4 research outputs found

    Modeling the Permeable Power of the Road on a Semaforized Crossing Using Petri Nets

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    With the growth in demand and the development of traffic over the last fifty years, the need for the introduction of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is growing every day. With a modern approach they solve complex traffic problems. One modern approach is modeling the dynamics of Petri Nets. The Petri Nets is a powerful graphical and mathematical model for working with discrete systems. This paper describes how using a Petri Net can manage signaled intersections, assist in choosing the best alternative route, or manage an intersection at which an incident occurred. The research was carried out in a real traffic environment, at the intersection of Zagreba膷ka Road and Bistri膷ka Road in the center of the city Sesvete, by modeling with coloured timed Petri Nets

    Selecci贸n de CRM para Pymes colombianas. Un an谩lisis multicriterio. Estudio de caso

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    El prop贸sito es proponer un modelo para la selecci贸n de sistemas CRM en empresas pymes colombianas. A partir de los hallazgos de la literatura y de la identificaci贸n de necesidades de las pymes, se utiliza el an谩lisis multicriterio para estructurar el problema y proponer criterios de evaluaci贸n para las alternativas disponibles en el mercado. El modelo es aplicado en un caso de una empresa del sector mobiliario de oficina con inter茅s real de la implementaci贸n de un sistema CRM; aplicado el modelo y seleccionada la alternativa, se propone la aplicaci贸n de un modelo econ贸mico para identificar el nivel 贸ptimo de inversi贸n del CRM para finalmente, realizar las recomendaciones pertinentes. el presente trabajo de grado estructura el desarrollo del proceso metodol贸gico en el uso del an谩lisis multicriterio de toma de decisi贸n (MCDA) para estructurar el problema de toma de decisi贸n, caracterizar las alternativas a evaluar, identificar los criterios de toma de decisi贸n y la construcci贸n de un modelo que responda a las cualidades del problema. En este punto se utiliza la metodolog铆a de an谩lisis jer谩rquico (AHP) para evaluar las alternativas e identificar la que mejor respuesta tiene frente al modelo planteado. Para la etapa final la metodolog铆a se complementa con un an谩lisis econ贸mico de los niveles de inversi贸n que presenta la herramienta CRM. con el desarrollo del an谩lisis jerarquizado del problema de toma de decisi贸n se identifican los criterios que deben ser tenidos en cuenta para la selecci贸n de un sistema CRM. Con los criterios identificados se obtuvo un modelo jerarquizado para la evaluaci贸n de alternativas. Adicionalmente se determinan las necesidades que presentan las pymes colombianas y como los criterios responden a dichas necesidades. El uso del modelo AHP genera confianza en el m茅todo de toma de decisi贸n y genera confianza y robustez a la toma de decisi贸n de la inversi贸n en sistemas de informaci贸n. la metodolog铆a de an谩lisis multicriterio para toma de decisiones ha permitido a la empresa interesada soportar la adquisici贸n de un sistema fundamental para el desarrollo de la estrategia de marketing relacional de la organizaci贸n. Tambi茅n propone un marco base para el desarrollo de posteriores estudios y aplicaciones de la metodolog铆a que este trabajo propone para ser tenido en cuenta en otras empresas colombianas que presenten problem谩ticas similares. La contribuci贸n m谩s importante del presente trabajo es la construcci贸n de los cl煤ster de criterios que afectan la decisi贸n de selecci贸n de una inversi贸n significativa y crucial para la evoluci贸n organizacional como lo es una herramienta CRM. Adicionalmente, la integraci贸n de las necesidades particulares de un contexto nacional es un valor agregado para la determinaci贸n de los criterios, pues supone un caso pivote para estudios posteriores que deseen proponer modelos m谩s complejos o casos de aplicaci贸n. Por otra parte, el modelo jerarquizado de evaluaci贸n de alternativas ofertadas, es un hallazgo significativo y beneficioso para otras empresas colombianas que se encuentren en el proceso de adquisici贸n de este tipo de herramientas TI. Finalmente, el trabajo realizado resalta la importancia de los modelos de toma de decisi贸n y el AHP como herramienta administrativa de nivel estrat茅gico para el direccionamiento organizacional, en problemas complejos con caracter铆sticas cualitativas.Abstract: Purpose: The purpose is to propose a model for the selection of CRM systems in SMEs. Based on the findings of the literature and the identification of needs of Colombian SMEs, the multicriteria analysis is used to structure the problem and propose evaluation criteria for the alternatives available in the market. The model is applied in a case of a company in the office furniture sector with a real interest in the implementation of a CRM system; applied the model and selected the alternative, we propose the application of an economic model to identify the optimal investment level of the CRM to finally make the relevant recommendations. Methodology: The present degree work structures the development of the methodological process in the use of multicriterion decision-making analysis (MCDA) to structure the decision-making problem, characterize the alternatives to be evaluated, identify the decision-making criteria and the construction of a model that responds to the qualities of the problem. At this point, the methodology of hierarchical analysis (AHP) is used to evaluate the alternatives and identify the best response to the proposed model. For the final stage, the methodology is complemented by an economic analysis of the investment levels presented by the CRM tool. Findings: With the development of the hierarchical analysis of the decision-making problem, the criteria that must be taken into account for the selection of a CRM system are identified. With the identified criteria, a hierarchical model was obtained for the evaluation of alternatives. In addition, the needs of Colombian SMEs are determined and how the criteria meet these needs. The use of the AHP model generates confidence in the method of decision making and generates confidence and robustness in the decision making of investment in information systems. Practical applications: The multicriteria analysis methodology for decision making has allowed the interested company to support the acquisition of a fundamental system for the development of the relational marketing strategy of the organization. It also proposes a framework for the development of further studies and applications of the methodology that this paper proposes to be taken into account in other Colombian companies that present similar problems. Originality / Value: The most important contribution of this work is the construction of the cluster of criteria that affect the decision to select an important and crucial investment for organizational evolution, such as a CRM tool. Additionally, the integration of the particular needs of a national context is an added value for the determination of the criteria, since it supposes a pivotal case for later studies that wish to propose more complex models or cases of application. On the other hand, the hierarchical model of evaluation of alternatives offered, is a significant and beneficial finding for other Colombian companies that are in the process of acquiring this type of IT tools. Finally, the work carried out highlights the importance of the decision-making models and the AHP as an administrative tool of strategic level for the organizational direction, in complex problems with qualitative characteristics.Maestr铆