85 research outputs found

    Practically Efficient Secure Computation of Rank-based Statistics Over Distributed Datasets

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    In this paper, we propose a practically efficient model for securely computing rank-based statistics, e.g., median, percentiles and quartiles, over distributed datasets in the malicious setting without leaking individual data privacy. Based on the binary search technique of Aggarwal et al. (EUROCRYPT \textquotesingle 04), we respectively present an interactive protocol and a non-interactive protocol, involving at most logR\log ||R|| rounds, where R||R|| is the range size of the dataset elements. Besides, we introduce a series of optimisation techniques to reduce the round complexity. Our computing model is modular and can be instantiated with either homomorphic encryption or secret-sharing schemes. Compared to the state-of-the-art solutions, it provides stronger security and privacy while maintaining high efficiency and accuracy. Unlike differential-privacy-based solutions, it does not suffer a trade-off between accuracy and privacy. On the other hand, it only involves O(NlogR)O(N \log ||R||) time complexity, which is far more efficient than those bitwise-comparison-based solutions with O(N2logR)O(N^2\log ||R||) time complexity, where NN is the dataset size. Finally, we provide a UC-secure instantiation with the threshold Paillier cryptosystem and Σ\Sigma-protocol zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge

    Efficient Online-friendly Two-Party ECDSA Signature

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    Two-party ECDSA signatures have received much attention due to their widespread deployment in cryptocurrencies. Depending on whether or not the message is required, we could divide two-party signing into two different phases, namely, offline and online. Ideally, the online phase should be made as lightweight as possible. At the same time, the cost of the offline phase should remain similar to that of a normal signature generation. However, the existing two-party protocols of ECDSA are not optimal: either their online phase requires decryption of a ciphertext, or their offline phase needs at least two executions of multiplicative-to-additive conversion which dominates the overall complexity. This paper proposes an online-friendly two-party ECDSA with a lightweight online phase and a single multiplicative-to-additive function in the offline phase. It is constructed by a novel design of a re-sharing of the secret key and a linear sharing of the nonce. Our scheme significantly improves previous protocols based on either oblivious transfer or homomorphic encryption. We implement our scheme and show that it outperforms prior online-friendly schemes (i.e., those have lightweight online cost) by a factor of roughly 2 to 9 in both communication and computation. Furthermore, our two-party scheme could be easily extended to the 22-out-of-nn threshold ECDSA

    PERM: Practical reputation-based blacklisting without TTPs

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    Some users may misbehave under the cover of anonymity by, e.g., defacing webpages on Wikipedia or posting vulgar comments on YouTube. To prevent such abuse, a few anonymous credential schemes have been proposed that revoke access for misbehaving users while maintaining their anonymity such that no trusted third party (TTP) is involved in the revocation process. Recently we proposed BLACR, a TTP-free scheme that supports ‘reputation-based blacklisting’ — the service provider can score users’ anonymous sessions (e.g., good vs. inappropriate comments) and users with insufficient reputation are denied access. The major drawback of BLACR is the linear computational overhead in the size of the reputation list, which allows it to support reputation for only a few thousand user sessions in practical settings. We propose PERM, a revocationwindow- based scheme (misbehaviors must be caught within a window of time), which makes computation independent of the size of the reputation list. PERM thus supports millions of user sessions and makes reputation-based blacklisting practical for large-scale deployments

    Linear Communication in Malicious Majority MPC

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    The SPDZ multiparty computation protocol allows nn parties to securely compute arithmetic circuits over a finite field, while tolerating up to n1n − 1 active corruptions. A line of work building upon SPDZ have made considerable improvements to the protocol’s performance, typically focusing on concrete efficiency. However, the communication complexity of each of these protocols is Ω(n2C)\Omega(n^2 |C|). In this paper, we present a protocol that achieves O(nC)O(n|C|) communication. Our construction is very similar to those in the SPDZ family of protocols, but for one modular sub-routine for computing a verified sum. There are a handful of times in the SPDZ protocols in which the nn parties wish to sum nn public values. Rather than requiring each party to broadcast their input to all other parties, clearly it is cheaper to use some designated dealer to compute and broadcast the sum. In prior work, it was assumed that the cost of verifying the correctness of these sums is O(n2)O(n^2 ), erasing the benefit of using a dealer. We show how to amortize this cost over the computation of multiple sums, resulting in linear communication complexity whenever the circuit size is C>n|C| > n

