52,964 research outputs found

    Optimasi Suffix Tree Clustering dengan Wordnet dan Named Entity Recognition untuk Pengelompokan Dokumen

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    AbstrakSemakin meningkatnya jumlah dokumen teks di dunia digital mempengaruhi banyaknya jumlah informasi  dan menyebabkan kesulitan dalam proses temu kembali informasi (information retreival). Clustering dokumen merupakan suatu bidang text mining yang penting dan dapat digunakan untuk mengefisienkan dalam pengelolaan teks serta peringkasan teks. Namun beberapa permasalahan muncul dalam clustering dokumen teks terutama dalam dokumen berita seperti ambiguitas dalam content, overlapping cluster, dan struktur unik yang terdapat dalam dokumen berita. Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode baru yaitu optimasi Suffix Tree Clustering (STC) dengan WordNet dan Named Entity Recognition (NER) untuk pengelompokan dokumen. Metode ini memiliki beberapa tahap, yaitu prepocessing dokumen dengan mengekstraksi named entity serta melakukan deteksi sinonim berdasarkan WordNet. Tahap kedua adalah pembobotan term dengan tfidf dan nerfidf. Tahap ketiga adalah melakukan clustering dokumen dengan menggunakan Suffix Tree Clustering. Berdasarkan pengujian didapatkan rata-rata nilai precision sebesar 79.83%, recall 77.25%, dan f-measure78.30 %.Kata kunci: Clustering dokumen, Named Entity Recognition, Suffix Tree Clustering, WordNetAbstractThe increasingnumber oftext documentsin the internet, influence on the number of information and lead to difficulties in the process of information retrieval. Documents clustering is main field of text mining and can be used to stream line the management of text and summarization of text. However, some problems a risein documents clustering, especially in news documents such as ambiguity in the content, overlapping clusters, and theuniquestructure ofthe news thatcontained inthe document. Inthisresearch, we proposea newmethodfor documents clustering, optimization Suffix Tree Clustering (STC) with WordNet and Named Entity Recognition (NER). In this method there are several step, step one is prepocessing documents with named entity extraction and synonym detection based on WordNet. Step two is term weighting with tfidf and nerfidf. For the last step is document clustering using Suffix Tree Clustering. Based on testingwe obtained 79.83% for precision, 77.25% for recall, and78.30% for F-measureKeywords: Documents Clustering, Named Entity Recognition, Suffix Tree Clustering, WordNe

    URL Recommender using Parallel Processing

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    The main purpose of this project is to section similar news and articles from a vast variety of news articles. Let’s say, you want to read about latest news related to particular topic like sports. Usually, user goes to a particular website and goes through some news but he won’t be able to cover all the news coverage in a single website. So, he would be going through some other news website to checking it out and this continues. Also, some news websites might be containing some old news and the user might be going through that. To solve this, I have developed a web application where in user can see all the latest news from different websites in a single place. Users are given choice to select the news websites from which they want to view the latest news. The articles which we get from news websites are very random and we will be applying the DBSCAN algorithm and place the news articles in the cluster form for each specific topic for user to view. If the user wants to see sports, he will be provided with sports news section. And this process of extracting random news articles and forming news clusters are done at run time and at all times we will get the latest news as we will be extracting the data from web at run time. This is an effective way to watch all news at single place. And in turn this can be used as articles (URL) recommender as the user has to just go through the specific cluster which interests him and not visit all news websites to find articles. This way the user does not have to visit different sites to view all latest news. This idea can be expanded to not just news articles but also in other areas like collecting statistics of financial information etc. As the processing is done at runtime, the performance has to be improved. To improve the performance, the distributed data mining is used and multiple servers are being used which communicate with each other

    Clustering of twitter technology tweets and the impact of stopwords on clusters

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    Year of 2010 could be termed as the year in which Twitter became completely mainstream. Twitter, which started as a means of communicating with friends, became much more than its beginning. Now Twitter is used by companies to promote their new products, used by movie industry to promote movies. A lot of advertising and branding is now tied to Twitter and most importantly any breaking news that happens, the first place one goes and tries to find is to search it on Twitter. Be it the Mumbai attacks that happened in 2008, or the minor earthquakes that happened in Bay Area in 2010 or the twitter revolution cause of the Iran elections, most of the tech and not so tech savvy viewers were following twitter rather than any main stream news channels. In fact most of the breaking news now comes on Twitter because of the huge number of user base rather than the traditional mainstream media. The focus of this paper is clustering with the TF-IDF weighted mechanism of daily technology news tweets of prominent bloggers and news sites using Apache Mahout and to evaluate the effects of introducing and removing stop words on the quality of clustering. This project restricts itself to only tweets in the English language

    Growing Story Forest Online from Massive Breaking News

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    We describe our experience of implementing a news content organization system at Tencent that discovers events from vast streams of breaking news and evolves news story structures in an online fashion. Our real-world system has distinct requirements in contrast to previous studies on topic detection and tracking (TDT) and event timeline or graph generation, in that we 1) need to accurately and quickly extract distinguishable events from massive streams of long text documents that cover diverse topics and contain highly redundant information, and 2) must develop the structures of event stories in an online manner, without repeatedly restructuring previously formed stories, in order to guarantee a consistent user viewing experience. In solving these challenges, we propose Story Forest, a set of online schemes that automatically clusters streaming documents into events, while connecting related events in growing trees to tell evolving stories. We conducted extensive evaluation based on 60 GB of real-world Chinese news data, although our ideas are not language-dependent and can easily be extended to other languages, through detailed pilot user experience studies. The results demonstrate the superior capability of Story Forest to accurately identify events and organize news text into a logical structure that is appealing to human readers, compared to multiple existing algorithm frameworks.Comment: Accepted by CIKM 2017, 9 page

    Comparing SVM and Naive Bayes classifiers for text categorization with Wikitology as knowledge enrichment

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    The activity of labeling of documents according to their content is known as text categorization. Many experiments have been carried out to enhance text categorization by adding background knowledge to the document using knowledge repositories like Word Net, Open Project Directory (OPD), Wikipedia and Wikitology. In our previous work, we have carried out intensive experiments by extracting knowledge from Wikitology and evaluating the experiment on Support Vector Machine with 10- fold cross-validations. The results clearly indicate Wikitology is far better than other knowledge bases. In this paper we are comparing Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Na\"ive Bayes (NB) classifiers under text enrichment through Wikitology. We validated results with 10-fold cross validation and shown that NB gives an improvement of +28.78%, on the other hand SVM gives an improvement of +6.36% when compared with baseline results. Na\"ive Bayes classifier is better choice when external enriching is used through any external knowledge base.Comment: 5 page
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