55 research outputs found

    A note on the local nilpotence of 4-Engel groups

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    MSC 20F45 Recently Havas and Vaughan-Lee proved that 4-Engel groups are locally nilpotent. Their proof relies on the fact that a certain 4-Engel group T is nilpotent and this they prove using a computer and the Knuth-Bendix algorithm. In this paper we give a short hand-proof of the nilpotency of T

    Ultraproducts and metastability

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    Given a convergence theorem in analysis, under very general conditions a model-theoretic compactness argument implies that there is a uniform bound on the rate of metastability. We illustrate with three examples from ergodic theory

    Combinatorial Polynomial Identity Theory

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    This dissertation consists of two parts. Part I examines certain Burnside-type conditions on the multiplicative semigroup of an (associative unital) algebra AA. A semigroup SS is called nn-collapsing if, for every a1,…,an∈Sa_1,\ldots, a_n \in S, there exist functions f≠gf\neq g on the set {1,2,…,n}\{1,2,\ldots,n\} such that \begin{center} sf(1)⋯sf(n)=sg(1)⋯sg(n)s_{f(1)}\cdots s_{f(n)} = s_{g(1)}\cdots s_{g(n)}. \end{center} If ff and gg can be chosen independently of the choice of s1,…,sns_1,\ldots,s_n, then SS satisfies a semigroup identity. A semigroup SS is called nn-rewritable if ff and gg can be taken to be permutations. Semple and Shalev extended Zelmanov\u27s Fields Medal writing solution of the Restricted Burnside Problem by proving that every finitely generated residually finite collapsing group is virtually nilpotent. The primary result of Part I is that the following conditions are equivalent for every algebra AA over an infinite field: the multiplicative semigroup of AA is collapsing, AA satisfies a multiplicative semigroup identity, and AA satisfies an Engel identity: [x,my]=0[x,_my]=0. Furthermore, in this case, AA is locally (upper) Lie nilpotent. It is also shown that, if the multiplicative semigroup of AA is rewritable, then AA must be commutative. In Part II of this dissertation, we study algebraic analogues to well-known problems of Philip Hall on the verbal and marginal subgroups of a group. We begin by proving two algebraic analogues of the Schur-Baer-Hall Theorem: if GG is a group such that G/\centre_n(G) is finite, where \centre_n(G) is the nthn^{\text{th}} higher centre of GG, then the (n+1)st(n+1)^{\text{st}} term, \g_{n+1}(G), of the lower central series of GG is also finite; conversely, if \g_{n+1}(G) is finite, then so is G/\centre_{2n}(G). Next, we prove results of a more general type. Given an algebra AA and a polynomial ff, we define the verbal subspace, §A(f)\S_A(f), of AA to be spanned by the set of ff-values in AA, the verbal subalgebra, \A_A(f), and the verbal ideal, \I_A(f), of AA to be generated by the set of ff-values in AA. We also define the marginal subspace §^A(f)\widehat{\S}_A(f) of AA to be the set of all elements z∈Az \in A such that \begin{center} f(b_1,\ldots,b_{i-1},b_i+\a z,b_{i+1},\ldots,b_n)=f(b_1,\ldots,b_{i-1},b_i,b_{i+1},\ldots,b_n), \end{center} for all i=1,2,…,ni=1,2,\ldots,n, b1,…,bn∈Ab_1,\ldots,b_n \in A, and \a \in K. Furthermore, we define the marginal subalgebra, \widehat{\A}_A(f), and the marginal ideal, \widehat{\I}_A(f), to be the largest subalgebra, respectively, largest ideal, of AA contained in §^A(f)\widehat{\S}_A(f). We consider the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item If §^A(f)\widehat{\S}_A(f) is of finite codimension in AA, is §A(f)\S_A(f) finite-dimensional? \item If §A(f)\S_A(f) is finite-dimensional, is §^A(f)\widehat{\S}_A(f) of finite codimension in AA? \item If §A(f)\S_A(f) is finite-dimensional, is \A_A(f) or \I_A(f) finite-dimensional? \item If A/§^A(f)A/\widehat{\S}_A(f) is finite-dimensional, is A/\widehat{\A}_A(f) or A/\widehat{\I}_A(f) finite-dimensional? \end{enumerate

    Engel groups

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