165 research outputs found

    Automatic Optic Disc Abnormality Detection in Fundus Images: A Deep Learning Approach

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    Optic disc (OD) is a key structure in retinal images. It serves as an indicator to detect various diseases such as glaucoma and changes related to new vessel formation on the OD in diabetic retinopathy (DR) or retinal vein occlusion. OD is also essential to locate structures such as the macula and the main vascular arcade. Most existing methods for OD localization are rule-based, either exploiting the OD appearance properties or the spatial relationship between the OD and the main vascular arcade. The detection of OD abnormalities has been performed through the detection of lesions such as hemorrhaeges or through measuring cup to disc ratio. Thus these methods result in complex and inflexible image analysis algorithms limiting their applicability to large image sets obtained either in epidemiological studies or in screening for retinal or optic nerve diseases. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end supervised model for OD abnormality detection. The most informative features of the OD are learned directly from retinal images and are adapted to the dataset at hand. Our experimental results validated the effectiveness of this current approach and showed its potential application

    Integration and fusion of standard automated perimetry and optical coherence tomography data for improved automated glaucoma diagnostics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The performance of glaucoma diagnostic systems could be conceivably improved by the integration of functional and structural test measurements that provide relevant and complementary information for reaching a diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the performance of data fusion methods and techniques for simple combination of Standard Automated Perimetry (SAP) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) data for the diagnosis of glaucoma using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Humphrey 24-2 SITA standard SAP and StratusOCT tests were prospectively collected from a randomly selected population of 125 healthy persons and 135 patients with glaucomatous optic nerve heads and used as input for the ANNs. We tested commercially available standard parameters as well as novel ones (fused OCT and SAP data) that exploit the spatial relationship between visual field areas and sectors of the OCT peripapillary scan circle. We evaluated the performance of these SAP and OCT derived parameters both separately and in combination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The diagnostic accuracy from a combination of fused SAP and OCT data (95.39%) was higher than that of the best conventional parameters of either instrument, i.e. SAP Glaucoma Hemifield Test (p < 0.001) and OCT Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness ≥ 1 quadrant (p = 0.031). Fused OCT and combined fused OCT and SAP data provided similar Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AROC) values of 0.978 that were significantly larger (p = 0.047) compared to ANNs using SAP parameters alone (AROC = 0.945). On the other hand, ANNs based on the OCT parameters (AROC = 0.970) did not perform significantly worse than the ANNs based on the fused or combined forms of input data. The use of fused input increased the number of tests that were correctly classified by both SAP and OCT based ANNs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Compared to the use of SAP parameters, input from the combination of fused OCT and SAP parameters, and from fused OCT data, significantly increased the performance of ANNs. Integrating parameters by including a priori relevant information through data fusion may improve ANN classification accuracy compared to currently available methods.</p


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    Glaucoma is one of the most complicated disorder in human eye that causes permanent vision loss gradually if not detect in early stage. It can damage the optic nerve without any symptoms and warnings. Different automated glaucoma detection systems were developed for analyzing glaucoma at early stage but lacked good accuracy of detection. This paper proposes a novel automated glaucoma detection system which effectively process with digital colour fundus images using hybrid classifiers. The proposed system concentrates on both Cup-to Disk Ratio (CDR) and different features to improve the accuracy of glaucoma. Morphological Hough Transform Algorithm (MHTA) is designed for optic disc segmentation. Intensity based elliptic curve method is used for separation of optic cup effectively. Further feature extraction and CDR value can be estimated. Finally, classification is performed with combination of Naive Bayes Classifier and K Nearest Neighbour (KNN). The proposed system is evaluated by using High Resolution Fundus (HRF) database which outperforms the earlier methods in literature in various performance metrics

    Automatic Detection of Optic Disc in Retinal Image by Using Keypoint Detection, Texture Analysis, and Visual Dictionary Techniques

