6 research outputs found

    Performance formula-based optimal deployments of multilevel indices for service retrieval.

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    There are many different index structures for service repositories, such as sequential index, inverted index, and multilevel indices that include three deployments. Different service sets maybe have different characteristics that may affect performance from different aspects. For a given service set, which index structure is the most optimal one? To address these issues, this paper analyses five indexing models and proposes expectation of traversed service count to estimate performance of service retrieval. Based on these expectation formulas, an optimal deployment method can be identified to maximize efficiency of service retrieval. Our experiments first validate correctness of the proposed formulas and then validate the effective of the optimal method.UK-China Knowledge Economy Education Partnershi

    An efficient indexing model for the fog layer of industrial Internet of Things.

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    Fog Computing is gaining popularity and is being increasingly deployed in various latency-sensitive application domains including industrial IoTs. However, efficient discovery of services is one of the prevailing issues in the fog nodes of indus-trial IoTs which restrain their efficiencies in availing appropriate services to the clients. To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel effi-cient multilevel index model based on equivalence relation, named the DM-index model, for service maintenance and retrieval in the fog layer of industrial IoTs to eliminate redundancy, narrow the search space, reduce both the traversed number of services and retrieval time, ultimately to improve the service discovery efficiency. The efficiency of the proposed index model has been verified theoretically and evaluated experimentally, which demonstrates that the proposed model is effective in achieving much better service discovery and retrieval performance than the sequential and inverted index models.N/

    Towards an efficient indexing and searching model for service discovery in a decentralised environment.

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    Given the growth and outreach of new information, communication, computing and electronic technologies in various dimensions, the amount of data has explosively increased in the recent years. Centralised systems suffer some limitations to dealing with this issue due to all data is stored in central data centres. Thus, decentralised systems are getting more attention and increasing in popularity. Moreover, efficient service discovery mechanisms have naturally become an essential component in both large-scale and small-scale decentralised systems and. This research study is aimed at modelling a novel efficient indexing and searching model for service discovery in decentralised environments comprising numerous repositories with massive stored services. The main contributions of this research study can be summarised in three components: a novel distributed multilevel indexing model, an optimised searching algorithm and a new simulation environment. Indexing model has been widely used for efficient service discovery. For instance; the inverted index is one of the popular indexing models used for service retrieval in consistent repositories. However, redundancies are inevitable in the inverted index which is significantly time-consuming in the service discovery and retrieval process. This theeis proposes a novel distributed multilevel indexing model (DM-index), which offers an efficient solution for service discovery and retrieval in distributed service repositories comprising massive stored services. The architecture of the proposed indexing model encompasses four hierarchical levels to eliminate redundancy information in service repositories, to narrow the searching space and to reduce the number of traversed services whilst discovering services. Distributed Hash Tables have been widely used to provide data lookup services with logarithmic message costs which only require maintenance of limited amounts of routing states. This thesis develops an optimised searching algorithm, named Double-layer No-redundancy Enhanced Bi-direction Chord (DNEB-Chord), to handle retrieval requests in distributed destination repositories efficiently. This DNEB-Chord algorithm achieves faster routing performances with the double-layer routing mechanism and optimal routing index. The efficiency of the developed indexing and searching model is evaluated through theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation in a newly developed simulation environment, named Distributed Multilevel Bi-direction Simulator (DMBSim), which can be used as cost efficient tool for exploring various service configurations, user retrieval requirements and other parameter settings. Both the theoretical validation and experimental evaluations demonstrate that the service discovery efficiency of the DM-index outperforms the sequential index and inverted index configurations. Furthermore, the experimental evaluation results demostrate that the DNEB-Chord algorithm performs better than the Chord in terms of reducing the incurred hop counts. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed indexing and searching model can achieve better service discovery performances in large-scale decentralised environments comprising numerous repositories with massive stored services.N/