719,019 research outputs found

    A Self-Organization Framework for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks as Small Worlds

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    Motivated by the benefits of small world networks, we propose a self-organization framework for wireless ad hoc networks. We investigate the use of directional beamforming for creating long-range short cuts between nodes. Using simulation results for randomized beamforming as a guideline, we identify crucial design issues for algorithm design. Our results show that, while significant path length reduction is achievable, this is accompanied by the problem of asymmetric paths between nodes. Subsequently, we propose a distributed algorithm for small world creation that achieves path length reduction while maintaining connectivity. We define a new centrality measure that estimates the structural importance of nodes based on traffic flow in the network, which is used to identify the optimum nodes for beamforming. We show, using simulations, that this leads to significant reduction in path length while maintaining connectivity.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    A guided Monte Carlo method for optimization problems

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    We introduce a new Monte Carlo method by incorporating a guided distribution function to the conventional Monte Carlo method. In this way, the efficiency of Monte Carlo methods is drastically improved. To further speed up the algorithm, we include two more ingredients into the algorithm. First, we freeze the sub-patterns that have high probability of appearance during the search for optimal solution, resulting in a reduction of the phase space of the problem. Second, we perform the simulation at a temperature which is within the optimal temperature range of the optimization search in our algorithm. We use this algorithm to search for the optimal path of the traveling salesman problem and the ground state energy of the spin glass model and demonstrate that its performance is comparable with more elaborate and heuristic methods.Comment: 4 pages, ReVTe

    Hyper-systolic parallel computing

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    A new class of parallel algorithms is introduced that can achieve a complexity of O(n^3/2) with respect to the interprocessor communication, in the exact computation of systems with pairwise mutual interactions of all elements. Hitherto, conventional methods exhibit a communicational complexity of O(n^2). The amount of computation operations is not altered for the new algorithm which can be formulated as a kind of h-range problem, known from the mathematical field of Additive Number Theory. We will demonstrate the reduction in communicational expense by comparing the standard-systolic algorithm and the new algorithm on the connection machine CM5 and the CRAY T3D. The parallel method can be useful in various scientific and engineering fields like exact n-body dynamics with long range forces, polymer chains, protein folding or signal processing

    FPTAS for Weighted Fibonacci Gates and Its Applications

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    Fibonacci gate problems have severed as computation primitives to solve other problems by holographic algorithm and play an important role in the dichotomy of exact counting for Holant and CSP frameworks. We generalize them to weighted cases and allow each vertex function to have different parameters, which is a much boarder family and #P-hard for exactly counting. We design a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for this generalization by correlation decay technique. This is the first deterministic FPTAS for approximate counting in the general Holant framework without a degree bound. We also formally introduce holographic reduction in the study of approximate counting and these weighted Fibonacci gate problems serve as computation primitives for approximate counting. Under holographic reduction, we obtain FPTAS for other Holant problems and spin problems. One important application is developing an FPTAS for a large range of ferromagnetic two-state spin systems. This is the first deterministic FPTAS in the ferromagnetic range for two-state spin systems without a degree bound. Besides these algorithms, we also develop several new tools and techniques to establish the correlation decay property, which are applicable in other problems
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