436 research outputs found

    Empirical Forecasting Analysis of Bitcoin Prices: A Comparison of Machine learning, Deep learning, and Ensemble learning Models

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    Bitcoin has drawn a lot of interest recently as a possible high-earning investment. There are significant financial risks associated with its erratic price volatility. Therefore, investors and decision-makers place great significance on being able to precisely foresee and capture shifting patterns in the Bitcoin market. However, empirical studies on the systems that support Bitcoin trading and forecasting are still in their infancy. The suggested method will predict the prices of all key cryptocurrencies with accuracy. A number of factors are going to be taken into account in order to precisely predict the pricing. By leveraging encryption technology, cryptocurrencies may serve as an online accounting framework and a medium of exchange. The main goal of this work is to predict Bitcoin price. To address the drawbacks of traditional forecasting techniques, we use a variety of machine learning, deep learning, and ensemble learning algorithms. We conduct a performance analysis of Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Averages (ARIMA), Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM), FB-Prophet, XGBoost, and a pair of hybrid formulations, LSTM-GRU and LSTM-1D_CNN. Utilizing historical Bitcoin data from 2012 to 2020, we compared the models with their Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). The hybrid LSTM-GRU model outperforms the rest with a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.464 and a Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of 0.323. The finding has significant ramifications for market analysts and investors in digital currencies

    Financial Time-Series Forecasting: Towards Synergizing Performance And Interpretability Within a Hybrid Machine Learning Approach

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    In the realm of cryptocurrency, the prediction of Bitcoin prices has garnered substantial attention due to its potential impact on financial markets and investment strategies. This paper propose a comparative study on hybrid machine learning algorithms and leverage on enhancing model interpretability. Specifically, linear regression(OLS, LASSO), long-short term memory(LSTM), decision tree regressors are introduced. Through the grounded experiments, we observe linear regressor achieves the best performance among candidate models. For the interpretability, we carry out a systematic overview on the preprocessing techniques of time-series statistics, including decomposition, auto-correlational function, exponential triple forecasting, which aim to excavate latent relations and complex patterns appeared in the financial time-series forecasting. We believe this work may derive more attention and inspire more researches in the realm of time-series analysis and its realistic applications

    Forecasting Bitcoin Prices Using N-BEATS Deep Learning Architecture

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    The use of computationally intensive systems that employ machine learning algorithms is increasingly common in the field of finance. New state of the art deep learning architectures for time series forecasting are being developed each year making them more accurate than ever. This study evaluates the predictive power of the N-BEATS deep learning architecture trained on Bitcoin daily, hourly, and up-to-the-minute data in comparison with other popular time series forecasting methods such as LSTM and ARIMA. Prediction errors are measured with Mean Average Percentage Error (MAPE), and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). The results suggest that the developed N-BEATS model has promising predictive power compared to LSTM and ARIMA models

    A Gated Recurrent Unit Approach to Bitcoin Price Prediction

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    In today's era of big data, deep learning and artificial intelligence have formed the backbone for cryptocurrency portfolio optimization. Researchers have investigated various state of the art machine learning models to predict Bitcoin price and volatility. Machine learning models like recurrent neural network (RNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) have been shown to perform better than traditional time series models in cryptocurrency price prediction. However, very few studies have applied sequence models with robust feature engineering to predict future pricing. in this study, we investigate a framework with a set of advanced machine learning methods with a fixed set of exogenous and endogenous factors to predict daily Bitcoin prices. We study and compare different approaches using the root mean squared error (RMSE). Experimental results show that gated recurring unit (GRU) model with recurrent dropout performs better better than popular existing models. We also show that simple trading strategies, when implemented with our proposed GRU model and with proper learning, can lead to financial gain.Comment: 8 figures, 16 page

    Forecasting bitcoin prices: ARIMA vs LSTM

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    Bitcoin has recently received special attention in economics and finance as the most popular blockchain technology. This dissertation aims to discuss whether newly machine-leaning models perform better than traditional models in forecasting. Particularly, this study compares the accuracy of the prediction of bitcoin prices using two different models: Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) versus Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), in terms of forecasting errors, and Python routines were used for such purpose. Bitcoin price time series ranges from 2017-06-18 to 2019-08-07, in a daily basis, sourced from the Federal Reserve Economic Data. To compare the results of both models, data was divided into two subsets: training (83.5%) and testing (16.5%). The literature usually indicates that LSTM outperforms ARIMA. In this dissertation, the results do confirm that LSTM forecasts of bitcoin prices improve on average ARIMA predictions by 92% and 94%, according to RMSE and MAE.A Bitcoin tem recebido recentemente especial atenção em áreas como a economia e finanças por ser a mais popular tecnologia de blockchain. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo verificar se os novos modelos de machine-learning apresentam melhores resultados que os modelos tradicionais em previsões. Este estudo compara, em particular, a precisão da previsão do preço da Bitcoin usando dois modelos diferentes: Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) versus Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), em termos de erros de previsão e aplicando rotinas do Python. A análise teve como base os preços diários da Bitcoin entre 18 de junho de 2016 e 7 de agosto de 2019, retirados da base de dados da Reserva Federal. Para comparar os resultados dos dois modelos, os dados foram divididos em duas secções: o treino (83.5%) e o teste (16.5%). A literatura indica que o modelo LSTM tem uma melhor precisão que o ARIMA e nesta dissertação os resultados confirmam que o modelo LSTM melhora em média 92% e 94% a previsão do ARIMA, de acordo com o RMSE e o MAE

    Forecasting Cryptocurrency Prices Using Deep Learning: Integrating Financial, Blockchain, and Text Data

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    This paper explores the application of Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques in cryptocurrency price forecasting, specifically Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Focusing on news and social media data, primarily from Twitter and Reddit, we analyse the influence of public sentiment on cryptocurrency valuations using advanced deep learning NLP methods. Alongside conventional price regression, we treat cryptocurrency price forecasting as a classification problem. This includes both the prediction of price movements (up or down) and the identification of local extrema. We compare the performance of various ML models, both with and without NLP data integration. Our findings reveal that incorporating NLP data significantly enhances the forecasting performance of our models. We discover that pre-trained models, such as Twitter-RoBERTa and BART MNLI, are highly effective in capturing market sentiment, and that fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) also yields substantial forecasting improvements. Notably, the BART MNLI zero-shot classification model shows considerable proficiency in extracting bullish and bearish signals from textual data. All of our models consistently generate profit across different validation scenarios, with no observed decline in profits or reduction in the impact of NLP data over time. The study highlights the potential of text analysis in improving financial forecasts and demonstrates the effectiveness of various NLP techniques in capturing nuanced market sentiment