3 research outputs found

    Monitoring environmental catastrophe area through change detection techniques

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    The use of satellite images has been very effective for monitoring the dynamics of the land use and occupation over time. For this purpose , the change detection techniques have been strong allies. These techniques have multiple complexities depending on the objective to be achieved. This study aims to evaluate the technique for land use and land cover changing detection in areas affected by the environmental disaster of November 2008 in the region of Morro do Baú, Santa Catarina, Brazil. A total of 04 (four) images from different dates between 1992 and 2009 (post-disaster) were used. The images were processed in vegetation index using bands 7 and 4 in order to minimize atmospheric and radiometric distortions. Shadow mask, construted from the digital terrain model, was developed to avoid false changes caused by shade. It was concluded that the georeferencing must be very accurate in applying these techniques. The vegetation index by using bands 7 and 4and the shadow mask, were effective in minimizing false changes. It showed that the techniques applied are effective to detect changes in areas affected by the disaster

    Advanced Pre-Processing and Change-Detection Techniques for the Analysis of Multitemporal VHR Remote Sensing Images

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    Remote sensing images regularly acquired by satellite over the same geographical areas (multitemporal images) provide very important information on the land cover dynamic. In the last years the ever increasing availability of multitemporal very high geometrical resolution (VHR) remote sensing images (which have sub-metric resolution) resulted in new potentially relevant applications related to environmental monitoring and land cover control and management. The most of these applications are associated with the analysis of dynamic phenomena (both anthropic and non anthropic) that occur at different scales and result in changes on the Earth surface. In this context, in order to adequately exploit the huge amount of data acquired by remote sensing satellites, it is mandatory to develop unsupervised and automatic techniques for an efficient and effective analysis of such kind of multitemporal data. In the literature several techniques have been developed for the automatic analysis of multitemporal medium/high resolution data. However these techniques do not result effective when dealing with VHR images. The main reasons consist in their inability both to exploit the high geometrical detail content of VHR data and to model the multiscale nature of the scene (and therefore of possible changes). In this framework it is important to develop unsupervised change-detection(CD) methods able to automatically manage the large amount of information of VHR data, without the need of any prior information on the area under investigation. Even if these methods usually identify only the presence/absence of changes without giving information about the kind of change occurred, they are considered the most interesting from an operational perspective, as in the most of the applications no multitemporal ground truth information is available. Considering the above mentioned limitations, in this thesis we study the main problems related to multitemporal VHR images with particular attention to registration noise (i.e. the noise related to a non-perfect alignment of the multitemporal images under investigation). Then, on the basis of the results of the conducted analysis, we develop robust unsupervised and automatic change-detection methods. In particular, the following specific issues are addressed in this work: 1. Analysis of the effects of registration noise in multitemporal VHR images and definition of a method for the estimation of the distribution of such kind of noise useful for defining: a. Change-detection techniques robust to registration noise (RN); the proposed techniques are able to significantly reduce the false alarm rate due to RN that is raised by the standard CD techniques when dealing with VHR images. b. Effective registration methods; the proposed strategies are based on a multiscale analysis of the scene which allows one to extract accurate control points for the registration of VHR images. 2. Detection and discrimination of multiple changes in multitemporal images; this techniques allow one to overcome the limitation of the existing unsupervised techniques, as they are able to identify and separate different kinds of change without any prior information on the study areas. 3. Pre-processing techniques for optimizing change detection on VHR images; in particular, in this context we evaluate the impact of: a. Image transformation techniques on the results of the CD process; b. Different strategies of image pansharpening applied to the original multitemporal images on the results of the CD process. For each of the above mentioned topic an analysis of the state of the art is carried out, the limitations of existing methods are pointed out and the proposed solutions to the addressed problems are described in details. Finally, experimental results conducted on both simulated and real data are reported in order to show and confirm the validity of all the proposed methods