7 research outputs found

    Zero-Velocity Detection - A Bayesian Approach to Adaptive Thresholding

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    A Bayesian zero-velocity detector for foot-mounted inertial navigation systems is presented. The detector extends existing zero-velocity detectors based on the likelihood-ratio test, and allows, possibly time-dependent, prior information about the two hypotheses - the sensors being stationary or in motion - to be incorporated into the test. It is also possible to incorporate information about the cost of a missed detection or a false alarm. Specifically, we consider an hypothesis prior based on the velocity estimates provided by the navigation system and an exponential model for how the cost of a missed detection increases with the time since the last zero-velocity update. Thereby, we obtain a detection threshold that adapts to the motion characteristics of the user. Thus, the proposed detection framework efficiently solves one of the key challenges in current zero-velocity-aided inertial navigation systems: the tuning of the zero-velocity detection threshold. A performance evaluation on data with normal and fast gait demonstrates that the proposed detection framework outperforms any detector that chooses two separate fixed thresholds for the two gait speeds

    Improving Foot-Mounted Inertial Navigation Through Real-Time Motion Classification

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    We present a method to improve the accuracy of a foot-mounted, zero-velocity-aided inertial navigation system (INS) by varying estimator parameters based on a real-time classification of motion type. We train a support vector machine (SVM) classifier using inertial data recorded by a single foot-mounted sensor to differentiate between six motion types (walking, jogging, running, sprinting, crouch-walking, and ladder-climbing) and report mean test classification accuracy of over 90% on a dataset with five different subjects. From these motion types, we select two of the most common (walking and running), and describe a method to compute optimal zero-velocity detection parameters tailored to both a specific user and motion type by maximizing the detector F-score. By combining the motion classifier with a set of optimal detection parameters, we show how we can reduce INS position error during mixed walking and running motion. We evaluate our adaptive system on a total of 5.9 km of indoor pedestrian navigation performed by five different subjects moving along a 130 m path with surveyed ground truth markers.Comment: In Proceedings of the International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN'17), Sapporo, Japan, Sep. 18-21, 201

    A Novel Zero Velocity Interval Detection Algorithm for Self-Contained Pedestrian Navigation System with Inertial Sensors

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    Zero velocity update (ZUPT) plays an important role in pedestrian navigation algorithms with the premise that the zero velocity interval (ZVI) should be detected accurately and effectively. A novel adaptive ZVI detection algorithm based on a smoothed pseudo Wigner–Ville distribution to remove multiple frequencies intelligently (SPWVD-RMFI) is proposed in this paper. The novel algorithm adopts the SPWVD-RMFI method to extract the pedestrian gait frequency and to calculate the optimal ZVI detection threshold in real time by establishing the function relationships between the thresholds and the gait frequency; then, the adaptive adjustment of thresholds with gait frequency is realized and improves the ZVI detection precision. To put it into practice, a ZVI detection experiment is carried out; the result shows that compared with the traditional fixed threshold ZVI detection method, the adaptive ZVI detection algorithm can effectively reduce the false and missed detection rate of ZVI; this indicates that the novel algorithm has high detection precision and good robustness. Furthermore, pedestrian trajectory positioning experiments at different walking speeds are carried out to evaluate the influence of the novel algorithm on positioning precision. The results show that the ZVI detected by the adaptive ZVI detection algorithm for pedestrian trajectory calculation can achieve better performance