49 research outputs found

    Projection results for the k-partition problem

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    The k-partition problem is an NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem with many applications. Chopra and Rao introduced two integer programming formulations of this problem, one having both node and edge variables, and the other having only edge variables. We show that, if we take the polytopes associated with the ā€˜edge-onlyā€™ formulation, and project them into a suitable subspace, we obtain the polytopes associated with the ā€˜node-and-edgeā€™ formulation. This result enables us to derive new valid inequalities and separation algorithms, and also to shed new light on certain SDP relaxations. Computational results are also presented

    A two-level graph partitioning problem arising in mobile wireless communications

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    In the k-partition problem (k-PP), one is given an edge-weighted undirected graph, and one must partition the node set into at most k subsets, in order to minimise (or maximise) the total weight of the edges that have their end-nodes in the same cluster. Various hierarchical variants of this problem have been studied in the context of data mining. We consider a 'two-level' variant that arises in mobile wireless communications. We show that an exact algorithm based on intelligent preprocessing, cutting planes and symmetry-breaking is capable of solving small- and medium-size instances to proven optimality, and providing strong lower bounds for larger instances