12,097 research outputs found

    How user throughput depends on the traffic demand in large cellular networks

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    Little's law allows to express the mean user throughput in any region of the network as the ratio of the mean traffic demand to the steady-state mean number of users in this region. Corresponding statistics are usually collected in operational networks for each cell. Using ergodic arguments and Palm theoretic formalism, we show that the global mean user throughput in the network is equal to the ratio of these two means in the steady state of the "typical cell". Here, both means account for double averaging: over time and network geometry, and can be related to the per-surface traffic demand, base-station density and the spatial distribution of the SINR. This latter accounts for network irregularities, shadowing and idling cells via cell-load equations. We validate our approach comparing analytical and simulation results for Poisson network model to real-network cell-measurements

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing

    A stochastic multi-scale model of HIV-1 transmission for decision-making: application to a MSM population.

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    BackgroundIn the absence of an effective vaccine against HIV-1, the scientific community is presented with the challenge of developing alternative methods to curb its spread. Due to the complexity of the disease, however, our ability to predict the impact of various prevention and treatment strategies is limited. While ART has been widely accepted as the gold standard of modern care, its timing is debated.ObjectivesTo evaluate the impact of medical interventions at the level of individuals on the spread of infection across the whole population. Specifically, we investigate the impact of ART initiation timing on HIV-1 spread in an MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) population.Design and methodsA stochastic multi-scale model of HIV-1 transmission that integrates within a single framework the in-host cellular dynamics and their outcomes, patient health states, and sexual contact networks. The model captures disease state and progression within individuals, and allows for simulation of therapeutic strategies.ResultsEarly ART initiation may substantially affect disease spread through a population.ConclusionsOur model provides a multi-scale, systems-based approach to evaluate the broader implications of therapeutic strategies

    User Attraction via Wireless Charging in Cellular Networks

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    A strong motivation of charging depleted battery can be an enabler for network capacity increase. In this light we propose a spatial attraction cellular network (SAN) consisting of macro cells overlaid with small cell base stations that wirelessly charge user batteries. Such a network makes battery depleting users move toward the vicinity of small cell base stations. With a fine adjustment of charging power, this user spatial attraction (SA) improves in spectral efficiency as well as load balancing. We jointly optimize both enhancements thanks to SA, and derive the corresponding optimal charging power in a closed form by using a stochastic geometric approach.Comment: to be presented in IEEE International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt) Workshop on Green Networks (GREENNET) 2016, Arizona, USA (8 pages, 4 figures

    Partially Blind Handovers for mmWave New Radio Aided by Sub-6 GHz LTE Signaling

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    For a base station that supports cellular communications in sub-6 GHz LTE and millimeter (mmWave) bands, we propose a supervised machine learning algorithm to improve the success rate in the handover between the two radio frequencies using sub-6 GHz and mmWave prior channel measurements within a temporal window. The main contributions of our paper are to 1) introduce partially blind handovers, 2) employ machine learning to perform handover success predictions from sub-6 GHz to mmWave frequencies, and 3) show that this machine learning based algorithm combined with partially blind handovers can improve the handover success rate in a realistic network setup of colocated cells. Simulation results show improvement in handover success rates for our proposed algorithm compared to standard handover algorithms.Comment: (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Bioengineering models of cell signaling

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    Strategies for rationally manipulating cell behavior in cell-based technologies and molecular therapeutics and understanding effects of environmental agents on physiological systems may be derived from a mechanistic understanding of underlying signaling mechanisms that regulate cell functions. Three crucial attributes of signal transduction necessitate modeling approaches for analyzing these systems: an ever-expanding plethora of signaling molecules and interactions, a highly interconnected biochemical scheme, and concurrent biophysical regulation. Because signal flow is tightly regulated with positive and negative feedbacks and is bidirectional with commands traveling both from outside-in and inside-out, dynamic models that couple biophysical and biochemical elements are required to consider information processing both during transient and steady-state conditions. Unique mathematical frameworks will be needed to obtain an integrated perspective on these complex systems, which operate over wide length and time scales. These may involve a two-level hierarchical approach wherein the overall signaling network is modeled in terms of effective "circuit" or "algorithm" modules, and then each module is correspondingly modeled with more detailed incorporation of its actual underlying biochemical/biophysical molecular interactions
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