613 research outputs found

    Poboljšana elektromagnetska kompatibilnost (EMC) sklopnog energetskog pretvarača sa slučajnom modulacijom

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    This paper surveys some analytical and experimental results concerning different randomized modulation strategies in switched-mode power converters (SMPCs). After a short review of practical experiences within the literature it presents the benefits of several randomized schemes for power converters (i.e. reduced electromagnetic interference - EMI, and lower acoustic noise). It also introduces the mathematical background for dealing with randomized modulation within the medium-frequency range: power spectrum density (PSD). Finally, the EMI measurements confirm the improved EMC performances of the randomized boost rectifier, as also in the DC-DC buck converter.Ovaj članak istražuje analitičke i eksperimentalne rezultate različitih slučajnih strategija modulacije u sklopnim energetskim pretvaračima (SMPCs). Nakon kratkog pregleda praktičnih iskustava iz literature, predstavljene su prednosti nekoliko slučajnih shema za energetske pretvarače (smanjena elektromagnetska interferencija - EMI, i niži akustični šum). Također, uvedena je matematička podloga za rad sa slučajnom modulacijom u području srednjih frekvencija: spektralna gustoća snage (PSD). Konačno, EMI mjerenja potvrđuju poboljšanja EMC performansi slučajnih uzlaznih ispravljača, kao i DC-DC silaznih pretvarača

    A DDS-Based Wait-Free Phase-Continuous Carrier Frequency Modulation Strategy for EMI Reduction in FPGA-Based Motor Drive

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    The effect of EMI generated from spread-spectrum modulated converters on the power line communication systems

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    Over the last few years, the smart grid and renewable energy environment have attracted heightened interest and relevance from governments and investors for the purpose of decreasing their dependency on fossil fuels as a source of energy. Consequently, the dependency on the power converters and the communication systems continues to rise in order to link the grid elements with each other, thereby creating a complex environment. As such, one of the challenges resulting from this ‘complex’ environment is the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) between the smart grid devices. In most cases, the power converter’s modulation is the main source of emissions in the smart grid. Thus, the focus of this thesis remains only on the conducted emissions in the low-frequency range. The EMC standards deal with managing the amplitude of the emissions generated from the devices at any given frequency range. A great many studies have been interested in the use of Spread-Spectrum modulation (SSM) as an Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) amplitude mitigation tool. Notably, the communication systems operating in the smart grid are the main victim, as most of the power converters switching modulation frequencies lay in the same frequency range as the communication systems.The SSM works to distribute the signal power by randomizing the modulation parameters. The PLC system works by the OFDM modulation, which works also by distributing the communication signal to several sub-carriers. To meet the research needs, a proposed testbed is implemented to couple both the power and the communication circuit. The performance of the communication system is analysed under several various operating scenarios using two approaches to assure the robustness of the results— (1) measuring the Frame Error Rate (FER) throughout the communication channel, and; (2) calculating the channel capacity of the used channel by the Shannon Hartley equation. In conclusion, the purpose of the thesis is to assure the robustness of the power line communication data transmission capability by controlling the modulation parameters of power electronic converters working in nearby electromagnetic environments