240,248 research outputs found

    Summarizing data with representative patterns

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.The advance of technology makes data acquisition and storage become unprecedentedly convenient. It contributes to the rapid growth of not only the volume but also the veracity and variety of data in recent years, which poses new challenges to the data mining area. For example, uncertain data mining emerges due to its capability to model the inherent veracity of data; spatial data mining attracts much research attention as the widespread of location-based services and wearable devices. As a fundamental topic of data mining, how to effectively and efficiently summarize data in this situation still remains to be explored. This thesis studied the problem of summarizing data with representative patterns. The objective is to find a set of patterns, which is much more concise but still contains rich information of the original data, and may provide valuable insights for further analysis of data. In the light of this idea, we formally formulate the problem and provide effective and efficient solutions in various scenarios. We study the problem of summarizing probabilistic frequent patterns over uncertain data. Probabilistic frequent pattern mining over uncertain data has received much research attention due to the wide applicabilities of uncertain data. It suffers from the problem of generating an exponential number of result patterns, which hinders the analysis of patterns and calls for the need to find a small number of representative patterns to approximate all other patterns. We formally formulate the problem of probabilistic representative frequent pattern (P-RFP) mining, which aims to find the minimal set of patterns with sufficiently high probability to represent all other patterns. The bottleneck turns out to be checking whether a pattern can probabilistically represent another, which involves the computation of a joint probability of the supports of two patterns. We propose a novel dynamic programming-based approach to address the problem and devise effective optimization strategies to improve the computation efficiency. To enhance the practicability of P-RFP mining, we introduce a novel approximation of the joint probability with both theoretical and empirical proofs. Based on the approximation, we propose an Approximate P-RFP Mining (APM) algorithm, which effectively and efficiently compresses the probabilistic frequent pattern set. The error rate of APM is guaranteed to be very small when the database contains hundreds of transactions, which further affirms that APM is a practical solution for summarizing probabilistic frequent patterns. We address the problem of directly summarizing uncertain transaction database by formulating the problem as Minimal Probabilistic Tile Cover Mining, which aims to find a high-quality probabilistic tile set covering an uncertain database with minimal cost. We define the concept of Probabilistic Price and Probabilistic Price Order to evaluate and compare the quality of tiles, and propose a framework to discover the minimal probabilistic tile cover. The bottleneck is to check whether a tile is better than another according to the Probabilistic Price Order, which involves the computation of a joint probability. We prove that it can be decomposed into independent terms and calculated efficiently. Several optimization techniques are devised to further improve the performance. We analyze the problem of summarizing co-locations mined from spatial databases. Co-location pattern mining finds patterns of spatial features whose instances tend to locate together in geographic space. However, the traditional framework of co-location pattern mining produces an exponential number of patterns because of the downward closure property, which makes it difficult for users to understand, assess or apply the huge number of resulted patterns. To address this issue, we study the problem of mining representative co-location patterns (RCP). We first define a covering relationship between two co-location patterns then formally formulate the problem of Representative Co-location Pattern mining. To solve the problem of RCP mining, we propose the RCPFast algorithm adopting the post-mining framework and the RCPMS algorithm pushing pattern summarization into the co-location mining process

    Exploring time diaries using semi-automated activity pattern extraction

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    Identifying patterns of activities in time diaries in order to understand the variety of daily life in terms of combinations of activities performed by individuals in different groups is of interest in time use research. So far, activity patterns have mostly been identified by visually inspecting representations of activity data or by using sequence comparison methods, such as sequence alignment, in order to cluster similar data and then extract representative patterns from these clusters. Both these methods are sensitive to data size, pure visual methods become too cluttered and sequence comparison methods become too time consuming. Furthermore, the patterns identified by both methods represent mostly general trends of activity in a population, while detail and unexpected features hidden in the data are often never revealed. We have implemented an algorithm that searches the time diaries and automatically extracts all activity patterns meeting user-defined criteria of what constitutes a valid pattern of interest for the user’s research question. Amongst the many criteria which can be applied are a time window containing the pattern, minimum and maximum occurrences of the pattern, and number of people that perform it. The extracted activity patterns can then be interactively filtered, visualized and analyzed to reveal interesting insights. Exploration of the results of each pattern search may result in new hypotheses which can be subsequently explored by altering the search criteria. To demonstrate the value of the presented approach we consider and discuss sequential activity patterns at a population level, from a single day perspective.Time-geography, diaries, everyday life, activity patterns, visualization, data mining, sequential pattern mining

    Survey Paper on Pattern-Enhanced Topic Model for Data Filtering

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    The machine learning & text mining area topic modeling has been extensively accepted etc. To generate statistical model to classify various topics in a collection of documents topic modelling was proposed. A elementary presumption for those approaches is that the documents in the collection are all about one topic. To represent number of topics in a collection of documents, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modelling technique was proposed, it is also used in the fields of information retrieval. But its effectiveness in information filtering has not been well evaluated. Patterns are usually thought to be more discriminating than single terms for demonstrating documents. To discovered pattern become crucial when selection of the most representative and discriminating patterns from the huge amount. To overcome limitations and problems, a new information model approach is proposed. Proposed model includes user information important to generate in terms of various topics where each topic is represented by patterns. Patterns are generated from topic models and are organized in terms of their statistical and taxonomic features and the most discriminating and representative patterns are proposed to estimate the document relevant to the user?s information needs in order to filter out irrelevant documents. To access the propose model TREC data collection and Reuters Corpus vol. 1 are used for performanc

    Mining Representative Unsubstituted Graph Patterns Using Prior Similarity Matrix

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    One of the most powerful techniques to study protein structures is to look for recurrent fragments (also called substructures or spatial motifs), then use them as patterns to characterize the proteins under study. An emergent trend consists in parsing proteins three-dimensional (3D) structures into graphs of amino acids. Hence, the search of recurrent spatial motifs is formulated as a process of frequent subgraph discovery where each subgraph represents a spatial motif. In this scope, several efficient approaches for frequent subgraph discovery have been proposed in the literature. However, the set of discovered frequent subgraphs is too large to be efficiently analyzed and explored in any further process. In this paper, we propose a novel pattern selection approach that shrinks the large number of discovered frequent subgraphs by selecting the representative ones. Existing pattern selection approaches do not exploit the domain knowledge. Yet, in our approach we incorporate the evolutionary information of amino acids defined in the substitution matrices in order to select the representative subgraphs. We show the effectiveness of our approach on a number of real datasets. The results issued from our experiments show that our approach is able to considerably decrease the number of motifs while enhancing their interestingness

    Mining Heterogeneous Multivariate Time-Series for Learning Meaningful Patterns: Application to Home Health Telecare

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    For the last years, time-series mining has become a challenging issue for researchers. An important application lies in most monitoring purposes, which require analyzing large sets of time-series for learning usual patterns. Any deviation from this learned profile is then considered as an unexpected situation. Moreover, complex applications may involve the temporal study of several heterogeneous parameters. In that paper, we propose a method for mining heterogeneous multivariate time-series for learning meaningful patterns. The proposed approach allows for mixed time-series -- containing both pattern and non-pattern data -- such as for imprecise matches, outliers, stretching and global translating of patterns instances in time. We present the early results of our approach in the context of monitoring the health status of a person at home. The purpose is to build a behavioral profile of a person by analyzing the time variations of several quantitative or qualitative parameters recorded through a provision of sensors installed in the home
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