1,751 research outputs found

    On green routing and scheduling problem

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    The vehicle routing and scheduling problem has been studied with much interest within the last four decades. In this paper, some of the existing literature dealing with routing and scheduling problems with environmental issues is reviewed, and a description is provided of the problems that have been investigated and how they are treated using combinatorial optimization tools

    The Dynamic Multi-objective Multi-vehicle Covering Tour Problem

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    This work introduces a new routing problem called the Dynamic Multi-Objective Multi-vehicle Covering Tour Problem (DMOMCTP). The DMOMCTPs is a combinatorial optimization problem that represents the problem of routing multiple vehicles to survey an area in which unpredictable target nodes may appear during execution. The formulation includes multiple objectives that include minimizing the cost of the combined tour cost, minimizing the longest tour cost, minimizing the distance to nodes to be covered and maximizing the distance to hazardous nodes. This study adapts several existing algorithms to the problem with several operator and solution encoding variations. The efficacy of this set of solvers is measured against six problem instances created from existing Traveling Salesman Problem instances which represent several real countries. The results indicate that repair operators, variable length solution encodings and variable-length operators obtain a better approximation of the true Pareto front

    Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems Using Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization

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    This dissertation presents metaheuristic approaches in the areas of genetic algorithms and ant colony optimization to combinatorial optimization problems. Ant colony optimization for the split delivery vehicle routing problem An Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based approach is presented to solve the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem (SDVRP). SDVRP is a relaxation of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) wherein a customer can be visited by more than one vehicle. The proposed ACO based algorithm is tested on benchmark problems previously published in the literature. The results indicate that the ACO based approach is competitive in both solution quality and solution time. In some instances, the ACO method achieves the best known results to date for the benchmark problems. Hybrid genetic algorithm for the split delivery vehicle routing problem (SDVRP) The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a combinatory optimization problem in the field of transportation and logistics. There are various variants of VRP which have been developed of the years; one of which is the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem (SDVRP). The SDVRP allows customers to be assigned to multiple routes. A hybrid genetic algorithm comprising a combination of ant colony optimization, genetic algorithm, and heuristics is proposed and tested on benchmark SDVRP test problems. Genetic algorithm approach to solve the hospital physician scheduling problem Emergency departments have repeating 24-hour cycles of non-stationary Poisson arrivals and high levels of service time variation. The problem is to find a shift schedule that considers queuing effects and minimizes average patient waiting time and maximizes physicians’ shift preference subject to constraints on shift start times, shift durations and total physician hours available per day. An approach that utilizes a genetic algorithm and discrete event simulation to solve the physician scheduling problem in a hospital is proposed. The approach is tested on real world datasets for physician schedules

    A bi-objective turning restriction design problem in urban road networks

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    Un modelo para resolver el problema dinámico de despacho de vehículos con incertidumbre de clientes y con tiempos de viaje en arcos

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloIn a real world case scenario, customer demands are requested at any time of the day requiring services that are not known in advance such as delivery or repairing equipment. This is called Dynamic Vehicle Routing (DVR) with customer uncertainty environment. The link travel time for the roadway network varies with time as traffic fluctuates adding an additional component to the dynamic environment. This paper presents a model for solving the DVR problem while combining these two dynamic aspects (customer uncertainty and link travel time). The proposed model employs Greedy, Insertion, and Ant Colony Optimization algorithms. The Greedy algorithm is utilized for constructing new routes with existing customers, and the remaining two algorithms are employed for rerouting as new customer demands appear. A real world application is presented to simulate vehicle routing in a dynamic environment for the city of Taipei, Taiwan. The simulation shows that the model can successfully plan vehicle routes to satisfy all customer demands and help managers in the decision making process.En un escenario real, los pedidos de los clientes son solicitados a cualquier hora del día requiriendo servicios que no han sido planificados con antelación tales como los despachos o la reparación de equipos. Esto es llamado ruteo dinámico de vehículos (RDV) considerando un ambiente con incertidumbre de clientes. El tiempo de viaje en una red vial varía con el tiempo a medida que el tráfico vehicular fluctúa agregando una componente adicional al ambiente dinámico. Este artículo propone un modelo para resolver el problema RDV combinando estos dos aspectos dinámicos. El modelo propuesto utiliza los algoritmos Greedy, Inserción y optimización basada en colonias de hormigas. El algoritmo Greedy es utilizado para construir nuevas rutas con los clientes existentes y los otros dos algoritmos son usados para rutear vehículos a medida que surjan nuevos clientes con sus respectivos pedidos. Además, se presenta una aplicación real para simular el ruteo vehicular en un ambiente dinámico para la ciudad de Taipei, Taiwán. Esta simulación muestra que el modelo es capaz de planificar exitosamente las rutas vehiculares satisfaciendo los pedidos de los clientes y de ayudar los gerentes en el proceso de toma de decisiones.http://ref.scielo.org/3ryfh

