10 research outputs found

    Aplicações de modelos de deep learning para monitoramento ambiental e agrícola no Brasil

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    Tese (doutorado) — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2022.Algoritmos do novo campo de aprendizado de máquina conhecido como Deep Learning têm se popularizado recentemente, mostrando resultados superiores a modelos tradicionais em métodos de classificação e regressão. O histórico de sua utilização no campo do sensoriamento remoto ainda é breve, porém eles têm mostrado resultados similarmente superiores em processos como a classificação de uso e cobertura da terra e detecção de mudança. Esta tese teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de metodologias utilizando estes algoritmos com um enfoque no monitoramento de alvos críticos no Brasil por via de imagens de satélite a fim de buscar modelos de alta precisão e acurácia para substituir metodologias utilizadas atualmente. Ao longo de seu desenvolvimento, foram produzidos três artigos onde foi avaliado o uso destes algoritmos para a detecção de três alvos distintos: (a) áreas queimadas no Cerrado brasileiro, (b) áreas desmatadas na região da Amazônia e (c) plantios de arroz no sul do Brasil. Apesar do objetivo similar na produção dos artigos, procurou-se distinguir suficientemente suas metodologias a fim de expandir o espaço metodológico conhecido para fornecer uma base teórica para facilitar e incentivar a adoção destes algoritmos em contexto nacional. O primeiro artigo avaliou diferentes dimensões de amostras para a classificação de áreas queimadas em imagens Landsat-8. O segundo artigo avaliou a utilização de séries temporais binárias de imagens Landsat para a detecção de novas áreas desmatadas entre os anos de 2017, 2018 e 2019. O último artigo utilizou imagens de radar Sentinel-1 (SAR) em uma série temporal contínua para a delimitação dos plantios de arroz no Rio Grande do Sul. Modelos similares foram utilizados em todos os artigos, porém certos modelos foram exclusivos a cada publicação, produzindo diferentes resultados. De maneira geral, os resultados encontrados mostram que algoritmos de Deep Learning são não só viáveis para detecção destes alvos mas também oferecem desempenho superior a métodos existentes na literatura, representando uma alternativa altamente eficiente para classificação e detecção de mudança dos alvos avaliados.Algorithms belonging to the new field of machine learning called Deep Learning have been gaining popularity recently, showing superior results when compared to traditional classification and regression methods. The history of their use in the field of remote sensing is not long, however they have been showing similarly superior results in processes such as land use classification and change detection. This thesis had as its objective the development of methodologies using these algorithms with a focus on monitoring critical targets in Brazil through satellite imagery in order to find high accuracy and precision models to substitute methods used currently. Through the development of this thesis, articles were produced evaluating their use for the detection of three distinct targets: (a) burnt areas in the Brazilian Cerrado, (b) deforested areas in the Amazon region and (c) rice fields in the south of Brazil. Despite the similar objective in the production of these articles, the methodologies in each of them was made sufficiently distinct in order to expand the methodological space known. The first article evaluated the use of differently sized samples to classify burnt areas in Landsat-8 imagery. The second article evaluated the use of binary Landsat time series to detect new deforested areas between the years of 2017, 2018 and 2019. The last article used continuous radar Sentinel-1 (SAR) time series to map rice fields in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Similar models were used in all articles, however certain models were exclusive to each one. In general, the results show that not only are the Deep Learning models viable but also offer better results in comparison to other existing methods, representing an efficient alternative when it comes to the classification and change detection of the targets evaluated

    Multi-source Remote Sensing for Forest Characterization and Monitoring

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    As a dominant terrestrial ecosystem of the Earth, forest environments play profound roles in ecology, biodiversity, resource utilization, and management, which highlights the significance of forest characterization and monitoring. Some forest parameters can help track climate change and quantify the global carbon cycle and therefore attract growing attention from various research communities. Compared with traditional in-situ methods with expensive and time-consuming field works involved, airborne and spaceborne remote sensors collect cost-efficient and consistent observations at global or regional scales and have been proven to be an effective way for forest monitoring. With the looming paradigm shift toward data-intensive science and the development of remote sensors, remote sensing data with higher resolution and diversity have been the mainstream in data analysis and processing. However, significant heterogeneities in the multi-source remote sensing data largely restrain its forest applications urging the research community to come up with effective synergistic strategies. The work presented in this thesis contributes to the field by exploring the potential of the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), SAR Polarimetry (PolSAR), SAR Interferometry (InSAR), Polarimetric SAR Interferometry (PolInSAR), Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and multispectral remote sensing in forest characterization and monitoring from three main aspects including forest height estimation, active fire detection, and burned area mapping. First, the forest height inversion is demonstrated using airborne L-band dual-baseline repeat-pass PolInSAR data based on modified versions of the Random Motion over Ground (RMoG) model, where the scattering attenuation and wind-derived random motion are described in conditions of homogeneous and heterogeneous volume layer, respectively. A boreal and a tropical forest test site are involved in the experiment to explore the flexibility of different models over different forest types and based on that, a leveraging strategy is proposed to boost the accuracy of forest height estimation. The accuracy of the model-based forest height inversion is limited by the discrepancy between the theoretical models and actual scenarios and exhibits a strong dependency on the system and scenario parameters. Hence, high vertical accuracy LiDAR samples are employed to assist the PolInSAR-based forest height estimation. This multi-source forest height estimation is reformulated as a pan-sharpening task aiming to generate forest heights with high spatial resolution and vertical accuracy based on the synergy of the sparse LiDAR-derived heights and the information embedded in the PolInSAR data. This process is realized by a specifically designed generative adversarial network (GAN) allowing high accuracy forest height estimation less limited by theoretical models and system parameters. Related experiments are carried out over a boreal and a tropical forest to validate the flexibility of the method. An automated active fire detection framework is proposed for the medium resolution multispectral remote sensing data. The basic part of this framework is a deep-learning-based semantic segmentation model specifically designed for active fire detection. A dataset is constructed with open-access Sentinel-2 imagery for the training and testing of the deep-learning model. The developed framework allows an automated Sentinel-2 data download, processing, and generation of the active fire detection results through time and location information provided by the user. Related performance is evaluated in terms of detection accuracy and processing efficiency. The last part of this thesis explored whether the coarse burned area products can be further improved through the synergy of multispectral, SAR, and InSAR features with higher spatial resolutions. A Siamese Self-Attention (SSA) classification is proposed for the multi-sensor burned area mapping and a multi-source dataset is constructed at the object level for the training and testing. Results are analyzed by different test sites, feature sources, and classification methods to assess the improvements achieved by the proposed method. All developed methods are validated with extensive processing of multi-source data acquired by Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR), Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), PolSARproSim+, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2. I hope these studies constitute a substantial contribution to the forest applications of multi-source remote sensing