13 research outputs found

    Prediction-error of Prediction Error (PPE)-based Reversible Data Hiding

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    This paper presents a novel reversible data hiding (RDH) algorithm for gray-scaled images, in which the prediction-error of prediction error (PPE) of a pixel is used to carry the secret data. In the proposed method, the pixels to be embedded are firstly predicted with their neighboring pixels to obtain the corresponding prediction errors (PEs). Then, by exploiting the PEs of the neighboring pixels, the prediction of the PEs of the pixels can be determined. And, a sorting technique based on the local complexity of a pixel is used to collect the PPEs to generate an ordered PPE sequence so that, smaller PPEs will be processed first for data embedding. By reversibly shifting the PPE histogram (PPEH) with optimized parameters, the pixels corresponding to the altered PPEH bins can be finally modified to carry the secret data. Experimental results have implied that the proposed method can benefit from the prediction procedure of the PEs, sorting technique as well as parameters selection, and therefore outperform some state-of-the-art works in terms of payload-distortion performance when applied to different images.Comment: There has no technical difference to previous versions, but rather some minor word corrections. A 2-page summary of this paper was accepted by ACM IH&MMSec'16 "Ongoing work session". My homepage: hzwu.github.i

    Implementation of Reversible Data Hiding Using Suitable Wavelet Transform For Controlled Contrast Enhancement

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    Data Hiding is important for secrete communication and it is also essential to keep the data hidden to be received by the intended recipient only. The conventional Reversible Data Hiding (RDH) algorithms pursue high Peak-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (PSNR) at certain amount of embedding bits. Considering an importance of improvement in image visual quality than keeping high PSNR, a novel RDH scheme utilizing contrast enhancement to replace the PSNR was presented with the help of Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT). In proposed work, the identification of suitable transform from different wavelet families is planned to enhance the security of data by encrypting it and embedding more bits with the original image to generate stego image. The obtained stego image will be transmitted to the other end, where the receiver will extract the transmitted secrete data and original cover image from stego image using required keys. It will use a proper transformation for the purpose of Controlled Contrast Enhancement (CCE) to achieve the intended RDH so that the amount of embedding data bits and visual perception will be enhanced. The difference of the transmitted original image and restored original image is minor, which is almost invisible for human eyes though more bits are embedded with the original image. The performance parameters are also calculated

    Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using MSBs Integration and Histogram Modification

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    This paper presents a reversible data hiding in encrypted image that employs based notions of the RDH in plain-image schemes including histogram modification and prediction-error computation. In the proposed method, original image may be encrypted by desire encryption algorithm. Most significant bit (MSB) of encrypted pixels are integrated to vacate room for embedding data bits. Integrated ones will be more resistant against failure of reconstruction if they are modified for embedding data bits. At the recipient, we employ chess-board predictor for lossless reconstruction of the original image by the aim of prediction-error analysis. Comparing to existent RDHEI algorithms, not only we propose a separable method to extract data bits, but also content-owner may attain a perfect reconstruction of the original image without having data hider key. Experimental results confirm that the proposed algorithm outperforms state of the art ones

    Markov bidirectional transfer matrix for detecting LSB speech steganography with low embedding rates

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    Steganalysis with low embedding rates is still a challenge in the field of information hiding. Speech signals are typically processed by wavelet packet decomposition, which is capable of depicting the details of signals with high accuracy. A steganography detection algorithm based on the Markov bidirectional transition matrix (MBTM) of the wavelet packet coefficient (WPC) of the second-order derivative-based speech signal is proposed. On basis of the MBTM feature, which can better express the correlation of WPC, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is trained by a large number of Least Significant Bit (LSB) hidden data with embedding rates of 1%, 3%, 5%, 8%,10%, 30%, 50%, and 80%. LSB matching steganalysis of speech signals with low embedding rates is achieved. The experimental results show that the proposed method has obvious superiorities in steganalysis with low embedding rates compared with the classic method using histogram moment features in the frequency domain (HMIFD) of the second-order derivative-based WPC and the second-order derivative-based Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC). Especially when the embedding rate is only 3%, the accuracy rate improves by 17.8%, reaching 68.5%, in comparison with the method using HMIFD features of the second derivative WPC. The detection accuracy improves as the embedding rate increases

    Robust Lossless Semi Fragile Information Protection in Images

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    Internet security finds it difficult to keep the information secure and to maintain the integrity of the data. Sending messages over the internet secretly is one of the major tasks as it is widely used for passing the message. In order to achieve security there must be some mechanism to protect the data against unauthorized access. A lossless data hiding scheme is proposed in this paper which has a higher embedding capacity than other schemes. Unlike other schemes that are used for embedding fixed amount of data, the proposed data hiding method is block based approach and it uses a variable data embedding in different blocks which reduces the chances of distortion and increases the hiding capacity of the image. When the data is recovered the original image can be restored without any distortion. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed solution can significantly support the data hiding problem. We achieved good Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) while hiding large amount of data into smoother regions