11 research outputs found

    RFDA: Reliable framework for data administration based on split-merge policy

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    Emerging technologies in cloud environment have not only increased its use but also posed some severe issues. These issues can cause considerable harm not only to data storage but also to the large amount of data in distributed file structure which are being used in collaborative sharing. The data sharing technique in the cloud is prone to many flaws and is easily attacked. The conventional cryptographic mechanism is not robust enough to provide a secure authentication. In this paper, we overcome this issue with our proposed Reliable Framework for Data Administration (RFDA) using split-merge policy, developed to enhance data security. The proposed RFDA performs splitting of data in a unique manner using 128 AES encryption key. Different slots of the encrypted key are placed in different places of rack servers of different cloud zones. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed system are analyzed using comparative analysis from which it is seen that the proposed system has outperformed the existing and conventional security standard

    A Survey on Secured Cloud Data Transaction Techniques

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    In the fast and furious world of Information Technology, one of the renowned phrase that has diminished all the vintage tools and boomed to a higher level with greater versatility of computing is cloud computing. It has created a stereotypical image that it could be more promising with multiple boons like flexibility, scalability, reliability and unsubstantial and limited operational costs. Though there are many valuable points to be considered in cloud computing, it has been noted that the latent cloud users are afraid of using this technology because of the unaddressed security reasons so that there is an exaggerated possibilities of hacking of information and loss of data. To overcome this scenario, we have taken an efficient approach in our research to facilitate the cloud users with proper asylum. In the stated article we examine the main covenant concerns present in this technology nowadays based on a skeleton for refuge subsists adopted from cloud service providers. Although there has been many solutions offered for this problem by many researchers, there are many flaws that has to be detected and eliminated out and has to be sorted out properly to enhance the users of cloud computing with exultation. Security issues linking to reliability, multitenancy, and group should be scrutinized extra fathomage for cloud to swamp over its security barricade and steps forward towards extensive agreement. The purpose of the paper is to offer a technique that enables Cloud Computing method to accomplish the efficiency of using the system assets and potency of the security examines without exchange between them

    Proneo: Large File Transfer using Webworkers and Cloud Services

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    Cloud computing is a term, which involves virtualization, distributed computing, networking, and web services. Efficient data transfer among the cloud server and client. Cloud storage enables users to remotely store and retrieve their data. In previous work, the data are stored in the cloud using dynamic data operation with computation which makes the user need to make a copy for further updating and verification of the data loss. The objective of our project is to propose the partitioning method & web workers for the data storage which avoids the local copy at the user side. The cryptography technologies offer encryption and decryption of the data and user authentication information to protect it from the unauthorized user or attacker. MD5 based file encryption system for exchanging information or data is included in this model. This ensures secure authentication system and hiding information from others. The Cloud server allows user to store their data on a cloud without worrying about correctness & integrity of data. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15052

    Framework to establish offline file sharing in Application as a service layer in cloud computing

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    Term cloud computing has opened entire new domain of computability, reliability and efficiency. Organizations can now focus on providing targeted services to consumers rather than considering infrastructure and resource issues. Cloud consumers can enjoy ease of computing and power of reliability but cloud service providers have to ensure many measures to let cloud services be reality and reliable. Consumers can store their valuable data on cloud and can use them as and when required. This leads to some key points like security of cloud data should be considered, sharing of cloud data as per requirement should be done. Allocation of required resources to the consumers should be done efficiently and above all, cloud service providers should have opportunity to gain some economical values. This research paper is based on providing some mechanism to allow file sharing among various cloud users. This paper proposed a framework that can be followed to easily share file residing on cloud with another cloud user. In this framework, concept of cryptography has been used to generate secure key that can be shared among users. Cryptography allows encryption and decryption of different normal text to some cipher text that cannot be interpreted easily. This paper has proposed secure mechanism of generating key, sharing a key and validating use of key for given file. Most important aspect considered in this research paper is, the user who owns a file and wants to provide access to other user don’t have internet access at hand. Framework uses mobile technology to contact service providers and generate a key as and when needed. Keywords— Cloud computing, cryptography, AES, RSA, Security, Authentication, Validation, Application as a servic

    Hybrid Compressed Hash Based Homomorphic AB Encryption Algorithm for Security of data in the Cloud Environment

