5 research outputs found

    Simplification of inclusion-exclusion on intersections of unions with application to network systems reliability

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    Reliability of safety-critical systems is an important issue in system engineering and in most practical situations the reliability of a non series-parallel network system has to be calculated. Some methods for calculating reliability use the probability principle of inclusion-exclusion. When dealing with complex networks, this leads to very long mathematical expressions which are usually computationally very expensive to calculate. In this paper, we provide a new expression to simplify the probability principle of inclusion-exclusion's formula for intersections of unions, which appear when calculating reliability on non series parallel network systems. This new expression has much less terms, which reduces enormously the computational cost. We also show that the general form of the probability principle of inclusion-exclusion's formula has double exponential complexity whereas the simplified form has only exponential complexity with a linear exponent. Finally, we illustrate how to use this result when calculating the reliability of a door management system in aircraft engineering


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    In a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), the hierarchical complexity of Web Services (WS) and their interactions with the underlying Application Server (AS) create new challenges in providing a realistic estimate of WS performance and reliability. The current approaches often treat the entire WS environment as a black-box. Thus, the sensitivity of the overall reliability and performance to the behavior of the underlying WS architectures and AS components are not well-understood. In other words, the current research on the architecture-based analysis of WSs is limited. This dissertation presents a novel methodology for modeling the reliability and performance of web services. WSs are treated as atomic entities but the AS is broken down into layers. More specifically, interactions of WSs with the underlying layers of an AS are investigated. One important feature of the research is investigating the impact of dynamic parameters that exist at the layers, such as configuration parameters. These parameters may have negative impact on WSs performance if they are not configured properly. WSs are developed in house and the AS considered is JBoss AS. An experimental environment is setup so that controlled service requests can be generated and important performance metrics can be recorded under various configurations of the AS. On the other hand, a simulation model is developed from the source code and run-time behavior of the existing WS and AS implementations. The model mimics the logical behavior of the WSs based on their communication with the AS layers. The simulation results are compared to the experimental results to ensure the correctness of the model. The architecture of the simulation model, which is based on Stochastic Petri Nets (SPN), is modularized in accordance to the layers and their interactions. As the web services are often executed in a complex and distributed environment, the modularized approach enables a user or a designer to observe and investigate the performance of the entire system under various conditions. In contrast, most approaches to WSs analyses are monolithic in that the entire system is treated as a closed box. The results show that 1) the simulation model can be a viable tool for measuring the performance and reliability of WSs under different loads and conditions that may be of great interest to WS designers and the professionals involved; 2) Configuration parameters have big impacts on the overall performance; 3) The simulation model can be tuned to account for various speeds in terms of communication, hardware, and software; 4) As the simulation model is modularized, it may be used as a foundation for aggregating the modules (layers), nullifying modules, or the model can be enhanced to include other aspects of the WS architecture such as network characteristics and the hardware/operating system on which the AS and WSs execute; and 5) The simulation model is beneficial to predict the performance of web services for those cases that are difficult to replicate in a field study

    Model aware execution of composite web services

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    In the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) services are computational elements that are published, discovered, consumed and aggregated across platform and organizational borders. The most commonly used technology to achieve SOA are Web Services (WSs). This is due to standardization process (WSDL, SOAP, UDDI standards) and a wide range of available infrastructure and tools. A very interesting aspect of WSs is their composeability. WSs can be easily aggregated into complex workflows, called Composite Web Services (CWSs). These compositions of services enable further reuse and in this way new, even more complex, systems are built.Although there are many languages to specify or implement workflows, in the service-oriented systems BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) is widely accepted. With this language WSs are orchestrated and then executed with specialized engines (like ActiveBPEL). While being very popular, BPEL has certain limitations in monitoring and optimizing executions of CWSs. It is very hard with this language to adapt CWSs to changes in the performance of used WSs, and also to select the optimal way to execute a CWS. To overcome the limitations of BPEL, I present a model-aware approach to execute CWSs. To achieve the model awareness the Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) formalism is considered as the basis of the execution of CWSs. This is different than other works in using formal methods in CWSs, which are restricted to purposes like verification or checking of correctness. Here the formal and unambiguous notation of the CPN is used to model, analyze, execute and monitor CWSs. Furthermore this approach to execute CWSs, which is based on the CPN formalism, is implemented in the model-aware middleware. It is also demonstrated how the middleware improves the performance and reliability of CWSs

    Design of reliable aerospace system architecture

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    Reliability and redundancy of safety-critical network systems is a paramount issue in system engineering. Be it in evaluating existing network systems or solving optimization problems for designing network systems, it is important to consider reliability and redundancy. This dissertation is in collaboration with AIRBUS Group, France, and they are very interest in the optimal design of safety-critical aircraft architecture systems which have to consider reliability and redundancy. To address the problem of optimally designing such systems, we chose to focus on one specific aircraft architecture system the door management system. It checks if all doors are properly closed and the cabin has the correct pressure. It is a safety-critical system since it is part of the pressurization system of an aircraft. To optimally design the DMS while considering reliability, a suitable reliability evaluation algorithm is necessary. In this dissertation, we begin by proposing a suitable reliability evaluation algorithm for a type of non series-parallel network system which includes the DMS and which can be used in an optimization model. The reliability evaluation algorithm is based on a simplification of the probability principle of inclusion-exclusion formula for intersections of unions. The simplification exploits the presence of many repeated events and has many fewer terms, which significantly reduces the number of operations needed. We compare its computational efficiency against the sum of disjoint products method KDH88 for a simple artificial example and for the DMS. Afterwards, we introduce the first MILP model for the DMS with k-redundancy. As the model is too difficult to be solved efficiently by standard MILP solvers, we discuss the issues of solving the model with general solving methods such as branch-and-bound and branch-and-price. We introduce specialized branching rules and new heuristics to solve the DMS problem with k-redundancy more efficiently and show results of computational tests which compare the specialized solving algorithms with general solving algorithms for example instances of the DMS problem. Lastly, we discuss the problems of considering reliability in MI(N)LP models for the DMS and how the new reliability evaluation algorithm can be used. In this discussion, we give different MI(N)LP models for the DMS problem with redundancy and reliability. Moreover, we propose a new heuristic for the DMS problem with redundancy and reliability. It is based on branch-and-bound, the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and on the new reliability evaluation algorithm. We show results of computational tests of the new heuristic for example instances of the DMS problem and discuss its validity