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    With the advances in the computer field, methods and techniques in automatic image processing and analysis provide the opportunity to detect automatically the change and degeneration in retinal images. Localization of the optic disc is extremely important for determining the hard exudate lesions or neovascularization, which is the later phase of diabetic retinopathy, in computer aided eye disease diagnosis systems. Whereas optic disc detection is fairly an easy process in normal retinal images, detecting this region in the retinal image which is diabetic retinopathy disease may be difficult. Sometimes information related to optic disc and hard exudate information may be the same in terms of machine learning. We presented a novel approach for efficient and accurate localization of optic disc in retinal images having noise and other lesions. This approach is comprised of five main steps which are image processing, keypoint extraction, texture analysis, visual dictionary, and classifier techniques. We tested our proposed technique on 3 public datasets and obtained quantitative results. Experimental results show that an average optic disc detection accuracy of 94.38%, 95.00%, and 90.00% is achieved, respectively, on the following public datasets: DIARETDB1, DRIVE, and ROC

    Computational Analysis of Fundus Images: Rule-Based and Scale-Space Models

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    Fundus images are one of the most important imaging examinations in modern ophthalmology because they are simple, inexpensive and, above all, noninvasive. Nowadays, the acquisition and storage of highresolution fundus images is relatively easy and fast. Therefore, fundus imaging has become a fundamental investigation in retinal lesion detection, ocular health monitoring and screening programmes. Given the large volume and clinical complexity associated with these images, their analysis and interpretation by trained clinicians becomes a timeconsuming task and is prone to human error. Therefore, there is a growing interest in developing automated approaches that are affordable and have high sensitivity and specificity. These automated approaches need to be robust if they are to be used in the general population to diagnose and track retinal diseases. To be effective, the automated systems must be able to recognize normal structures and distinguish them from pathological clinical manifestations. The main objective of the research leading to this thesis was to develop automated systems capable of recognizing and segmenting retinal anatomical structures and retinal pathological clinical manifestations associated with the most common retinal diseases. In particular, these automated algorithms were developed on the premise of robustness and efficiency to deal with the difficulties and complexity inherent in these images. Four objectives were considered in the analysis of fundus images. Segmentation of exudates, localization of the optic disc, detection of the midline of blood vessels, segmentation of the vascular network and detection of microaneurysms. In addition, we also evaluated the detection of diabetic retinopathy on fundus images using the microaneurysm detection method. An overview of the state of the art is presented to compare the performance of the developed approaches with the main methods described in the literature for each of the previously described objectives. To facilitate the comparison of methods, the state of the art has been divided into rulebased methods and machine learningbased methods. In the research reported in this paper, rulebased methods based on image processing methods were preferred over machine learningbased methods. In particular, scalespace methods proved to be effective in achieving the set goals. Two different approaches to exudate segmentation were developed. The first approach is based on scalespace curvature in combination with the local maximum of a scalespace blob detector and dynamic thresholds. The second approach is based on the analysis of the distribution function of the maximum values of the noise map in combination with morphological operators and adaptive thresholds. Both approaches perform a correct segmentation of the exudates and cope well with the uneven illumination and contrast variations in the fundus images. Optic disc localization was achieved using a new technique called cumulative sum fields, which was combined with a vascular enhancement method. The algorithm proved to be reliable and efficient, especially for pathological images. The robustness of the method was tested on 8 datasets. The detection of the midline of the blood vessels was achieved using a modified corner detector in combination with binary philtres and dynamic thresholding. Segmentation of the vascular network was achieved using a new scalespace blood vessels enhancement method. The developed methods have proven effective in detecting the midline of blood vessels and segmenting vascular networks. The microaneurysm detection method relies on a scalespace microaneurysm detection and labelling system. A new approach based on the neighbourhood of the microaneurysms was used for labelling. Microaneurysm detection enabled the assessment of diabetic retinopathy detection. The microaneurysm detection method proved to be competitive with other methods, especially with highresolution images. Diabetic retinopathy detection with the developed microaneurysm detection method showed similar performance to other methods and human experts. The results of this work show that it is possible to develop reliable and robust scalespace methods that can