2 research outputs found

    Infinite mixture-of-experts model for sparse survival regression with application to breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: We present an infinite mixture-of-experts model to find an unknown number of sub-groups within a given patient cohort based on survival analysis. The effect of patient features on survival is modeled using the Cox's proportionality hazards model which yields a non-standard regression component. The model is able to find key explanatory factors (chosen from main effects and higher-order interactions) for each sub-group by enforcing sparsity on the regression coefficients via the Bayesian Group-Lasso. RESULTS: Simulated examples justify the need of such an elaborate framework for identifying sub-groups along with their key characteristics versus other simpler models. When applied to a breast-cancer dataset consisting of survival times and protein expression levels of patients, it results in identifying two distinct sub-groups with different survival patterns (low-risk and high-risk) along with the respective sets of compound markers. CONCLUSIONS: The unified framework presented here, combining elements of cluster and feature detection for survival analysis, is clearly a powerful tool for analyzing survival patterns within a patient group. The model also demonstrates the feasibility of analyzing complex interactions which can contribute to definition of novel prognostic compound markers

    A nonparametric Bayesian approach to detecting spatial activation patterns in fMRI data

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    Abstract. Traditional techniques for statistical fMRI analysis are often based on thresholding of individual voxel values or averaging voxel values over a region of interest. In this paper we present a mixture-based response-surface technique for extracting and characterizing spatial clusters of activation patterns from fMRI data. Each mixture component models a local cluster of activated voxels with a parametric surface function. A novel aspect of our approach is the use of Bayesian nonparametric methods to automatically select the number of activation clusters in an image. We describe an MCMC sampling method to estimate both parameters for shape features and the number of local activations at the same time, and illustrate the application of the algorithm to a number of different fMRI brain images.