9,778 research outputs found

    Efficient Fuzzy Set Theoretic Approach to Image Corner Matching

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    Corner matching in digital images is a key step in several applications in computer vision such as motion estimation, object recognition and localization, 3D reconstruction etc. Accuracy and reliability of corner matching algorithms are two important criteria. In this paper, corner correspondence between two images is established in the presence of intensity variations, inherent noise and motion blur using a fuzzy set theoretic similarity measure. The proposed matching algorithm needs to extract set of corner points as candidates from both the frames. Fuzzy set theoretic similarity measure is used here as fuzzy logic is a powerful tool which is able to deal with ambiguous data. Experimental results conducted with the help of various test images show that the proposed approach is superior compared existing corner matching algorithms (conventional and recent) considered in this paper under non-ideal conditions. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15021

    Machine-Part cell formation through visual decipherable clustering of Self Organizing Map

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    Machine-part cell formation is used in cellular manufacturing in order to process a large variety, quality, lower work in process levels, reducing manufacturing lead-time and customer response time while retaining flexibility for new products. This paper presents a new and novel approach for obtaining machine cells and part families. In the cellular manufacturing the fundamental problem is the formation of part families and machine cells. The present paper deals with the Self Organising Map (SOM) method an unsupervised learning algorithm in Artificial Intelligence, and has been used as a visually decipherable clustering tool of machine-part cell formation. The objective of the paper is to cluster the binary machine-part matrix through visually decipherable cluster of SOM color-coding and labelling via the SOM map nodes in such a way that the part families are processed in that machine cells. The Umatrix, component plane, principal component projection, scatter plot and histogram of SOM have been reported in the present work for the successful visualization of the machine-part cell formation. Computational result with the proposed algorithm on a set of group technology problems available in the literature is also presented. The proposed SOM approach produced solutions with a grouping efficacy that is at least as good as any results earlier reported in the literature and improved the grouping efficacy for 70% of the problems and found immensely useful to both industry practitioners and researchers.Comment: 18 pages,3 table, 4 figure

    A Novel Approach to Face Recognition using Image Segmentation based on SPCA-KNN Method

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    In this paper we propose a novel method for face recognition using hybrid SPCA-KNN (SIFT-PCA-KNN) approach. The proposed method consists of three parts. The first part is based on preprocessing face images using Graph Based algorithm and SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) descriptor. Graph Based topology is used for matching two face images. In the second part eigen values and eigen vectors are extracted from each input face images. The goal is to extract the important information from the face data, to represent it as a set of new orthogonal variables called principal components. In the final part a nearest neighbor classifier is designed for classifying the face images based on the SPCA-KNN algorithm. The algorithm has been tested on 100 different subjects (15 images for each class). The experimental result shows that the proposed method has a positive effect on overall face recognition performance and outperforms other examined methods

    Feature fusion for facial landmark detection: A feature descriptors combination approach

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    Facial landmark detection is a crucial first step in facial analysis for biometrics and numerous other applications. However, it has proved to be a very challenging task due to the numerous sources of variation in 2D and 3D facial data. Although landmark detection based on descriptors of the 2D and 3D appearance of the face has been extensively studied, the fusion of such feature descriptors is a relatively under-studied issue. In this report, a novel generalized framework for combining facial feature descriptors is presented, and several feature fusion schemes are proposed and evaluated. The proposed framework maps each feature into a similarity score, combines the individual similarity scores into a resultant score, used to select the optimal solution for a queried landmark. The evaluation of the proposed fusion schemes for facial landmark detection clearly indicates that a quadratic distance to similarity mapping in conjunction with a root mean square rule for similarity fusion achieves the best performance in accuracy, efficiency, robustness and monotonicity

    Enhanced Fuzzy Feature Match Algorithm for Mehndi Fingerprints

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    The performance of biometric system is degraded by the distortions occurred in finger print image acquisition. This paper focuses on nonlinear distortions occurred due to �Mehndi / Heena drawn on the palm/fingers. The present invention is to detect and rectify such distortions using feedback paradigm. If image is of good quality, there is no need to renovate features. So, quality of whole image is checked by generating exponential similarity distribution. Quality of local region is checked by the ridge continuity map and ridge clarity map. Then, we check whether feedback is needed or not. The desired features such as ridge structure, minutiae point, orientation, etc. are renovated using feedback paradigm. Feedback is taken from top K matched template fingerprints registered in the database. Fuzzy logic handles uncertainties and imperfections in images. For matching, we have proposed the Enhanced Fuzzy Feature Match (EFFM) for estimating triangular feature set of distance between minutiae, orientation angle of minutiae, angle between the direction of minutiae points, angle between the interior bisector of triangle and the direction of minutiae, and a minutiae type. The proposed algorithm incorporates an additional parameter minutiae type that assists to improve accuracy of matching algorithm. The experimentation on 300 Mehndi fingerprints acquired using Secugen fingerprint scanner is conducted. The results positively support EEFM for its efficiency and reliability to handle distorted fingerprints matching

    An Epipolar Line from a Single Pixel

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    Computing the epipolar geometry from feature points between cameras with very different viewpoints is often error prone, as an object's appearance can vary greatly between images. For such cases, it has been shown that using motion extracted from video can achieve much better results than using a static image. This paper extends these earlier works based on the scene dynamics. In this paper we propose a new method to compute the epipolar geometry from a video stream, by exploiting the following observation: For a pixel p in Image A, all pixels corresponding to p in Image B are on the same epipolar line. Equivalently, the image of the line going through camera A's center and p is an epipolar line in B. Therefore, when cameras A and B are synchronized, the momentary images of two objects projecting to the same pixel, p, in camera A at times t1 and t2, lie on an epipolar line in camera B. Based on this observation we achieve fast and precise computation of epipolar lines. Calibrating cameras based on our method of finding epipolar lines is much faster and more robust than previous methods.Comment: WACV 201