1 research outputs found

    Concurrent engineering applied to key industrial sectors

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    The use of advanced techniques in work, such as concurrent engineering, on the development of projects implies that all areas involved participate from the start of the primary phases. Getting a correct product is the main target, with an estimated term and controlled and reduced costs. Working with a complex product within a context in design and manufacturing in a company in a highly competitive market, involves the problem domain as a key issue. In this paper, the development of concurrent engineering is discussed in various industrial sectors, complex sectors with high competence, that require tools and a vision aimed towards the optimization of design and development of the products that are carried out in these industrial sectors.Juárez Varón, D.; Segui Llinares, VJ.; Mengual Recuerda, A.; Ferrándiz Bou, S. (2015). Concurrent engineering applied to key industrial sectors. Annals of The University of Oradea. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering. (3):81-84. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/659468184