12 research outputs found

    Comparison of Forward Vehicle Detection Using Haar-like features and Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) Technique for Feature Extraction in Cascade Classifier

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    This paper present an algorithm development of vehicle detection system using image processing technique and comparison of the detection performance between two features extractor. The main focus is to implement the vehicle detection system using the on-board camera installed on host vehicle that records the moving road environment instead of using a static camera fixed in certain locations. In this paper, Cascade classifier is trained with image dataset of positive images and negative images. The positive images consist of rear area of the vehicle and negative image consist of road scene background. Two features extractor, Haar-like features and histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) are used for comparison in this system. The image dataset for training in both feature extractions are fixed in dimension. In comparison, the accuracy and execution time are studied based on its detection performance. Both features performed well in detection accuracy, whilst the results indicate that the Haar-like features execution time is 26% faster than by using HOG feature

    Clasificación y conteo vehícular mediante análisis de imágenes.

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    This work proposes an algorithm capable of analyzing a video sample (recording) or video in real-time of vehicular traffic, the final model is capable of differentiating, classifying, and counting 3 types of vehicles using fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence and computer vision, with open-source libraries; TensorFlow for the artificial intelligence and OpenCV for the computer vision. The methodology used can be fundamentally separated into three steps; data acquisition (creating an own database with models of vehicles that travel in the points of the city used for this project), the development of the network (based on a network model known as AlexNet, a convolutional neural network widely used in projects for image classification with proven and reliable results) and finally the information processing (with a final subroutine, through which the images of moving objects detected in the video are extracted to count later and classify them according to type). The results obtained are above ninety percent effective if contrasted with manual methodologies, these results have been analyzed in different cases separated by time: in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night; where even though the luminosity and the vehicular flow change, it is concluded that the model is robust and can be taken to production in the private or public industry.Este trabajo propone un algoritmo capaz de analizar una muestra de video (grabación) o video en tiempo real del tránsito vehicular, el modelo final es capaz de diferenciar, clasificar y contar 3 tipos de vehículos utilizando conceptos fundamentales de inteligencia artificial y visión por computadora, con bibliotecas de código abierto; TensorFlow para la inteligencia artificial y OpenCV para la visión artificial. La metodología utilizada puede dividirse fundamentalmente en tres pasos; adquisición de datos (creando una base de datos propia con modelos de vehículos que transitan en los puntos de la ciudad utilizados para este proyecto), el desarrollo de la red (basado en un modelo de red conocido como AlexNet, una red neuronal convolucional muy utilizada en proyectos de imagen clasificación con resultados probados y confiables) y finalmente el procesamiento de la información (con una subrutina final, a través de la cual se extraen las imágenes de objetos en movimiento detectados en el video para luego contarlos y clasificarlos según su tipo). Los resultados obtenidos superan el noventa por ciento de efectividad si se contrastan con metodologías manuales, estos resultados han sido analizados en diferentes casos separados por horarios: por la mañana, por la tarde y por la noche; donde a pesar de que cambia la luminosidad y el flujo vehicular, se concluye que el modelo es robusto y puede ser llevado a producción en la industria privada o pública

    Transportation Density Reduction Caused by City Lockdowns Across the World during the COVID-19 Epidemic: From the View of High-resolution Remote Sensing Imagery

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    As the COVID-19 epidemic began to worsen in the first months of 2020, stringent lockdown policies were implemented in numerous cities throughout the world to control human transmission and mitigate its spread. Although transportation density reduction inside the city was felt subjectively, there has thus far been no objective and quantitative study of its variation to reflect the intracity population flows and their corresponding relationship with lockdown policy stringency from the view of remote sensing images with the high resolution under 1m. Accordingly, we here provide a quantitative investigation of the transportation density reduction before and after lockdown was implemented in six epicenter cities (Wuhan, Milan, Madrid, Paris, New York, and London) around the world during the COVID-19 epidemic, which is accomplished by extracting vehicles from the multi-temporal high-resolution remote sensing images. A novel vehicle detection model combining unsupervised vehicle candidate extraction and deep learning identification was specifically proposed for the images with the resolution of 0.5m. Our results indicate that transportation densities were reduced by an average of approximately 50% (and as much as 75.96%) in these six cities following lockdown. The influences on transportation density reduction rates are also highly correlated with policy stringency, with an R^2 value exceeding 0.83. Even within a specific city, the transportation density changes differed and tended to be distributed in accordance with the city's land-use patterns. Considering that public transportation was mostly reduced or even forbidden, our results indicate that city lockdown policies are effective at limiting human transmission within cities.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, submitted to IEEE JSTAR

