2 research outputs found

    Statistical static timing analysis of nonzero clock skew circuit

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    As microprocessor and ASIC manufacturers continue to push the limits of transistor sizing into the sub-100nm regime, variations in the manufacturing process lead to increased uncertainty about the exact geometry and performance of the resulting devices. Traditional corner-based Static Timing Analysis (STA) assumes worst-case values for process parameters such as transistor channel length and threshold voltage when verifying integrated circuit timing performance. This has become unrea-sonably pessimistic and causes over-design that degrades full-chip performance, wastes engineering effort, and erodes profits while providing negligible yield improvement. Recently, Statistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA) methods, which model process variations statistically as probability distribution functions (PDFs) rather than deterministically, have emerged to more accurately portray integrated circuit performance. This analysis has been thoroughly performed on traditional zero clock skew circuits where the synchronizing clock signal is assumed to arrive in phase with respect to each register. However, designers will often schedule the clock skew to different registers in order to decrease the minimum clock period of the entire circuit. Clock skew scheduling (CSS) imparts very different timing constraints that are based, in part, on the topology of the circuit. In this thesis, SSTA is applied to nonzero clock skew circuits in order to determine the accuracy improvement relative to their zero skew counterparts, and also to assess how the results of skew scheduling might be impacted with more accurate statistical modeling. For 99.7% timing yield (3 variation), SSTA is observed to improve the accuracy, and therefore increase the timing margin, of nonzero clock skew circuits by up to 2.5x, and on average by 1.3x, the amount seen by zero skew circuits.M.S., Computer Engineering -- Drexel University, 200

    An advanced Framework for efficient IC optimization based on analytical models engine

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    En base als reptes sorgits a conseqüència de l'escalat de la tecnologia, la present tesis desenvolupa i analitza un conjunt d'eines orientades a avaluar la sensibilitat a la propagació d'esdeveniments SET en circuits microelectrònics. S'han proposant varies mètriques de propagació de SETs considerant l'impacto dels emmascaraments lògic, elèctric i combinat lògic-elèctric. Aquestes mètriques proporcionen una via d'anàlisi per quantificar tant les regions més susceptibles a propagar SETs com les sortides més susceptibles de rebre'ls. S'ha desenvolupat un conjunt d'algorismes de cerca de camins sensibilitzables altament adaptables a múltiples aplicacions, un sistema lògic especific i diverses tècniques de simplificació de circuits. S'ha demostrat que el retard d'un camí donat depèn dels vectors de sensibilització aplicats a les portes que formen part del mateix, essent aquesta variació de retard comparable a la atribuïble a les variacions paramètriques del proces.En base a los desafíos surgidos a consecuencia del escalado de la tecnología, la presente tesis desarrolla y analiza un conjunto de herramientas orientadas a evaluar la sensibilidad a la propagación de eventos SET en circuitos microelectrónicos. Se han propuesto varias métricas de propagación de SETs considerando el impacto de los enmascaramientos lógico, eléctrico y combinado lógico-eléctrico. Estas métricas proporcionan una vía de análisis para cuantificar tanto las regiones más susceptibles a propagar eventos SET como las salidas más susceptibles a recibirlos. Ha sido desarrollado un conjunto de algoritmos de búsqueda de caminos sensibilizables altamente adaptables a múltiples aplicaciones, un sistema lógico especifico y diversas técnicas de simplificación de circuitos. Se ha demostrado que el retardo de un camino dado depende de los vectores de sensibilización aplicados a las puertas que forman parte del mismo, siendo esta variación de retardo comparable a la atribuible a las variaciones paramétricas del proceso.Based on the challenges arising as a result of technology scaling, this thesis develops and evaluates a complete framework for SET propagation sensitivity. The framework comprises a number of processing tools capable of handling circuits with high complexity in an efficient way. Various SET propagation metrics have been proposed considering the impact of logic, electric and combined logic-electric masking. Such metrics provide a valuable vehicle to grade either in-circuit regions being more susceptible of propagating SETs toward the circuit outputs or circuit outputs more susceptible to produce SET. A quite efficient and customizable true path finding algorithm with a specific logic system has been constructed and its efficacy demonstrated on large benchmark circuits. It has been shown that the delay of a path depends on the sensitization vectors applied to the gates within the path. In some cases, this variation is comparable to the one caused by process parameters variation