46,736 research outputs found

    MMFL-Net: Multi-scale and Multi-granularity Feature Learning for Cross-domain Fashion Retrieval

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    Instance-level image retrieval in fashion is a challenging issue owing to its increasing importance in real-scenario visual fashion search. Cross-domain fashion retrieval aims to match the unconstrained customer images as queries for photographs provided by retailers; however, it is a difficult task due to a wide range of consumer-to-shop (C2S) domain discrepancies and also considering that clothing image is vulnerable to various non-rigid deformations. To this end, we propose a novel multi-scale and multi-granularity feature learning network (MMFL-Net), which can jointly learn global-local aggregation feature representations of clothing images in a unified framework, aiming to train a cross-domain model for C2S fashion visual similarity. First, a new semantic-spatial feature fusion part is designed to bridge the semantic-spatial gap by applying top-down and bottom-up bidirectional multi-scale feature fusion. Next, a multi-branch deep network architecture is introduced to capture global salient, part-informed, and local detailed information, and extracting robust and discrimination feature embedding by integrating the similarity learning of coarse-to-fine embedding with the multiple granularities. Finally, the improved trihard loss, center loss, and multi-task classification loss are adopted for our MMFL-Net, which can jointly optimize intra-class and inter-class distance and thus explicitly improve intra-class compactness and inter-class discriminability between its visual representations for feature learning. Furthermore, our proposed model also combines the multi-task attribute recognition and classification module with multi-label semantic attributes and product ID labels. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed MMFL-Net achieves significant improvement over the state-of-the-art methods on the two datasets, DeepFashion-C2S and Street2Shop.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, Published by <Multimedia Tools and Applications

    Region-DH: Region-based Deep Hashing for Multi-Instance Aware Image Retrieval

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    This paper introduces an instance-aware hashing approach Region-DH for large-scale multi-label image retrieval. The accurate object bounds can significantly increase the hashing performance of instance features. We design a unified deep neural network that simultaneously localizes and recognizes objects while learning the hash functions for binary codes. Region-DH focuses on recognizing objects and building compact binary codes that represent more foreground patterns. Region-DH can flexibly be used with existing deep neural networks or more complex object detectors for image hashing. Extensive experiments are performed on benchmark datasets and show the efficacy and robustness of the proposed Region-DH model
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