    Practical Delegatable Anonymous Credentials From Equivalence Class Signatures

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    Anonymous credentials systems (ACs) are a powerful cryptographic tool for privacy-preserving applications and provide strong user privacy guarantees for authentication and access control. ACs allow users to prove possession of attributes encoded in a credential without revealing any information beyond them. A delegatable AC (DAC) system is an enhanced AC system that allows the owners of credentials to delegate the obtained credential to other users. This allows to model hierarchies as usually encountered within public-key infrastructures (PKIs). DACs also provide stronger privacy guarantees than traditional AC systems since the identities of issuers and delegators are also hidden. A credential issuer\u27s identity may convey information about a user\u27s identity even when all other information about the user is protected. We present a novel delegatable anonymous credential scheme that supports attributes, provides anonymity for delegations, allows the delegators to restrict further delegations, and also comes with an efficient construction. In particular, our DAC credentials do not grow with delegations, i.e., are of constant size. Our approach builds on a new primitive that we call structure-preserving signatures on equivalence classes on updatable commitments (SPSEQ-UC). The high-level idea is to use a special signature scheme that can sign vectors of set commitments which can be extended by additional set commitments. Signatures additionally include a user\u27s public key, which can be switched. This allows us to efficiently realize delegation in the DAC. Similar to conventional SPSEQ signatures, the signatures and messages can be publicly randomized and thus allow unlinkable showings in the DAC system. We present further optimizations such as cross-set commitment aggregation that, in combination, enable selective, efficient showings in the DAC without using costly zero-knowledge proofs. We present an efficient instantiation that is proven to be secure in the generic group model and finally demonstrate the practical efficiency of our DAC by presenting performance benchmarks based on an implementation

    Compute, but Verify: Efficient Multiparty Computation over Authenticated Inputs

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    Traditional notions of secure multiparty computation (MPC) allow mutually distrusting parties to jointly compute a function over their private inputs, but typically do not specify how these inputs are chosen. Motivated by real-world applications where corrupt inputs could adversely impact privacy and operational legitimacy, we consider a notion of authenticated MPC where the inputs are authenticated, e.g., signed using a digital signature by some certification authority. We propose a generic and efficient compiler that transforms any linear secret sharing based honest-majority MPC protocol into one with input authentication. Our compiler incurs significantly lower computational costs and competitive communication overheads when compared to the best existing solutions, while entirely avoiding the (potentially expensive) protocol-specific techniques and pre-processing requirements that are inherent to these solutions. For nn-party honest majority MPC protocols with abort security where each party has \ell inputs, our compiler incurs O(nlog)O(n\log \ell) communication overall and a computational overhead of O()O(\ell) group exponentiations per party (the corresponding overheads for the most efficient existing solution are O(n2)O(n^2) and O(n)O(\ell n)). Finally, for a corruption threshold t<n/3t<n/3, our compiler preserves the stronger identifiable abort security of the underlying MPC protocol. No existing solution for authenticated MPC achieves this regardless of the corruption threshold. Along the way, we make several technical contributions that are of independent interest. This includes the notion of distributed proofs of knowledge and concrete realizations of the same for several relations of interest, such as proving knowledge of many popularly used digital signature schemes, and proving knowledge of opening of a Pedersen commitment

