2 research outputs found

    Conflicting Parameter Pair Optimization for Linear Aperiodic Antenna Array using Chebyshev Taper based Genetic Algorithm

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    In this study, the peak side lobe level (PSLL) in the radiation pattern of a linear antenna array (LAA) is lowered without affecting its first null beam width (FNBW). Antenna array synthesis is commonly applied to achieve high directivity, low side lobes, high gain and desired null positions in the output radiation pattern. But output parameters like PSLL, null positions and beam width conflict with each other, i.e. as one parameter improves, the other deteriorates. To avoid this problem, a multi-objective optimization algorithm can be implemented, in which both the conflicting parameters can be simultaneously optimized. This work proposes a multi-objective algorithm, which takes advantages of the well-known Chebyshev tapering and genetic algorithm (GA), to lower the PSLL without broadening the beam further. Array elements are fed using Chebyshev tapered excitations while GA is incorporated to optimize the elemental spacing. The results of 28-element LAA are compared with those of multi-objective Cauchy mutated cat swarm optimization (MO-CMCSO) existing in literature, which has also been proven to be superior to multi-objective cat swarm optimization (MO-CSO) and multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MO-PSO). Results indicate that the proposed algorithm performs better by further reducing the PSLL from -21.57 dB (MO-CMCSO) to -28.18 dB, while maintaining the same FNBW of 7.4 degrees

    Antenna Array Pattern Synthesis via Coordinate Descent Method

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    This paper presents an array pattern synthesis algorithm for arbitrary arrays based on coordinate descent method (CDM). With this algorithm, the complex element weights are found to minimize a weighted L2 norm of the difference between desired and achieved pattern. Compared with traditional optimization techniques, CDM is easy to implement and efficient to reach the optimum solutions. Main advantage is the flexibility. CDM is suitable for linear and planar array with arbitrary array elements on arbitrary positions. With this method, we can configure arbitrary beam pattern, which gives it the ability to solve variety of beam forming problem, e.g. focused beam, shaped beam, nulls at arbitrary direction and with arbitrary beam width. CDM is applicable for phase-only and amplitude-only arrays as well, and furthermore, it is a suitable method to treat the problem of array with element failures