17 research outputs found

    Adsorption–desorption based random number generator

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    Data tracking and hacking is especially dangerous in modern defence forces where classified data transmission must envolve cryptographic methods for secure and reliable data coding. The more unpredictable the cipher is, the more reliable is the message. Hardware random number generator or true random number generator (TRNG) is crucial part for every telecommunication system that involves secure and confidential electronic data transfer (official state agencies, e-banking, military data networks…) because it generates random numbers from a physical process which provides statistically random noise signals, which are trully unpredictable contrary to pseudo-random number generators generated by various software algorithms. A typical hardware random noise generators employs transducer to convert random physical process (thermal noise, photoelectric effect or other quantum phenomena) to electrical signal, amplifiers and AD convertors. On the other hand, pseudo-random number generation based on methods and algorithms may be examined by statistical tests for randomnes and proove if it is cryptographically secure. We analyze the possibility to implement adsorption-based sensors noise for the creation of allgorithm for pseudo-random number generaton and also the possibility of adsorption-based hardware random generator

    An entity access control model for network services management

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    The Network Services Management Framework tries to overcome the most important limitations of present network management frameworks, namely the most widely supported framework – the Internet Network Management Framework – by defining a management framework using a network services management distributed architecture that provides services management functions with any desired level of functionality. This document introduces one of the most important parts of this framework, the Entity Access Control Model and the mechanisms needed to its deployment: management entities and management domains, entity access and resources control management, and security mechanisms (authentication, data integrity verification, confidentiality and non-repudiation assurances). This model, although originally developed to be integrated on the Network Services Management Framework, can be completely integrated or partially adopted by other frameworks since it supports a wide range of conceptual and functional requisites recognised to be fundamental to the future of modern distributed network management frameworks

    Атаки на потокові шифри, що поєднують статистичні та алгебраїчні методи

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    В статье рассмотрены атаки на потоковые шифры, в которых статистические методы, основанные в 80-х годах, сочетаются с алгебраическими методами, которые активно разрабатываются в последние годы.У статті розглянуто атаки на потокові шифри, у яких статистичні методи, започатковані у 80-х роках, поєднуються з алгебраїчними методами, які активно розробляються в останні роки

    NESHA-256, NEw 256-bit Secure Hash Algorithm (Extended Abstract)

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    In this paper, we introduce a new dedicated 256-bit hash function: NESHA-256. The recently contest for hash functions held by NIST, motivates us to design the new hash function which has a parallel structure. Advantages of parallel structures and also using some ideas from the designing procedure of block-cipher-based hash functions strengthen our proposed hash function both in security and in efficiency. NESHA-256 is designed not only to have higher security but also to be faster than SHA-256: the performance of NESHA-256 is at least 38% better than that of SHA-256 in software. We give security proofs supporting our design, against existing known cryptographic attacks on hash functions

    О стойкости кодового зашумления к статистическому анализу наблюдаемых данных многократного повторения

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    We investigate the firmness of code noising to the statistical analysis of the evesdropped messages of repeated repetition. We give a structural description of the model of secured data transmission and construct an information analytical model of the observer. The formula for computing amount of volume, necessary for distinguishing alternative hypothesis with given errors of first and second sorts by sample of codewords is obtained.Исследуется стойкость кодового зашумления к статистическому анализу многократно перехваченных сообщений. Приведено структурное описание модели исследуемой схемы защищенной передачи данных и построена информационно-аналитическая модель наблюдателя. Получена оценка объема однородной выборки перехваченных сообщений, необходимого для различения двух конкурирующих гипотез о посланном информационном сообщении с заданными вероятностями ошибок первого и второго рода.

