2 research outputs found

    Fuzzy logic controller design for battery management in a grid connected microgrid

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    Projecte realitzat en col•laboració amb el Departamento de Eléctrica y Electrónica de la Universidad Pública de Navarra.[ANGLÈS] Starting from a previous study made by Universidad Pública de Navarra, in which the battery energy management of an electric micro grid is achieved using a control system built in two steps, a fuzzy logic design is proposed to improve the performance of above. This improvement is evaluated by simulations analyzing the power profile injected to the grid and the battery state of charge. In addition the performance of a thermoelectric micro grid is analyzed to improve the power profile injected to the grid by using a fuzzy logic controller for its energy management.[CASTELLÀ] A partir de un estudio previo realizado por la Universidad Pública de Navarra, en el cual se realizó la gestión energética de la batería de una microrred eléctrica mediante el desarrollo de un sistema de control construido en dos fases, se propone el diseño de un controlador borroso que mejore las prestaciones del anterior. Esta mejora se evalúa mediante simulación en términos del perfil de potencia inyectado a la red eléctrica y el estado de carga resultante de la batería. Además se analiza el rendimiento de una microrred electrotérmica en función del perfil de red obtenido mediante un controlador borroso

    Development of a community-based framework to manage prosumers in smart grid

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    This dissertation proposes frameworks to address key research challenges of managing prosumers in smart grid in the form of prosumer community groups (PCGs) namely PCG definition and characterization, new prosumer recruitment, multiple goals management and mutual goal definition and member assessment and ranking. The existing literature has very little to offer, by way of either reviewing the related concepts of PCGs or resolving the associated challenges, making our work novel within the research field