8 research outputs found

    Improving I/O Bandwidth for Data-Intensive Applications

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    High disk bandwidth in data-intensive applications is usually achieved with expensive hardware solutions consisting of a large number of disks. In this article we present our current work on software methods for improving disk bandwidth in ColumnBM, a new storage system for MonetDB/X100 query execution engine. Two novel techniques are discussed: superscalar compression for standalone queries and cooperative scans for multi-query optimization

    Pay One, Get Hundreds for Free: Reducing Cloud Costs through Shared Query Execution

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    Cloud-based data analysis is nowadays common practice because of the lower system management overhead as well as the pay-as-you-go pricing model. The pricing model, however, is not always suitable for query processing as heavy use results in high costs. For example, in query-as-a-service systems, where users are charged per processed byte, collections of queries accessing the same data frequently can become expensive. The problem is compounded by the limited options for the user to optimize query execution when using declarative interfaces such as SQL. In this paper, we show how, without modifying existing systems and without the involvement of the cloud provider, it is possible to significantly reduce the overhead, and hence the cost, of query-as-a-service systems. Our approach is based on query rewriting so that multiple concurrent queries are combined into a single query. Our experiments show the aggregated amount of work done by the shared execution is smaller than in a query-at-a-time approach. Since queries are charged per byte processed, the cost of executing a group of queries is often the same as executing a single one of them. As an example, we demonstrate how the shared execution of the TPC-H benchmark is up to 100x and 16x cheaper in Amazon Athena and Google BigQuery than using a query-at-a-time approach while achieving a higher throughput

    The XML benchmark project

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    With standardization efforts of a query language for XML documents drawing to a close, researchers and users increasingly focus their attention on the database technology that has to deliver on the new challenges that the sheer amount of XML documents produced by applications pose to data management: validation, performance evaluation and optimization of XML query processors are the upcoming issues. Following a long tradition in database research, the XML Store Benchmark Project provides a framework to assess an XML database's abilities to cope with a broad spectrum of different queries, typically posed in real-world application scenarios. The benchmark is intended to help both implementors and users to compare XML databases independent of their own, specific application scenario. To this end, the benchmark offers a set queries each of which is intended to challenge a particular primitive of the query processor or storage engine. The overall workload we propose consists of a scalable document database and a concise, yet comprehensive set of queries, which covers the major aspects of query processing. The queries' challenges range from stressing the textual character of the document to data analysis queries, but include also typical ad-hoc queries. We complement our research with results obtained from running the benchmark on our XML database platform. They are intended to give a first baseline, illustrating the state of the art

    RAM: array processing over a relational DBMS

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    Developing multimedia applications in relational databases is hindered by a mismatch in computational frameworks. Efficient manipulation of multimedia data calls for array-based processing, which at best is available as a database add-on, not supported by the query optimizer. As a result, array-based processing ends up in dedicated programs outside the DBMS: non-reusable black boxes. The goal of our research is to reduce this gap between user-needs and system functionality by developing a seemless integration of array processing in a relational algebra engine. The paper introduces a declarative language for array-expressions based on the array comprehension, and its mapping to a relational kernel in a prototype implementation. The layered architecture of the resulting array database management system allows the use of structural knowledge available in the array data type. This additional source of information can be exploited for query optimization, which is demonstrated with a case study. The experiments show how the performance of a standard tool for matrix computations can be achieved without sacrificing data independence, highlighting however a critical aspect in the DBMS architecture proposed

    Cooperative scans

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    Data mining, information retrieval and other application areas exhibit a query load with multiple concurrent queries touching a large fraction of a relation. This leads to individual query plans based on a table scan or large index scan. The implementation of this access path in most database systems is straightforward. The Scan operator issues next page requests to the buffer manager without concern for the system state. Conversely, the buffer manager is not aware of the work ahead and it focuses on keeping the most-recently-used pages in the buffer pool. This paper introduces cooperative scans -- a new algorithm, based on a better sharing of knowledge and responsibility between the Scan operator and the buffer manager, which significantly improves performance of concurrent scan queries. In this approach, queries share the buffer content, and progress of the scans is optimized by the buffer manager by minimizing the number of disk transfers in light of the total workload ahead. The experimental results are based on a simulation of the various disk-access scheduling policies, and implementation of the cooperative scans within PostgreSQL and MonetDB/X100. These real-life experiments show that with a little effort the performance of existing database systems on concurrent scan queries can be strongly improve

    Automating and Optimizing Data-Centric What-If Analyses on Native Machine Learning Pipelines

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    Software systems that learn from data with machine learning (ML) are used in critical decision-making processes. Unfortunately, real-world experience shows that the pipelines for data preparation, feature encoding and model training in ML systems are often brittle with respect to their input data. As a consequence, data scientists have to run different kinds of data centric what-if analyses to evaluate the robustness and reliability of such pipelines, e.g., with respect to data errors or preprocessing techniques. These what-if analyses follow a common pattern: they take an existing ML pipeline, create a pipeline variant by introducing a small change, and execute this pipeline variant to see how the change impacts the pipeline's output score. The application of existing analysis techniques to ML pipelines is technically challenging as they are hard to integrate into existing pipeline code and their execution introduces large overheads due to repeated work.We propose mlwhatif to address these integration and efficiency challenges for data-centric what-if analyses on ML pipelines. mlwhatif enables data scientists to declaratively specify what-if analyses for an ML pipeline, and to automatically generate, optimize and execute the required pipeline variants. Our approach employs pipeline patches to specify changes to the data, operators and models of a pipeline. Based on these patches, we define a multi-query optimizer for efficiently executing the resulting pipeline variants jointly, with four subsumption-based optimization rules. Subsequently, we detail how to implement the pipeline variant generation and optimizer of mlwhatif. For that, we instrument native ML pipelines written in Python to extract dataflow plans with re-executable operators.We experimentally evaluate mlwhatif, and find that its speedup scales linearly with the number of pipeline variants in applicable cases, and is invariant to the input data size. In end-to-end experiments with four analyses on more than 60 pipelines, we show speedups of up to 13x compared to sequential execution, and find that the speedup is invariant to the model and featurization in the pipeline. Furthermore, we confirm the low instrumentation overhead of mlwhatif

    A Multi-Query Optimizer for Monet

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    Database systems allow for concurrent use of several applications (and query interfaces). Each application generates an ``optimal'' plan---a sequence of low-level database operators---for accessing the database. The queries posed by users through the same application can be optimized together using traditional multi-query optimization techniques. However, the commonalities among queries of different applications are not exploited. In this paper we present an efficient inter-application multi-query optimizer that re-uses previously computed (intermediate) results and eliminates redundant work. Experimental results on a single CPU system and a parallel system show that the inter-application multi-query optimizer improves the query evaluation performance significantly