3,913 research outputs found

    Shape Animation with Combined Captured and Simulated Dynamics

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    We present a novel volumetric animation generation framework to create new types of animations from raw 3D surface or point cloud sequence of captured real performances. The framework considers as input time incoherent 3D observations of a moving shape, and is thus particularly suitable for the output of performance capture platforms. In our system, a suitable virtual representation of the actor is built from real captures that allows seamless combination and simulation with virtual external forces and objects, in which the original captured actor can be reshaped, disassembled or reassembled from user-specified virtual physics. Instead of using the dominant surface-based geometric representation of the capture, which is less suitable for volumetric effects, our pipeline exploits Centroidal Voronoi tessellation decompositions as unified volumetric representation of the real captured actor, which we show can be used seamlessly as a building block for all processing stages, from capture and tracking to virtual physic simulation. The representation makes no human specific assumption and can be used to capture and re-simulate the actor with props or other moving scenery elements. We demonstrate the potential of this pipeline for virtual reanimation of a real captured event with various unprecedented volumetric visual effects, such as volumetric distortion, erosion, morphing, gravity pull, or collisions

    Procedural Cloudscapes

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    International audienceWe present a phenomenological approach for modeling and animating cloudscapes. We propose a compact procedural model for representing the different types of cloud over a range of altitudes. We define primitive-based field functions that allow the user to control and author the cloud cover over large distances easily. Our approach allows us to animate cloudscapes by morphing: instead of simulating the evolution of clouds using a physically-based simulation, we compute the movement of clouds using key-frame interpolation and tackle the morphing problem as an Optimal Transport problem. The trajectories of the cloud cover primitives are generated by solving an Anisotropic Shortest Path problem with a cost function that takes into account the elevation of the terrain and the parameters of the wind field

    Intelligent Generation of Graphical Game Assets: A Conceptual Framework and Systematic Review of the State of the Art

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    Procedural content generation (PCG) can be applied to a wide variety of tasks in games, from narratives, levels and sounds, to trees and weapons. A large amount of game content is comprised of graphical assets, such as clouds, buildings or vegetation, that do not require gameplay function considerations. There is also a breadth of literature examining the procedural generation of such elements for purposes outside of games. The body of research, focused on specific methods for generating specific assets, provides a narrow view of the available possibilities. Hence, it is difficult to have a clear picture of all approaches and possibilities, with no guide for interested parties to discover possible methods and approaches for their needs, and no facility to guide them through each technique or approach to map out the process of using them. Therefore, a systematic literature review has been conducted, yielding 200 accepted papers. This paper explores state-of-the-art approaches to graphical asset generation, examining research from a wide range of applications, inside and outside of games. Informed by the literature, a conceptual framework has been derived to address the aforementioned gaps

    Model for volume lighting and modeling

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    Journal ArticleAbstract-Direct volume rendering is a commonly used technique in visualization applications. Many of these applications require sophisticated shading models to capture subtle lighting effects and characteristics of volumetric data and materials. For many volumes, homogeneous regions pose problems for typical gradient-based surface shading. Many common objects and natural phenomena exhibit visual quality that cannot be captured using simple lighting models or cannot be solved at interactive rates using more sophisticated methods. We present a simple yet effective interactive shading model which captures volumetric light attenuation effects that incorporates volumetric shadows, an approximation to phase functions, an approximation to forward scattering, and chromatic attenuation that provides the subtle appearance of translucency. We also present a technique for volume displacement or perturbation that allows realistic interactive modeling of high frequency detail for both real and synthetic volumetric data

    Creation of modular 3D assets for videogames

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    Hráči počítačových her mají stále vyšší a vyšší nároky na grafické zpracování herního světa a jeho detaily. Aby jim mohlo být vyhověno, grafici musí neustále upravovat svůj přístup a používané modelovací techniky. Jeden z moderních a populárních přístupů je založen na modularitě a modulárním designu. Přestože tento přístup má spoustu benefitů, přesný popis technik a znalostí spojených s tímto konceptem není stále pevně definovaný. Tato práce poskytuje náhled na různé modelovací techniky, software pro 3D modelování a detailní popis modulárního přístupu aplikovaného v aktuálních počítačových hrách. Kombinací procedurálních modelovacích technik a modulárního designu jsme v programu Houdini připravili několik assetů už pouze čekajících na reálné využití. Dále jsme v Unreal Enginu poskládali testovací scénu a tím získali hlubší přehled o výhodách a nevýhodách použitého přístupu k tvorbě grafiky počítačových her.In order to keep up with the ever-increasing player's demand for higher visual fidelity of game environments, artists are continually implementing new modelling techniques and production methods into their workflow. One popular contemporary approach that has emerged is based on the notion of modular design. Although it offers many benefits for production workflow, the particular techniques and skills associated with this concept are still not well defined. This thesis provides an overview of various modelling techniques, 3D modelling software and thorough discussion of the modular design paradigm applied in computer games. We have combined procedural modelling techniques with the concept of modular design to create several game-ready assets in Houdini. We then assembled a simple test scene in Unreal Engine in order to gain a more in-depth insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the discussed workflow

    Interactive translucent volume rendering and procedural modeling

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    Journal ArticleDirect volume rendering is a commonly used technique in visualization applications. Many of these applications require sophisticated shading models to capture subtle lighting effects and characteristics of volume metric data and materials. Many common objects and natural phenomena exhibit visual quality that cannot be captured using simple lighting models or cannot be solved at interactive rates using more sophisticated methods. We present a simple yet effective interactive shading model which captures volumetric light attenuation effects to produce volumetric shadows and the subtle appearance of translucency. We also present a technique for volume displacement or perturbation that allows realistic interactive modeling of high frequency detail for real and synthetic volumetric data