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    Cloud computing is an emerging technology in the world of computing. It provides a convenient virtual environment for on-demand access to different type of services and computing resources such as applications, networks and storage space in an efficient way. The virtual environment is a massive compound structure in terms of accessibility that made easy in a compact way and familiar of functional components. The complexity in virtual environment generates several issues related to data storage, data security, authorization and authentication in cloud computing. With the size of the data, it becomes difficult to the cloud user to store large amounts of information in the remote cloud servers due to high computational cost, insecurity and costs high per hour proportional to the volume of information. In this paper, we propose compressed hash based encrypted model for the virtual environment. The aim of this paper is to store huge amount of data in the cloud environment in the form of compressed and encrypted data in a secure way

    Investigational Analysis of Security Measures Effectiveness in Cloud Computing: A Study

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    In the modern era of business operation, the technical adoption of cloud services are high on rise by the large scale to small scale business establishment on various products and services. Needless to say that with the rise of adoption also gives birth to security concerns as cloud runs on common internet which are also used by trillions of internet-users. There are various means by which introducing a malicious program inside the cloud is not that complicated task for attacker. The various services providers as well as past researcher have introduced some of the potential security features which is claimed to be highly effective. However, accomplishing fail-proof security systems in cloud is never witnessed nor reported by any user or researcher, which clearly specifies that security problems do persist and are on exponential rise. Therefore, this paper discusses about the security issues in cloud supported by brief description of standard security models currently available in cloud. With extensive literatures on the existing security solutions, a significant research gap is explored in robust authentication system in cloud services. Keywords-component; Security, Cloud Computing,attacks, security model

    Multidimensional: User with File Content and Server’s status based Authentication for Secure File Operations in Cloud

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    The popularity of data storage in cloud servers is getting more and more favoured in recent times. Its ease of storage, availability and synchronization of personalized cloud file storage using client applications made cloud storage more popular than ever. In cloud storage system, using a basic authentication method like username and password are still one of the most popular forms of authentication. However, the security ensure by such traditional authentication method is weak and vulnerable because the user name and password can be compromised by intruders or the user account can be left open by forgetting to logoff in public computers, leading to exposure of information to unauthorised users and hackers. In recent years, using a two-factor authentication has become a trend throughout network-based cloud services, online banking system and any form of services that requires user authentication. Here, in this paper a second layer authentication in the form of session key is used to ensure the authenticity of the activities of the user after user’s web-based account is logged-in successfully. The interesting and the critical contribution in this paper is the way the session key is generated and delivers to the authentic user. The key is generated by using the hash value of the file content, file size, file last modified, pseudo-random generated by the server using CPU temperature, clock speed, system time, and network packet timings, and user based 8 digit random position selection from a 32 digit Hex to mitigate against the attacker while performing vital file activities which may lead to data lost or data destruction or when user’s credentials are compromised

    Treasure Island Security framework : A Generic Security Framework for public clouds

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    In this thesis we introduce a generic security framework for public clouds called Treasure Island Security framework that is designed to address the issues related to cloud computing security and specifically key-management in untrusted domains. Nowadays many cloud structure and services are provided but as an inevitable concomitant to these new products, security issues increase rapidly. Availability, integrity of data, lack of trust, confidentiality as well as security issues are also of great importance to cloud computing users; they may be more skeptical of the cloud services when they feel that they might lose the control over their data or the structures that the cloud provided for them.   Because of deferred control of data from customers to cloud providers and unknown number of third parties in between, it is almost impossible to apply traditional security methods. We present our security framework, with distributed key and sequential addressing in a simple abstract mode with a master server and adequate number of chunk servers. We assume a fixed chunk size model for large files and sequentially distribution file system with 4 separated key to decrypt/encrypt file. After reviewing the process, we analyze the Distributed Key and Sequentially Addressing Distributed file system and it's Security Risk Model. The focus of this thesis is on increasing security in untrusted domain especially in the cloud key management in public cloud. We discuss cryptographic approaches in key-management and suggest a novel cryptographic method for public cloud's key-management system based on forward-secure public key encryption, which supports a non-interactive publicly verifiable secret sharing scheme through a tree access structure. We believe that Treasure Island Security Framework can provide an increased secure environment in untrusted domains, like public cloud, in which users can securely reconstruct their secret-keys (e.g. lost passphrases). Finally, we discuss the advantages and benefits of Cloud Computing Security Framework with Distributed Key and Sequentially Addressing Distributed file system and cryptographic approaches and how it helps to improve the security levels in cloud systems.  M.S