, peak-scoring method to identify the most likely fundamental BCG harmonic for each separated signal – a harmonic that corresponds to the pulse rate for that individual. The peak-scoring approach allows the algorithm to overcome challenges associated with different time-domain BCG waveform shapes, the presence of signal artifact, and the loss of BCG characteristic features that occurs during the separation stage. These challenges can be problematic for time-domain pulse rate algorithms, but the repetitive waveform patterns can be exploited in the frequency-spectrum. The peak-scoring algorithm was verified by comparing pulse rates determined from single-subject BCGs (obtained in various sleeping positions) against pulse rates determined from simultaneously collected electrocardiograms. The separation and peak-scoring components were combined together, and this overall technique was applied to over 20 sets of paired BCG data, with variations in sensor placement, sensor type and mattress type. Early results indicate the ability of the algorithm to determine pulse rates from mixed BCGs with acceptable levels of success but with areas for improvement

    Development of a bed-based nighttime monitoring toolset

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringSteven WarrenA movement is occurring within the healthcare field towards evidence-based or preventative care-based medicine, which requires personalized monitoring solutions. For medical technologies to fit within this framework, they need to adapt. Reduced cost of operation, ease-of-use, durability, and acceptance will be critical design considerations that will determine their success. Wearable technologies have shown the capability to monitor physiological signals at a reduced cost, but they require consistent effort from the user. Innovative unobtrusive and autonomous monitoring technologies will be needed to make personalized healthcare a reality. Ballistocardiography, a nearly forgotten field, has reemerged as a promising alternative for unobtrusive physiological monitoring. Heart rate, heart rate variability, respiration rate, movement, and additional hemodynamic features can be estimated from the ballistocardiogram (BCG). This dissertation presents a bed-based nighttime monitoring toolset designed to monitor BCG, respiration, and movement data motivated by the need to quantify the sleep of children with severe disabilities and autism – a capability currently unmet by commercial systems. A review of ballistocardiography instrumentation techniques (Chapter 2) is presented to 1) build an understanding of how the forces generated by the heart are coupled to the measurement apparatus and 2) provide a background of the field. The choice of sensing modalities and acquisition hardware and software for developing the unobtrusive bed-based nighttime monitoring platform is outlined in Chapters 3 and 4. Preliminary results illustrating the system’s ability to track physiological signals are presented in Chapter 5. Analyses were conducted on overnight data acquired from three lower-functioning children with autism (Chapters 6 and 9) who reside at Heartspring, Wichita, KS, where results justified the platform’s multi-sensor architecture and demonstrated the system’s ability to track physiological signals from this sensitive population over many months. Further, this dissertation presents novel BCG signal processing techniques – a signal quality index (Chapter 7) and a preprocessing inverse filter (Chapter 8) that are applicable to any ballistocardiograph. The bed-based nighttime monitoring toolset outlined in this dissertation presents an unobtrusive, autonomous, robust physiological monitoring system that could be used in hospital-based or personalized, home-based medical applications that consist of short or long-term monitoring scenarios