    UTT: Decentralized Ecash with Accountable Privacy

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    We present UnTraceable Transactions (UTT), a system for decentralized ecash with accountable privacy. UTT is the first ecash system that obtains three critical properties: (1) it provides decentralized trust by implementing the ledger, bank, auditor, and registration authorities via threshold cryptography and Byzantine Fault Tolerant infrastructure; (2) it balances accountability and privacy by implementing anonymity budgets: users can anonymously send payments, but only up to a limited amount of currency per month. Past this point, transactions can either be made public or subjected to customizable auditing rules; (3) by carefully choosing cryptographic building blocks and co-designing the cryptography and decentralization, UTT is tailored for high throughput and low latency. With a combination of optimized cryptographic building blocks and vertical scaling (optimistic concurrency control), UTT can provide almost 1,000 payments with accountable privacy per second, with latencies of around 100 milliseconds and less. Through horizontal scaling (multiple shards), UTT can scale to tens of thousands of such transactions per second. With 60 shards we measure over 10,000 transactions with accountable privacy per second. We formally define and prove the security of UTT using an MPC-style ideal functionality. Along the way, we define a new MPC framework that captures the security of reactive functionalities in a stand-alone setting, thus filling an important gap in the MPC literature. Our new framework is compatible with practical instantiations of cryptographic primitives and provides a trade-off between concrete efficiency and provable security that may be also useful for future work

    Threshold ECDSA for Decentralized Asset Custody

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    The surge of interest in decentralization-enabling technologies sparked by the recent success of Bitcoin and other blockchains has led to several new challenges in cryptography and protocol design. One such challenge concerns the widely used digital signature scheme -- ECDSA -- that has in particular been chosen to secure transactions in Bitcoin and several other blockchain systems. To empower decentralized interoperability between such blockchains one would like to implement distributed custody over Bitcoin accounts, which technically can be realized via a threshold ECDSA protocol. Even though several threshold ECDSA protocols already exist, as we argue, due to lack of robustness in signature generation, they are not well suited for deployment scenarios with large committees of parties, out of which a significant fraction might be malicious or prone to DDoS attacks. We propose a new threshold ECDSA protocol that improves upon the state-of-the-art solutions by enabling robustness and fault attributability during signature generation. In addition to that, we improve the signing time and bandwidth of previous solutions by moving expensive operations that are oblivious to the signed message to a separate setup phase. Finally, we back our theoretical results via an empirical evaluation of our protocol in large-scale experiments in LAN and WAN settings

    Feta: Efficient Threshold Designated-Verifier Zero-Knowledge Proofs

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    Zero-Knowledge protocols have increasingly become both popular and practical in recent years due to their applicability in many areas such as blockchain systems. Unfortunately, public verifiability and small proof sizes of zero-knowledge protocols currently come at the price of strong assumptions, large prover time, or both, when considering statements with millions of gates. In this regime, the most prover-efficient protocols are in the designated verifier setting, where proofs are only valid to a single party that must keep a secret state. In this work, we bridge this gap between designated-verifier proofs and public verifiability by distributing the verifier. Here, a set of verifiers can then verify a proof and, if a given threshold tt of the nn verifiers is honest and trusted, can act as guarantors for the validity of a statement. We achieve this while keeping the concrete efficiency of current designated-verifier proofs, and present constructions that have small concrete computation and communication cost. We present practical protocols in the setting of threshold verifiers with t<n/4t<n/4 and t<n/3t<n/3, for which we give performance figures, showcasing the efficiency of our approach

    Post-Quantum EPID Signatures from Symmetric Primitives

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    EPID signatures are used extensively in real-world systems for hardware enclave attestation. As such, there is a strong interest in making these schemes post-quantum secure. In this paper we initiate the study of EPID signature schemes built only from symmetric primitives, such as hash functions and PRFs. We present two constructions in the random oracle model. The first is a scheme satisfying the EPID signature syntax and security definitions needed for private hardware attestation used in Intel’s SGX. The second achieves significantly shorter signatures for many applications, including the use case of remote hardware attestation. While our EPID signatures for attestation are longer than standard post-quantum signatures, they are short enough for applications where the data being signed is large, such as analytics on large private data sets, or streaming media to a trusted display. We evaluate several instantiations of our schemes so that the costs and benefits of these constructions are clear. Along the way we also give improvements to the zero-knowledge Merkle inclusion proofs of Derler et al. (2017)