275 research outputs found

    A comparison of crossover operators in neural network feature selection with multiobjective evolutionary algorithms

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    Genetic algorithms are often employed for neural network feature selection. The efficiency of the search for a good subset of features, depends on the capability of the recombination operator to construct building blocks which perform well, based on existing genetic material. In this paper, a commonality-based crossover operator is employed, in a multiobjective evolutionary setting. The operator has two main characteristics: first, it exploits the concept that common schemata are more likely to form useful building blocks; second, the offspring produced are similar to their parents in terms of the subset size they encode. The performance of the novel operator is compared against that of uniform, 1 and 2-point crossover, in feature selection with probabilistic neural networks

    An Improved NSGA-II and its Application for Reconfigurable Pixel Antenna Design

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    Based on the elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) for multi-objective optimization problems, an improved scheme with self-adaptive crossover and mutation operators is proposed to obtain good optimization performance in this paper. The performance of the improved NSGA-II is demonstrated with a set of test functions and metrics taken from the standard literature on multi-objective optimization. Combined with the HFSS solver, one pixel antenna with reconfigurable radiation patterns, which can steer its beam into six different directions (θDOA = ± 15°, ± 30°, ± 50°) with a 5 % overlapping impedance bandwidth (S11 < − 10 dB) and a realized gain over 6 dB, is designed by the proposed self-adaptive NSGA-II

    Совместная реализация генетического алгоритма с FDTD-методом

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