6 research outputs found

    Using Case-Based Reasoning to Predict Marathon Performance and Recommend Tailored Training Plans

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    The 28th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCP 2020), Salamanca, Spain (held online due to coronavirus outbreak), 8-12 June 2020Training for the marathon, especially a first marathon, is always a challenge. Many runners struggle to find the right balance between their workouts and their recovery, often leading to sub-optimal performance on race-day or even injury during training. We describe and evaluate a novel case-based reasoning system to help marathon runners as they train in two ways. First, it uses a case-base of training/workouts and race histories to predict future marathon times for a target runner, throughout their training program, helping runners to calibrate their progress and, ultimately, plan their race-day pacing. Second, the system recommends tailored training plans to runners, adapted for their current goal-time target, and based on the training plans of similar runners who have achieved this time. We evaluate the system using a dataset of more than 21,000 unique runners and 1.5 million training/workout sessions.Science Foundation IrelandInsight Research Centre2020-10-06 JG: PDF replaced with correct versio

    A Novel Recommender System for helping Marathoners to Achieve a new Personal-Best

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    RecSys '17 the Eleventh ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Como, Italy, 27-31 August 2017We describe a novel application for recommender systems -- helping marathon runners to run a new personal-best race-time -- by predicting a challenging, but achievable target-time, and by recommending a tailored race-plan to achieve this time. A comprehensive evaluation of prediction accuracy and race-plan quality is provided using a large-scale dataset with almost 400,000 runners from the last 12 years of the Chicago marathon.Science Foundation IrelandInsight Research Centr

    Health Coaches, Health Data, and Their Interaction

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    (In)formal perceptions and arguments on tourism governance multifaceted concept

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    A brief exploratory approach to (in)formal perceptions and arguments on tourism governance multifaceted concep

    The end of stigma? Understanding the dynamics of legitimisation in the context of TV series consumption

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    This research contributes to prior work on stigmatisation by looking at stigmatisation and legitimisation as social processes in the context of TV series consumption. Using in-depth interviews, we show that the dynamics of legitimisation are complex and accompanied by the reproduction of existing stigmas and creation of new stigmas