3 research outputs found

    Software Agent Architecture for Managing Inter-Organizational Collaborations

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    The growing importance of cooperation among organizations, as a result of globalization, current market opportunities and technological advances, encourages organizations to dynamically establish inter-organizational collaborations. These collaborations are carried out by executing collaborative business processes among the organizations. In this work we propose an agent-based software architecture for managing inter-organizational collaborations. Two types of agents are provided: the Collaboration Administrator Agent and the Process Administrator Agent. The former allows organizations setting up collaborations. The latter allows organizations executing collaborative business processes. A Colored Petri Net model specifying the role, which an organization fulfills in a collaborative process, is used to carry out the behavior of the Process Administrator Agent that represents the organization. Planning and execution of the actions of the Process Administrator Agents are driven by a Colored Petri Net machine embedded to them. Thus, Process Administrator Agents do not require to have defined at design-time the protocols they can support. In addition, we propose a model-driven development method for generating Colored Petri Net models from a collaborative process model defined as interaction protocol. Finally, an implementation of the agent-based software architecture and methods based on model-driven development are presented.La creciente importancia de la cooperaci贸n entre las organizaciones, como consecuencia de la globalizaci贸n, las oportunidades actuales de mercado y los avances tecnol贸gicos, alienta a las organizaciones a establecer en forma din谩mica colaboraciones inter-organizacionales. Estas colaboraciones se llevan a cabo mediante la ejecuci贸n de procesos de negocio colaborativos entre las organizaciones. En este trabajo de investigaci贸n se propone una arquitectura basada en agentes de software para la gesti贸n de colaboraciones inter-organizacionales. La arquitectura provee dos tipos de agentes: el Agente Administrador de Colaboraciones y el Agente Administrador de Proceso. El primer agente permite a las organizaciones a establecer colaboraciones. El segundo agente habilita a las organizaciones ejecutar procesos de negocio colaborativos. El rol que una organizaci贸n desempe帽a en un proceso colaborativo es especificado mediante un modelo de redes de Petri coloreadas. Este modelo es usado para dirigir el comportamiento del Agente Administrador de Proceso, el cual representa a una organizaci贸n. La ejecuci贸n de los planes y las acciones del Agente Administrador de Proceso son dirigidas mediante una m谩quina de redes de Petri coloreadas embebida en el agente. Entonces, los Agentes Administrador de Proceso no requieren tener definido en tiempo de dise帽o los protocolos que dan soporte a su comportamiento. Adicionalmente, se propone un m茅todo basado en el desarrollo dirigido por modelos para la generaci贸n en forma autom谩tica de modelos de redes de Petri coloreadas a partir de un modelo de procesos de negocio colaborativo definido como protocolo de interacci贸n. Finalmente, la implementaci贸n de la arquitectura y los m茅todos basados en el desarrollo dirigido por modelos son presentados.Fil: Tello Leal, Edgar. Universidad Aut贸noma de Tamaulipas; M茅xicoFil: Chiotti, Omar Juan Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Dise帽o (i); ArgentinaFil: Villarreal, Pablo David. Universidad Tecnologica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo de Ingenieria En Sistemas de Informacion; Argentin

    Formal analysis of executions of organizational scenarios based on process-oriented specifications

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    Abstract This paper presents various formal techniques for analysis of executions of organizational scenarios based on specifications of organizations. Organizational specifications describe (prescribe) ordering and timing relations on organizational processes, modes of use of resources, allocations of actors to processes, etc. The actual execution may diverge from scenarios (pre)defined by a specification. A part of techniques proposed in this paper is dedicated to establishing the correspondence between a formalized execution (i.e., a trace) and the corresponding specification. Other techniques proposed in this paper provide the analyst with wide possibilities to evaluate organizational performance and to identify bottlenecks and other inefficiencies in the organizational operation. For the proposed formal analysis the order-sorted predicate Temporal Trace Language (TTL) is used and it is supported by the dedicated software tool TTL Checker. The analysis approaches considered in this paper are illustrated by a case study in the context of an organization from the security domain. 漏 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009