3 research outputs found

    Deep Adaptive Graph Clustering via Von Mises-Fisher Distributions

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    Graph clustering has been a hot research topic and is widely used in many fields, such as community detection in social networks. Lots of works combining auto-encoder and graph neural networks have been applied to clustering tasks by utilizing node attributes and graph structure. These works usually assumed the inherent parameters (i.e., size and variance) of different clusters in the latent embedding space are homogeneous, and hence the assigned probability is monotonous over the Euclidean distance between node embeddings and centroids. Unfortunately, this assumption usually does not hold since the size and concentration of different clusters can be quite different, which limits the clustering accuracy. In addition, the node embeddings in deep graph clustering methods are usually L2 normalized so that it lies on the surface of a unit hyper-sphere. To solve this problem, we proposed Deep Adaptive Graph Clustering via von Mises-Fisher distributions, namely DAGC. DAGC assumes the node embeddings H can be drawn from a von Mises-Fisher distribution and each cluster k is associated with cluster inherent parameters ρk which includes cluster center μ and cluster cohesion degree κ. Then we adopt an EM-like approach (i.e., (H|ρ) and (ρ|H), respectively) to learn the embedding and cluster inherent parameters alternately. Specifically, with the node embeddings, we proposed to update the cluster centers in an attraction-repulsion manner to make the cluster centers more separable. And given the cluster inherent parameters, a likelihood-based loss is proposed to make node embeddings more concentrated around cluster centers. Thus, DAGC can simultaneously improve the intra-cluster compactness and inter-cluster heterogeneity. Finally, extensive experiments conducted on four benchmark datasets have demonstrated that the proposed DAGC consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, especially on imbalanced datasets

    Encoding edge type information in graphlets.

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    Graph embedding approaches have been attracting increasing attention in recent years mainly due to their universal applicability. They convert network data into a vector space in which the graph structural information and properties are maximumly preserved. Most existing approaches, however, ignore the rich information about interactions between nodes, i.e., edge attribute or edge type. Moreover, the learned embeddings suffer from a lack of explainability, and cannot be used to study the effects of typed structures in edge-attributed networks. In this paper, we introduce a framework to embed edge type information in graphlets and generate a Typed-Edge Graphlets Degree Vector (TyE-GDV). Additionally, we extend two combinatorial approaches, i.e., the colored graphlets and heterogeneous graphlets approaches to edge-attributed networks. Through applying the proposed method to a case study of chronic pain patients, we find that not only the network structure of a patient could indicate his/her perceived pain grade, but also certain social ties, such as those with friends, colleagues, and healthcare professionals, are more crucial in understanding the impact of chronic pain. Further, we demonstrate that in a node classification task, the edge-type encoded graphlets approaches outperform the traditional graphlet degree vector approach by a significant margin, and that TyE-GDV could achieve a competitive performance of the combinatorial approaches while being far more efficient in space requirements

    RDKG: A Reinforcement Learning Framework for Disease Diagnosis on Knowledge Graph

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    Automatic disease diagnosis from symptoms has attracted much attention in medical practices. It can assist doctors and medical practitioners in narrowing down disease candidates, reducing testing costs, improving diagnosis efficiency, and more importantly, saving human lives. Existing research has made significant progress in diagnosing disease but was limited by the gap between interpretability and accuracy. To fill this gap, in this paper, we propose a method called Reinforced Disease Diagnosis on Knowlege Graph (RDKG). Specifically, we first construct a knowledge graph containing all information from electronic medical records. To capture informative embeddings, we propose an enhanced knowledge graph embedding method that can embed information outside the knowledge graph into entity embedding. Then we transform the automatic disease diagnosis task into a Markov decision process on the knowledge graph. After that, we design a reinforcement learning method with a soft reward mechanism and a pruning strategy to solve the Markov decision process. We accomplish automated disease diagnosis by finding a path from symptoms to disease. The experimental results show that our model can effectively utilize heterogeneous information in the knowledge graph to complete the automatic disease diagnosis. Besides, our model demonstrates supreme performance in both accuracy and interpretability