    Bounding Box-Free Instance Segmentation Using Semi-Supervised Learning for Generating a City-Scale Vehicle Dataset

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    Vehicle classification is a hot computer vision topic, with studies ranging from ground-view up to top-view imagery. In remote sensing, the usage of top-view images allows for understanding city patterns, vehicle concentration, traffic management, and others. However, there are some difficulties when aiming for pixel-wise classification: (a) most vehicle classification studies use object detection methods, and most publicly available datasets are designed for this task, (b) creating instance segmentation datasets is laborious, and (c) traditional instance segmentation methods underperform on this task since the objects are small. Thus, the present research objectives are: (1) propose a novel semi-supervised iterative learning approach using GIS software, (2) propose a box-free instance segmentation approach, and (3) provide a city-scale vehicle dataset. The iterative learning procedure considered: (1) label a small number of vehicles, (2) train on those samples, (3) use the model to classify the entire image, (4) convert the image prediction into a polygon shapefile, (5) correct some areas with errors and include them in the training data, and (6) repeat until results are satisfactory. To separate instances, we considered vehicle interior and vehicle borders, and the DL model was the U-net with the Efficient-net-B7 backbone. When removing the borders, the vehicle interior becomes isolated, allowing for unique object identification. To recover the deleted 1-pixel borders, we proposed a simple method to expand each prediction. The results show better pixel-wise metrics when compared to the Mask-RCNN (82% against 67% in IoU). On per-object analysis, the overall accuracy, precision, and recall were greater than 90%. This pipeline applies to any remote sensing target, being very efficient for segmentation and generating datasets.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, submitted to journa

    Modeling present and future freeway management strategies : variable speed limits, lane-changing and platooning of connected autonomous vehicles