detect various anatomical structures and pathological features of the retina. Furthermore, the results obtained in this work show that although recent research has focused on machine learning methods, scalespace methods can achieve very competitive results and typically have greater independence from image acquisition. The methods developed in this work may also be relevant for the future definition of new descriptors and features that can significantly improve the results of automated methods.As imagens do fundo do olho são hoje um dos principais exames imagiológicos da oftalmologia moderna, pela sua simplicidade, baixo custo e acima de tudo pelo seu carácter nãoinvasivo. A aquisição e armazenamento de imagens do fundo do olho com alta resolução é também relativamente simples e rápida. Desta forma, as imagens do fundo do olho são um exame fundamental na identificação de alterações retinianas, monitorização da saúde ocular, e em programas de rastreio. Considerando o elevado volume e complexidade clínica associada a estas imagens, a análise e interpretação das mesmas por clínicos treinados tornase uma tarefa morosa e propensa a erros humanos. Assim, há um interesse crescente no desenvolvimento de abordagens automatizadas, acessíveis em custo, e com uma alta sensibilidade e especificidade. Estas devem ser robustas para serem aplicadas à população em geral no diagnóstico e seguimento de doenças retinianas. Para serem eficazes, os sistemas de análise têm que conseguir detetar e distinguir estruturas normais de sinais patológicos. O objetivo principal da investigação que levou a esta tese de doutoramento é o desenvolvimento de sistemas automáticos capazes de detetar e segmentar as estruturas anatómicas da retina, e os sinais patológicos retinianos associados às doenças retinianas mais comuns. Em particular, estes algoritmos automatizados foram desenvolvidos segundo as premissas de robustez e eficácia para lidar com as dificuldades e complexidades inerentes a estas imagens. Foram considerados quatro objetivos de análise de imagens do fundo do olho. São estes, a segmentação de exsudados, a localização do disco ótico, a deteção da linha central venosa dos vasos sanguíneos e segmentação da rede vascular, e a deteção de microaneurismas. De acrescentar que usando o método de deteção de microaneurismas, avaliouse também a capacidade de deteção da retinopatia diabética em imagens do fundo do olho. Para comparar o desempenho das metodologias desenvolvidas neste trabalho, foi realizado um levantamento do estado da arte, onde foram considerados os métodos mais relevantes descritos na literatura para cada um dos objetivos descritos anteriormente. Para facilitar a comparação entre métodos, o estado da arte foi dividido em metodologias de processamento de imagem e baseadas em aprendizagem máquina. Optouse no trabalho de investigação desenvolvido pela utilização de metodologias de análise espacial de imagem em detrimento de metodologias baseadas em aprendizagem máquina. Em particular, as metodologias baseadas no espaço de escalas mostraram ser efetivas na obtenção dos objetivos estabelecidos. Para a segmentação de exsudados foram usadas duas abordagens distintas. A primeira abordagem baseiase na curvatura em espaço de escalas em conjunto com a resposta máxima local de um detetor de manchas em espaço de escalas e limiares dinâmicos. A segunda abordagem baseiase na análise do mapa de distribuição de ruído em conjunto com operadores morfológicos e limiares adaptativos. Ambas as abordagens fazem uma segmentação dos exsudados de elevada precisão, além de lidarem eficazmente com a iluminação nãouniforme e a variação de contraste presente nas imagens do fundo do olho. A localização do disco ótico foi conseguida com uma nova técnica designada por campos de soma acumulativos, combinada com métodos de melhoramento da rede vascular. O algoritmo revela ser fiável e eficiente, particularmente em imagens patológicas. A robustez do método foi verificada pela sua avaliação em oito bases de dados. A deteção da linha central dos vasos sanguíneos foi obtida através de um detetor de cantos modificado em conjunto com filtros binários e limiares dinâmicos. A segmentação da rede vascular foi conseguida com um novo método de melhoramento de vasos sanguíneos em espaço de escalas. Os métodos desenvolvidos mostraram ser eficazes na deteção da linha central dos vasos sanguíneos e na segmentação da rede vascular. Finalmente, o método para a deteção de microaneurismas assenta num formalismo de espaço de escalas na deteção e na rotulagem dos microaneurismas. Para a rotulagem foi utilizada uma nova abordagem da vizinhança dos candidatos a microaneurismas. A deteção de microaneurismas permitiu avaliar também a deteção da retinopatia diabética. O método para a deteção de microaneurismas mostrou ser competitivo quando comparado com outros métodos, em particular em imagens de alta resolução. A deteção da retinopatia diabética exibiu um desempenho semelhante a outros métodos e a especialistas humanos. Os trabalhos descritos nesta tese mostram ser possível desenvolver uma abordagem fiável e robusta em espaço de escalas capaz de detetar diferentes estruturas anatómicas e sinais patológicos da retina. Além disso, os resultados obtidos mostram que apesar de a pesquisa mais recente concentrarse em metodologias de aprendizagem máquina, as metodologias de análise espacial apresentam resultados muito competitivos e tipicamente independentes do equipamento de aquisição das imagens. As metodologias desenvolvidas nesta tese podem ser importantes na definição de novos descritores e características, que podem melhorar significativamente o resultado de métodos automatizados