    Immunity-based evolutionary algorithm for optimal global container repositioning in liner shipping

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    Global container repositioning in liner shipping has always been a challenging problem in container transportation as the global market in maritime logistics is complex and competitive. Supply and demand are dynamic under the ever changing trade imbalance. A useful computation optimization tool to assist shipping liners on decision making and planning to reposition large quantities of empty containers from surplus countries to deficit regions in a cost effective manner is crucial. A novel immunity-based evolutionary algorithm known as immunity-based evolutionary algorithm (IMEA) is developed to solve the multi-objective container repositioning problems in this research. The algorithm adopts the clonal selection and immune suppression theories to attain the Pareto optimal front. The proposed algorithm was verified with benchmarking functions and compared with four optimization algorithms to assess its diversity and spread. The developed algorithm provides a useful means to solve the problem and assist shipping liners in the global container transportation operations in an optimized and cost effective manner. © 2010 The Author(s).published_or_final_versionSpringer Open Choice, 21 Feb 201

    The Bi-objective Periodic Closed Loop Network Design Problem

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. This manuscript is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For further details please see: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Reverse supply chains are becoming a crucial part of retail supply chains given the recent reforms in the consumers’ rights and the regulations by governments. This has motivated companies around the world to adopt zero-landfill goals and move towards circular economy to retain the product’s value during its whole life cycle. However, designing an efficient closed loop supply chain is a challenging undertaking as it presents a set of unique challenges, mainly owing to the need to handle pickups and deliveries at the same time and the necessity to meet the customer requirements within a certain time limit. In this paper, we model this problem as a bi-objective periodic location routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery as well as time windows and examine the performance of two procedures, namely NSGA-II and NRGA, to solve it. The goal is to find the best locations for a set of depots, allocation of customers to these depots, allocation of customers to service days and the optimal routes to be taken by a set of homogeneous vehicles to minimise the total cost and to minimise the overall violation from the customers’ defined time limits. Our results show that while there is not a significant difference between the two algorithms in terms of diversity and number of solutions generated, NSGA-II outperforms NRGA when it comes to spacing and runtime.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Hybrid Meta-Heuristics for Robust Scheduling

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    The production and delivery of rapidly perishable goods in distributed supply networks involves a number of tightly coupled decision and optimization problems regarding the just-in-time production scheduling and the routing of the delivery vehicles in order to satisfy strict customer specified time-windows. Besides dealing with the typical combinatorial complexity related to activity assignment and synchronization, effective methods must also provide robust schedules, coping with the stochastic perturbations (typically transportation delays) affecting the distribution process. In this paper, we propose a novel metaheuristic approach for robust scheduling. Our approach integrates mathematical programming, multi-objective evolutionary computation, and problem-specific constructive heuristics. The optimization algorithm returns a set of solutions with different cost and risk tradeoffs, allowing the analyst to adapt the planning depending on the attitude to risk. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated by a real-world case concerning the production and distribution of ready-mixed concrete.Meta-Heuristics;Multi-Objective Genetic Optimization;Robust Scheduling;Supply Networks

    Green Vehicle Routing Optimization Based on Carbon Emission and Multiobjective Hybrid Quantum Immune Algorithm

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    © 2018 Xiao-Hong Liu et al. Green Vehicle Routing Optimization Problem (GVROP) is currently a scientific research problem that takes into account the environmental impact and resource efficiency. Therefore, the optimal allocation of resources and the carbon emission in GVROP are becoming more and more important. In order to improve the delivery efficiency and reduce the cost of distribution requirements through intelligent optimization method, a novel multiobjective hybrid quantum immune algorithm based on cloud model (C-HQIA) is put forward. Simultaneously, the computational results have proved that the C-HQIA is an efficient algorithm for the GVROP. We also found that the parameter optimization of the C-HQIA is related to the types of artificial intelligence algorithms. Consequently, the GVROP and the C-HQIA have important theoretical and practical significance