5,141 research outputs found

    Two hybrid ARQ error control schemes for near earth satellite communications

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    Two hybrid automatic repeat request (ARQ) error control schemes are proposed for NASA near earth satellite communications. Both schemes are adaptive in nature, and employ cascaded codes to achieve both high reliability and throughput efficiency for high data rate file transfer

    Scalable Quantum Networks based on Few-Qubit Registers

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    We describe and analyze a hybrid approach to scalable quantum computation based on an optically connected network of few-qubit quantum registers. We show that probabilistically connected five-qubit quantum registers suffice for deterministic, fault-tolerant quantum computation even when state preparation, measurement, and entanglement generation all have substantial errors. We discuss requirements for achieving fault-tolerant operation for two specific implementations of our approach.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (new figures 1 and 3

    Exploring More-Coherent Quantum Annealing

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    In the quest to reboot computing, quantum annealing (QA) is an interesting candidate for a new capability. While it has not demonstrated an advantage over classical computing on a real-world application, many important regions of the QA design space have yet to be explored. In IARPA's Quantum Enhanced Optimization (QEO) program, we have opened some new lines of inquiry to get to the heart of QA, and are designing testbed superconducting circuits and conducting key experiments. In this paper, we discuss recent experimental progress related to one of the key design dimensions: qubit coherence. Using MIT Lincoln Laboratory's qubit fabrication process and extending recent progress in flux qubits, we are implementing and measuring QA-capable flux qubits. Achieving high coherence in a QA context presents significant new engineering challenges. We report on techniques and preliminary measurement results addressing two of the challenges: crosstalk calibration and qubit readout. This groundwork enables exploration of other promising features and provides a path to understanding the physics and the viability of quantum annealing as a computing resource.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Accepted by the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC

    Achieving the Heisenberg limit in quantum metrology using quantum error correction

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    Quantum metrology has many important applications in science and technology, ranging from frequency spectroscopy to gravitational wave detection. Quantum mechanics imposes a fundamental limit on measurement precision, called the Heisenberg limit, which can be achieved for noiseless quantum systems, but is not achievable in general for systems subject to noise. Here we study how measurement precision can be enhanced through quantum error correction, a general method for protecting a quantum system from the damaging effects of noise. We find a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the Heisenberg limit using quantum probes subject to Markovian noise, assuming that noiseless ancilla systems are available, and that fast, accurate quantum processing can be performed. When the sufficient condition is satisfied, a quantum error-correcting code can be constructed which suppresses the noise without obscuring the signal; the optimal code, achieving the best possible precision, can be found by solving a semidefinite program.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, see also arXiv:1704.0628

    Automatic-repeat-request error control schemes

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    Error detection incorporated with automatic-repeat-request (ARQ) is widely used for error control in data communication systems. This method of error control is simple and provides high system reliability. If a properly chosen code is used for error detection, virtually error-free data transmission can be attained. Various types of ARQ and hybrid ARQ schemes, and error detection using linear block codes are surveyed

    Phase gate and readout with an atom/molecule hybrid platform

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    We suggest a combined atomic/molecular system for quantum computation, which takes advantage of highly developed techniques to control atoms and recent experimental progress in manipulation of ultracold molecules. We show that two atoms of different species in a given site, {\it e.g.}, in an optical lattice, could be used for qubit encoding, initialization and readout, with one atom carrying the qubit, the other enabling a gate. In particular, we describe how a two-qubit phase gate can be realized by transferring a pair of atoms into the ground rovibrational state of a polar molecule with a large dipole moment, and allowing two molecules to interact via their dipole-dipole interaction. We also discuss how the reverse process of coherently transferring a molecule into a pair of atoms could be used as a readout tool for molecular quantum computers

    Nonlinear feedback control of multiple robot arms

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    Multiple coordinated robot arms are modeled by considering the arms: (1) as closed kinematic chains, and (2) as a force constrained mechanical system working on the same object simultaneously. In both formulations a new dynamic control method is discussed. It is based on a feedback linearization and simultaneous output decoupling technique. Applying a nonlinear feedback and a nonlinear coordinate transformation, the complicated model of the multiple robot arms in either formulation is converted into a linear and output decoupled system. The linear system control theory and optimal control theory are used to design robust controllers in the task space. The first formulation has the advantage of automatically handling the coordination and load distribution among the robot arms. In the second formulation, by choosing a general output equation, researchers can superimpose the position and velocity error feedback with the force-torque error feedback in the task space simultaneously