470 research outputs found

    Contrastive Triple Extraction with Generative Transformer

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    Triple extraction is an essential task in information extraction for natural language processing and knowledge graph construction. In this paper, we revisit the end-to-end triple extraction task for sequence generation. Since generative triple extraction may struggle to capture long-term dependencies and generate unfaithful triples, we introduce a novel model, contrastive triple extraction with a generative transformer. Specifically, we introduce a single shared transformer module for encoder-decoder-based generation. To generate faithful results, we propose a novel triplet contrastive training object. Moreover, we introduce two mechanisms to further improve model performance (i.e., batch-wise dynamic attention-masking and triple-wise calibration). Experimental results on three datasets (i.e., NYT, WebNLG, and MIE) show that our approach achieves better performance than that of baselines.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 202

    A Relational Triple Extraction Method Based on Feature Reasoning for Technological Patents

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    The relation triples extraction method based on table filling can address the issues of relation overlap and bias propagation. However, most of them only establish separate table features for each relationship, which ignores the implicit relationship between different entity pairs and different relationship features. Therefore, a feature reasoning relational triple extraction method based on table filling for technological patents is proposed to explore the integration of entity recognition and entity relationship, and to extract entity relationship triples from multi-source scientific and technological patents data. Compared with the previous methods, the method we proposed for relational triple extraction has the following advantages: 1) The table filling method that saves more running space enhances the speed and efficiency of the model. 2) Based on the features of existing token pairs and table relations, reasoning the implicit relationship features, and improve the accuracy of triple extraction. On five benchmark datasets, we evaluated the model we suggested. The result suggest that our model is advanced and effective, and it performed well on most of these datasets

    CodeKGC: Code Language Model for Generative Knowledge Graph Construction

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    Current generative knowledge graph construction approaches usually fail to capture structural knowledge by simply flattening natural language into serialized texts or a specification language. However, large generative language model trained on structured data such as code has demonstrated impressive capability in understanding natural language for structural prediction and reasoning tasks. Intuitively, we address the task of generative knowledge graph construction with code language model: given a code-format natural language input, the target is to generate triples which can be represented as code completion tasks. Specifically, we develop schema-aware prompts that effectively utilize the semantic structure within the knowledge graph. As code inherently possesses structure, such as class and function definitions, it serves as a useful model for prior semantic structural knowledge. Furthermore, we employ a rationale-enhanced generation method to boost the performance. Rationales provide intermediate steps, thereby improving knowledge extraction abilities. Experimental results indicate that the proposed approach can obtain better performance on benchmark datasets compared with baselines. Code and datasets are available in https://github.com/zjunlp/DeepKE/tree/main/example/llm.Comment: Work in progres

    Mutually Guided Few-shot Learning for Relational Triple Extraction

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    Knowledge graphs (KGs), containing many entity-relation-entity triples, provide rich information for downstream applications. Although extracting triples from unstructured texts has been widely explored, most of them require a large number of labeled instances. The performance will drop dramatically when only few labeled data are available. To tackle this problem, we propose the Mutually Guided Few-shot learning framework for Relational Triple Extraction (MG-FTE). Specifically, our method consists of an entity-guided relation proto-decoder to classify the relations firstly and a relation-guided entity proto-decoder to extract entities based on the classified relations. To draw the connection between entity and relation, we design a proto-level fusion module to boost the performance of both entity extraction and relation classification. Moreover, a new cross-domain few-shot triple extraction task is introduced. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms many state-of-the-art methods by 12.6 F1 score on FewRel 1.0 (single-domain) and 20.5 F1 score on FewRel 2.0 (cross-domain).Comment: Accepted by ICASSP 202

    Extracting Relational Triples Based on Graph Recursive Neural Network via Dynamic Feedback Forest Algorithm

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    Extracting relational triples (subject, predicate, object) from text enables the transformation of unstructured text data into structured knowledge. The named entity recognition (NER) and the relation extraction (RE) are two foundational subtasks in this knowledge generation pipeline. The integration of subtasks poses a considerable challenge due to their disparate nature. This paper presents a novel approach that converts the triple extraction task into a graph labeling problem, capitalizing on the structural information of dependency parsing and graph recursive neural networks (GRNNs). To integrate subtasks, this paper proposes a dynamic feedback forest algorithm that connects the representations of subtasks by inference operations during model training. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    INFINITY: A Simple Yet Effective Unsupervised Framework for Graph-Text Mutual Conversion

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    Graph-to-text (G2T) generation and text-to-graph (T2G) triple extraction are two essential tasks for constructing and applying knowledge graphs. Existing unsupervised approaches turn out to be suitable candidates for jointly learning the two tasks due to their avoidance of using graph-text parallel data. However, they are composed of multiple modules and still require both entity information and relation type in the training process. To this end, we propose INFINITY, a simple yet effective unsupervised approach that does not require external annotation tools or additional parallel information. It achieves fully unsupervised graph-text mutual conversion for the first time. Specifically, INFINITY treats both G2T and T2G as a bidirectional sequence generation task by fine-tuning only one pretrained seq2seq model. A novel back-translation-based framework is then designed to automatically generate continuous synthetic parallel data. To obtain reasonable graph sequences with structural information from source texts, INFINITY employs reward-based training loss by leveraging the advantage of reward augmented maximum likelihood. As a fully unsupervised framework, INFINITY is empirically verified to outperform state-of-the-art baselines for G2T and T2G tasks

    Generative Knowledge Graph Construction: A Review

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    Generative Knowledge Graph Construction (KGC) refers to those methods that leverage the sequence-to-sequence framework for building knowledge graphs, which is flexible and can be adapted to widespread tasks. In this study, we summarize the recent compelling progress in generative knowledge graph construction. We present the advantages and weaknesses of each paradigm in terms of different generation targets and provide theoretical insight and empirical analysis. Based on the review, we suggest promising research directions for the future. Our contributions are threefold: (1) We present a detailed, complete taxonomy for the generative KGC methods; (2) We provide a theoretical and empirical analysis of the generative KGC methods; (3) We propose several research directions that can be developed in the future.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 2022 (oral) and a public repository is available in https://github.com/zjunlp/Generative_KG_Construction_Paper
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