    Deep learning analysis of eye fundus images to support medical diagnosis

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    Machine learning techniques have been successfully applied to support medical decision making of cancer, heart diseases and degenerative diseases of the brain. In particular, deep learning methods have been used for early detection of abnormalities in the eye that could improve the diagnosis of different ocular diseases, especially in developing countries, where there are major limitations to access to specialized medical treatment. However, the early detection of clinical signs such as blood vessel, optic disc alterations, exudates, hemorrhages, drusen, and microaneurysms presents three main challenges: the ocular images can be affected by noise artifact, the features of the clinical signs depend specifically on the acquisition source, and the combination of local signs and grading disease label is not an easy task. This research approaches the problem of combining local signs and global labels of different acquisition sources of medical information as a valuable tool to support medical decision making in ocular diseases. Different models for different eye diseases were developed. Four models were developed using eye fundus images: for DME, it was designed a two-stages model that uses a shallow model to predict an exudate binary mask. Then, the binary mask is stacked with the raw fundus image into a 4-channel array as an input of a deep convolutional neural network for diabetic macular edema diagnosis; for glaucoma, it was developed three deep learning models. First, it was defined a deep learning model based on three-stages that contains an initial stage for automatically segment two binary masks containing optic disc and physiological cup segmentation, followed by an automatic morphometric features extraction stage from previous segmentations, and a final classification stage that supports the glaucoma diagnosis with intermediate medical information. Two late-data-fusion methods that fused morphometric features from cartesian and polar segmentation of the optic disc and physiological cup with features extracted from raw eye fundus images. On the other hand, two models were defined using optical coherence tomography. First, a customized convolutional neural network termed as OCT-NET to extract features from OCT volumes to classify DME, DR-DME and AMD conditions. In addition, this model generates images with highlighted local information about the clinical signs, and it estimates the number of slides inside a volume with local abnormalities. Finally, a 3D-Deep learning model that uses OCT volumes as an input to estimate the retinal thickness map useful to grade AMD. The methods were systematically evaluated using ten free public datasets. The methods were compared and validated against other state-of-the-art algorithms and the results were also qualitatively evaluated by ophthalmology experts from Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional. In addition, the proposed methods were tested as a diagnosis support tool of diabetic macular edema, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration using two different ocular imaging representations. Thus, we consider that this research could be potentially a big step in building telemedicine tools that could support medical personnel for detecting ocular diseases using eye fundus images and optical coherence tomography.Las técnicas de aprendizaje automático se han aplicado con éxito para apoyar la toma de decisiones médicas sobre el cáncer, las enfermedades cardíacas y las enfermedades degenerativas del cerebro. En particular, se han utilizado métodos de aprendizaje profundo para la detección temprana de anormalidades en el ojo que podrían mejorar el diagnóstico de diferentes enfermedades oculares, especialmente en países en desarrollo, donde existen grandes limitaciones para acceder a tratamiento médico especializado. Sin embargo, la detección temprana de signos clínicos como vasos sanguíneos, alteraciones del disco óptico, exudados, hemorragias, drusas y microaneurismas presenta tres desafíos principales: las imágenes oculares pueden verse afectadas por artefactos de ruido, las características de los signos clínicos dependen específicamente de fuente de adquisición, y la combinación de signos locales y clasificación de la enfermedad no es una tarea fácil. Esta investigación aborda el problema de combinar signos locales y etiquetas globales de diferentes fuentes de adquisición de información médica como una herramienta valiosa para apoyar la toma de decisiones médicas en enfermedades oculares. Se desarrollaron diferentes modelos para diferentes enfermedades oculares. Se desarrollaron cuatro modelos utilizando imágenes de fondo de ojo: para DME, se diseñó un modelo de dos etapas que utiliza un modelo superficial para predecir una máscara binaria de exudados. Luego, la máscara binaria se apila con la imagen de fondo de ojo original en una matriz de 4 canales como entrada de una red neuronal convolucional profunda para el diagnóstico de edema macular diabético; para el glaucoma, se desarrollaron tres modelos de aprendizaje profundo. Primero, se definió un modelo de aprendizaje profundo basado en tres etapas que contiene una etapa inicial para segmentar automáticamente dos máscaras binarias que contienen disco óptico y segmentación fisiológica de la copa, seguido de una etapa de extracción de características morfométricas automáticas de segmentaciones anteriores y una etapa de clasificación final que respalda el diagnóstico de glaucoma con información médica intermedia. Dos métodos de fusión de datos tardíos que fusionaron características morfométricas de la segmentación cartesiana y polar del disco óptico y la copa fisiológica con características extraídas de imágenes de fondo de ojo crudo. Por otro lado, se definieron dos modelos mediante tomografía de coherencia óptica. Primero, una red neuronal convolucional personalizada denominada OCT-NET para extraer características de los volúmenes OCT para clasificar las condiciones DME, DR-DME y AMD. Además, este modelo genera imágenes con información local resaltada sobre los signos clínicos, y estima el número de diapositivas dentro de un volumen con anomalías locales. Finalmente, un modelo de aprendizaje 3D-Deep que utiliza volúmenes OCT como entrada para estimar el mapa de espesor retiniano útil para calificar AMD. Los métodos se evaluaron sistemáticamente utilizando diez conjuntos de datos públicos gratuitos. Los métodos se compararon y validaron con otros algoritmos de vanguardia y los resultados también fueron evaluados cualitativamente por expertos en oftalmología de la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional. Además, los métodos propuestos se probaron como una herramienta de diagnóstico de edema macular diabético, glaucoma, retinopatía diabética y degeneración macular relacionada con la edad utilizando dos representaciones de imágenes oculares diferentes. Por lo tanto, consideramos que esta investigación podría ser potencialmente un gran paso en la construcción de herramientas de telemedicina que podrían ayudar al personal médico a detectar enfermedades oculares utilizando imágenes de fondo de ojo y tomografía de coherencia óptica.Doctorad