    Security Evaluation of Stream Cipher Enocoro-128v2

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    Abstract in Undetermined This report presents a security evaluation of the Enocoro-128v2 stream cipher. Enocoro-128v2 was proposed in 2010 and is a member of the Enocoro family of stream ciphers. This evaluation examines several different attacks applied to the Enocoro-128v2 design. No attack better than exhaustive key search has been found

    Turbo SHA-2

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    In this paper we describe the construction of Turbo SHA-2 family of cryptographic hash functions. They are built with design components from the SHA-2 family, but the new hash function has three times more chaining variables, it is more robust and resistant against generic multi-block collision attacks, its design is resistant against generic length extension attacks and it is 2 - 8 times faster than the original SHA-2. It uses two novel design principles in the design of hash functions: {\em 1. Computations in the iterative part of the compression function start by using variables produced in the message expansion part that have the complexity level of a random Boolean function, 2. Variables produced in the message expansion part are not discarded after the processing of the current message block, but are used for the construction of the three times wider chain for the next message block.} These two novel principles combined with the already robust design principles present in SHA-2 (such as the nonlinear message expansion part), enabled us to build the compression function of Turbo SHA-2 that has just 16 new variables in the message expansion part (compared to 48 for SHA-256 and 64 for SHA-512) and just 8 rounds in the iterative part (compared to 64 for SHA-256 and 80 for SHA-512)

    Higher order differentiation over finite fields with applications to generalising the cube attack

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    Higher order differentiation was introduced in a cryptographic context by Lai. Several attacks can be viewed in the context of higher order differentiations, amongst them the cube attack of Dinur and Shamir and the AIDA attack of Vielhaber. All of the above have been developed for the binary case. We examine differentiation in larger fields, starting with the field GF(p) of integers modulo a prime p, and apply these techniques to generalising the cube attack to GF(p). The crucial difference is that now the degree in each variable can be higher than one, and our proposed attack will differentiate several times with respect to each variable (unlike the classical cube attack and its larger field version described by Dinur and Shamir, both of which differentiate at most once with respect to each variable). Connections to the Moebius/Reed Muller Transform over GF(p) are also examined. Finally we describe differentiation over finite fields GF(ps) with ps elements and show that it can be reduced to differentiation over GF(p), so a cube attack over GF(ps) would be equivalent to cube attacks over GF(p)

    Higher order differentiation over finite fields with applications to generalising the cube attack

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    Higher order differentiation was introduced in a cryptographic context by Lai. Several attacks can be viewed in the context of higher order differentiations, amongst them the cube attack of Dinur and Shamir and the AIDA attack of Vielhaber. All of the above have been developed for the binary case. We examine differentiation in larger fields, starting with the field GF(p) of integers modulo a prime p, and apply these techniques to generalising the cube attack to GF(p). The crucial difference is that now the degree in each variable can be higher than one, and our proposed attack will differentiate several times with respect to each variable (unlike the classical cube attack and its larger field version described by Dinur and Shamir, both of which differentiate at most once with respect to each variable). Connections to the Moebius/Reed Muller Transform over GF(p) are also examined. Finally we describe differentiation over finite fields GF(ps) with ps elements and show that it can be reduced to differentiation over GF(p), so a cube attack over GF(ps) would be equivalent to cube attacks over GF(p)

    Testing the Randomness of Cryptographic Function Mappings

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    A cryptographic function with a fixed-length output, such as a block cipher, hash function, or message authentication code (MAC), should behave as a random mapping. The mapping\u27s randomness can be evaluated with statistical tests. Statistical test suites typically used to evaluate cryptographic functions, such as the NIST test suite, are not well-suited for testing fixed-output-length cryptographic functions. Also, these test suites employ a frequentist approach, making it difficult to obtain an overall evaluation of the mapping\u27s randomness. This paper describes CryptoStat, a test suite that overcomes the aforementioned deficiencies. CryptoStat is specifically designed to test the mappings of fixed-output-length cryptographic functions, and CryptoStat employs a Bayesian approach that quite naturally yields an overall evaluation of the mappings\u27 randomness. Results of applying CryptoStat to reduced-round and full-round versions of the AES block ciphers and the SHA-1 and SHA-2 hash functions are reported; the results are analyzed to determine the algorithms\u27 randomness margins