4 research outputs found

    A Note on Fault Diagnosis Algorithms

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    In this paper we review algorithms for checking diagnosability of discrete-event systems and timed automata. We point out that the diagnosability problems in both cases reduce to the emptiness problem for (timed) B\"uchi automata. Moreover, it is known that, checking whether a discrete-event system is diagnosable, can also be reduced to checking bounded diagnosability. We establish a similar result for timed automata. We also provide a synthesis of the complexity results for the different fault diagnosis problems.Comment: Note: This paper is an extended version of the paper published in the proceedings of CDC'09, 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, P.R. China, December 2009

    The Complexity of Codiagnosability for Discrete Event and Timed Systems

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    In this paper we study the fault codiagnosis problem for discrete event systems given by finite automata (FA) and timed systems given by timed automata (TA). We provide a uniform characterization of codiagnosability for FA and TA which extends the necessary and sufficient condition that characterizes diagnosability. We also settle the complexity of the codiagnosability problems both for FA and TA and show that codiagnosability is PSPACE-complete in both cases. For FA this improves on the previously known bound (EXPTIME) and for TA it is a new result. Finally we address the codiagnosis problem for TA under bounded resources and show it is 2EXPTIME-complete.Comment: 24 pages

    Distributed synchronous diagnosis of discrete-event systems

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    Recently, the centralized and decentralized synchronous diagnosis of discreteevent systems have been proposed in the literature. In this work, we propose a di erent synchronous diagnosis strategy called distributed synchronous diagnosis. In this scheme, local diagnosers are computed based on the observation of the fault-free behavior models of the system components. It is considered that these local diagnosers are separated into networks, and are capable of communicating the occurrence of events and their current state estimate to other local diagnosers that belong to the same network. The diagnosers are implemented considering an speci c communication protocol that re nes the state estimate of the faultfree behavior of the system modules, reducing, therefore, the augmented fault-free language considered for synchronous diagnosis. In order to do so, boolean conditions are added to the transitions of the fault-free component models, which check if the occurrence of an observable event is possible according to the current state estimate of other local diagnosers. This leads to the notion of distributed synchronous diagnosability. An algorithm to verify the distributed synchronous diagnosability with polynomial complexity in the state-space of the system component models is proposed.Recentemente, o diagnóstico síncrono centralizado e descentralizado de sistemas a eventos discretos foi proposto na literatura. Neste trabalho, propomos uma estratégia de diagnóstico síncrono diferente, denominada diagnóstico síncrono distribuído. Neste esquema, diagnosticadores locais são construídos com base na observação do comportamento livre de falha dos componentes do sistema. Considera-se que esses diagnosticadores locais são agrupados em redes de comunicação e capazes de informar a ocorrência de eventos e sua estimativa de estado atual a outros diagnosticadores locais pertencentes à mesma rede. Os diagnosticadores são implementados considerando um protocolo de comunicação específico, o qual refina a estimativa de estado do comportamento livre de falha dos módulos do sistema, reduzindo, portanto, a linguagem aumentada livre de falha considerada no diagnóstico síncrono. Isso é feito com a adição de condições booleanas para a transposição de transições dos modelos livre de falha dos componentes do sistema, as quais verificam se a ocorrência de um evento observável é possível de acordo com a estimativa do estado atual dos outros diagnosticadores locais. Isso leva à noção de diagnosticabilidade síncrona distribuída. Um algoritmo para verificar a diagnosticabilidade síncrona distribuída com complexidade polinomial no espaço de estados dos modelos dos componentes do sistema é proposto