    Intelligent optic disc segmentation using improved particle swarm optimization and evolving ensemble models

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    In this research, we propose Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-enhanced ensemble deep neural networks for optic disc (OD) segmentation using retinal images. An improved PSO algorithm with six search mechanisms to diversify the search process is introduced. It consists of an accelerated super-ellipse action, a refined super-ellipse operation, a modified PSO operation, a random leader-based search operation, an average leader-based search operation and a spherical random walk mechanism for swarm leader enhancement. Owing to the superior segmentation capabilities of Mask R-CNN, transfer learning with a PSO-based hyper-parameter identification method is employed to generate the fine-tuned segmenters for OD segmentation. Specifically, we optimize the learning parameters, which include the learning rate and momentum of the transfer learning process, using the proposed PSO algorithm. To overcome the bias of single networks, an ensemble segmentation model is constructed. It incorporates the results of distinctive base segmenters using a pixel-level majority voting mechanism to generate the final segmentation outcome. The proposed ensemble network is evaluated using the Messidor and Drions data sets and is found to significantly outperform other deep ensemble networks and hybrid ensemble clustering models that are incorporated with both the original and state-of-the-art PSO variants. Additionally, the proposed method statistically outperforms existing studies on OD segmentation and other search methods for solving diverse unimodal and multimodal benchmark optimization functions and the detection of Diabetic Macular Edema

    A Rule Based Segmentation Approaches to Extract Retinal Blood Vessels in Fundus Image

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    The physiological structures of the retinal blood vessel are one of the key features that visible in the retinal images and contain the information associate with the anatomical abnormalities. It is accepted all over the world to judge the cardiovascular and retinal disease. To avoid the risk of visual impairment, appropriate vessel segmentation is mandatory. Here has proposed a segmentation algorithm that efficiently extracts the blood vessels from the retinal fundus image. The proposed segmentation algorithm is performed Lab and Principle Component (PC) based gray level conversion, Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE), morphological operations, Local Property-Based Pixel Correction (LPBPC). For appropriate detection proposed vessels correction algorithm LPBPC that check the feature of the vessels and remove the wrong vessel detection. To measure the appropriateness of the proposed algorithm, the experimental results are compared with the corresponding ground truth images. The experimental results have shown that the proposed blood vessel algorithm is more accurate than the existing algorithms