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    Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit d’Enginyeria Civil i AmbientalFreeway traffic management is necessary to improve capacity and reduce congestion, especially in metropolitan freeways where the rush period lasts several hours per day. Traffic congestion implies delays and an increase in air pollutant emissions, both with harmful effects to society. Active management strategies imply regulating traffic demand and improving freeway capacity. While both aspects are necessary, the present thesis only addresses the supply side. Part of the research in traffic flow theory is grounded on empirical data. Today, in order to extend our knowledge on traffic dynamics, detailed and high-quality data is needed. To that end, the thesis presents a pioneering data collection campaign, which was developed in a freeway accessing Barcelona. In a Variable Speed Limits (VSL) environment, different speed limits where posted, in order to observe their real and detailed effects on traffic. All the installed surveillance instruments were set to capture data in the highest possible level of detail, including video recordings, from where to count lane-changing maneuvers. With this objective, a semi-automatic method to reliably count lane changes form video recordings was developed and is presented in the thesis. Data analysis proved that the speed limit fulfillment was only relevant in sections with enforcement devices. In these sections, it is confirmed that, the lower the speed limit, the higher the occupancy to achieve a given flow. In contrast, the usually assumed mainline metering effect of low speed limits was not relevant. This might be different in case of stretch enforcement. These findings mean that, on the one hand, VSL strategies aiming to restrict the mainline flow on a freeway by using low speed limits will need to be applied carefully, avoiding conditions as the ones presented here. On the other hand, VSL strategies trying to get the most from the increased vehicle storage capacity of freeways under low speed limits might be rather promising. Results also show that low speed limits increase the speed differences across lanes for moderate demands. This, in turn, also increases the lane changing rates. In contrast, lower speed limits widen the range of flows under uniform lane flow distributions, so that, even for moderate to low demands, the under-utilization of any lane can be avoided. Further analysis of lane-changing activity allowed unveiling that high lane-changing rates prevent achieving the highest flows. This inverse relationship is modeled in the thesis using a stochastic model based on Bayesian inference. This model could be used as a control tool, in order to determine which level of lane-changing activity can be allowed to achieve a desired capacity with some level of reliability. Previous results identify drivers' fulfillment of traffic regulations as a weak point in order to maximize the benefits of current management strategies, like VSL or lane-changing control. This is likely to change in the near future with the irruption of Autonomous Vehicles (AV) in freeways. V2X communications will allow directly actuating on individual vehicles with high accuracy. This will open the door to new management strategies based on simultaneous communication to groups of AVs and extremely short reaction times, like platooning, which stands out as a strategy with a huge potential to improve freeway traffic. Strings of AVs traveling at extremely short gaps (i.e. platoons) allow achieving higher capacities and lower energy consumption rates. In this context, the thesis presents a parsimonious macroscopic model for AVs platooning in mixed traffic (i.e. platoons of AVs travelling together with human driven vehicles). The model allows determining the average platoon length and reproducing the overall traffic dynamics leading to higher capacities. Results prove that with a 50% penetration rate of AVs in the lane, capacity could reach 3400 veh/h/lane under a cooperative platooning strategy.Per tal de millorar la capacitat i reduir la congestió a les autopistes cal gestionar el trànsit de manera activa. Les estratègies de gestió activa del trànsit són d’especial importància en autopistes metropolitanes. La congestió provoca retards i un increment del consum de combustible que va lligat a unes majors emissions de gasos contaminants, tots amb efectes perniciosos per la societat. La gestió activa del transit requereix regular la demanda i millorar la capacitat de la via. Encara que tots dos aspectes son necessaris, la present tesis només analitza la gestió de l’oferta. Part de la recerca en l’anàlisi i la teoria del trànsit es basa en dades empíriques. Per satisfer el requeriment de dades detallades i d’alta qualitat, aquesta tesis presenta una campanya pionera de recol·lecció de dades. Les dades es van recollir a l’autopista B-23 d’accés a Barcelona. Tots els instruments de mesura es van configurar per tal de registrar les dades amb el major nivell de detall possible, incloent les càmeres de videovigilància, d’on es varen extreure els comptatges de canvi de carril. Amb aquest objectiu, es va desenvolupar una metodologia semiautomàtica per comptar canvis de carril a partir de gravacions de trànsit, que es presenta en el cos de la tesi. L’anàlisi de les dades obtingudes ha demostrat que el compliment dels límits de velocitat només resulta rellevant en aquelles seccions que compten amb un radar. És en aquestes seccions on s’ha confirmat que com menor és el límit de velocitat, major es l’ocupació per a un flux donat. Per contra, la hipòtesi habitual de que uns límits de velocitat baixos produeixen una restricció del flux no es va observar de forma rellevant. Aquest comportament podria esser diferent en el cas d’implantar un radar de tram. Els resultats obtinguts també mostren com les diferències de velocitats entre carrils s’incrementen per a límits de velocitat baixos i en condicions de demanda moderada. Això, alhora, incrementa el nombre de canvis de carril. Per contra, els límits de velocitat baixos contribueixen a una distribució de flux més uniforme entre carrils, de forma que es pot evitar la infrautilització de carrils. L’anàlisi més detallat de l’activitat de canvi de carril demostra que una taxa elevada de canvis de carril impedeix assolir fluxos grans de circulació. En la tesi, aquesta relació inversa entre la taxa de canvis de carril i el flux màxim de trànsit a l’autopista s’ha modelat de forma estocàstica utilitzant un model basat en la inferència Bayesiana. Aquest model es pot utilitzar com una eina de control, per tal de determinar quina taxa de canvi de carril es pot permetre si es vol assolir una capacitat determinada amb una determinada probabilitat de compliment. En vista dels resultats previs, la falta de compliment de les normes de trànsit per part dels conductors s’identifica com un punt dèbil a l’hora de maximitzar els beneficis de les actuals estratègies de gestió del transit. Això probablement canviarà en el futur pròxim amb la irrupció dels Vehicles Autònoms (VA) a les autopistes. Els sistemes de comunicació V2X permetran actuar individualment sobre cada vehicle amb una gran precisió. Això obrirà la porta a noves estratègies de gestió, basades en la comunicació simultània entre diferents grups de VA i en temps de reacció extremadament curts, com per exemple és el “platooning”, que destaca pel seu gran potencial per millorar el trànsit en autopista. Els “platons” son cadenes de VA viatjant amb uns espaiaments extremadament curts que permeten assolir capacitats mes elevades i un menor consum energètic. En aquest context, la tesi presenta un model macroscòpic parsimoniós per a “platons” de VA en condicions de transit mixt, és a dir, compartint la infraestructura amb vehicles tradicionals. El model permet determinar la longitud mitjana del “platons” i reproduir el trànsit global dinàmiques que condueixen a majors capacitats. Els resultats demostren que amb un 50% la velocitat de penetració dels AV al carril, la capacitat podria arribar als 3.400 vehicles / h / carril sota una estratègia cooperativa de “platooning”Award-winningPostprint (published version