26,243 research outputs found

    The terms in Lucas sequences divisible by their indices

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    For Lucas sequences of the first kind (u_n) and second kind (v_n) defined as usual for positive n by u_n=(a^n-b^n)/(a-b), v_n=a^n+b^n, where a and b are either integers or conjugate quadratic integers, we describe the set of indices n for which n divides u_n and also the set of indices n for which n divides v_n. Building on earlier work, particularly that of Somer, we show that the numbers in these sets can be written as a product of a so-called basic number, which can only be 1, 6 or 12, and particular primes, which are described explicitly. Some properties of the set of all primes that arise in this way is also given, for each kind of sequence

    Lucas' theorem: its generalizations, extensions and applications (1878--2014)

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    In 1878 \'E. Lucas proved a remarkable result which provides a simple way to compute the binomial coefficient (nm){n\choose m} modulo a prime pp in terms of the binomial coefficients of the base-pp digits of nn and mm: {\it If pp is a prime, n=n0+n1p+⋯+nspsn=n_0+n_1p+\cdots +n_sp^s and m=m0+m1p+⋯+mspsm=m_0+m_1p+\cdots +m_sp^s are the pp-adic expansions of nonnegative integers nn and mm, then \begin{equation*} {n\choose m}\equiv \prod_{i=0}^{s}{n_i\choose m_i}\pmod{p}. \end{equation*}} The above congruence, the so-called {\it Lucas' theorem} (or {\it Theorem of Lucas}), plays an important role in Number Theory and Combinatorics. In this article, consisting of six sections, we provide a historical survey of Lucas type congruences, generalizations of Lucas' theorem modulo prime powers, Lucas like theorems for some generalized binomial coefficients, and some their applications. In Section 1 we present the fundamental congruences modulo a prime including the famous Lucas' theorem. In Section 2 we mention several known proofs and some consequences of Lucas' theorem. In Section 3 we present a number of extensions and variations of Lucas' theorem modulo prime powers. In Section 4 we consider the notions of the Lucas property and the double Lucas property, where we also present numerous integer sequences satisfying one of these properties or a certain Lucas type congruence. In Section 5 we collect several known Lucas type congruences for some generalized binomial coefficients. In particular, this concerns the Fibonomial coefficients, the Lucas uu-nomial coefficients, the Gaussian qq-nomial coefficients and their generalizations. Finally, some applications of Lucas' theorem in Number Theory and Combinatorics are given in Section 6.Comment: 51 pages; survey article on Lucas type congruences closely related to Lucas' theore

    The congruence of Wolstenholme and generalized binomial coefficients related to Lucas sequences

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    Using generalized binomial coefficients with respect to fundamental Lucas sequences we establish congruences that generalize the classical congruence of Wolstenholme and other related stronger congruences.Comment: 23 page

    Note on Ward-Horadam H(x) - binomials' recurrences and related interpretations, II

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    We deliver here second new H(x)−binomials′\textit{H(x)}-binomials' recurrence formula, were H(x)−binomials′H(x)-binomials' array is appointed by Ward−HoradamWard-Horadam sequence of functions which in predominantly considered cases where chosen to be polynomials . Secondly, we supply a review of selected related combinatorial interpretations of generalized binomial coefficients. We then propose also a kind of transfer of interpretation of p,q−binomialp,q-binomial coefficients onto q−binomialq-binomial coefficients interpretations thus bringing us back to Gyo¨rgyPoˊlyaGy{\"{o}}rgy P\'olya and Donald Ervin Knuth relevant investigation decades ago.Comment: 57 pages, 8 figure

    On numbers nn dividing the nnth term of a linear recurrence

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    Here, we give upper and lower bounds on the count of positive integers n≤xn\le x dividing the nnth term of a nondegenerate linearly recurrent sequence with simple roots
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