18 research outputs found

    A model-driven method for the systematic literature review of qualitative empirical research

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    This paper explores a model-driven method for systematic literature reviews (SLRs), for use where the empirical studies found in the literature search are based on qualitative research. SLRs are an important component of the evidence-based practice (EBP) paradigm, which is receiving increasing attention in information systems (IS) but has not yet been widely-adopted. We illustrate the model-driven approach to SLRs via an example focused on the use of BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation) in organizations. We discuss in detail the process followed in using the model-driven SLR method, and show how it is based on a hermeneutic cycle of reading and interpreting, in order to develop and refine a model which synthesizes the research findings of previous qualitative studies. This study can serve as an exemplar for other researchers wishing to carry out model-driven SLRs. We conclude with our reflections on the method and some suggestions for further researc

    A Model-Driven Method for the Systematic Literature Review of Qualitative Empirical Research

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    This paper explores a new model-driven method for systematic literature reviews (SLRs), for use where the empirical studies found in the literature search are based on qualitative research. SLRs are an important component of the evidence-based practice (EBP) paradigm, which is receiving increasing attention in information systems (IS) but has not yet been widely-adopted. We illustrate the model-driven approach to SLRs via an example focused on the use of BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation) in organizations. We discuss in detail the process followed in using the model-driven SLR method, and show how it is based on a hermeneutic cycle of reading and interpreting, in order to develop and refine a model which synthesizes the research findings of qualitative studies. This study can serve as an exemplar for other researchers wishing to carry out model-driven SLRs. We conclude with our reflections on the method and some suggestions for further research

    Openness Underpins Evidence Based Practice in Information Systems

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    This paper summarises research in progress on developing an evidence based approach in information systems (EBIS). EBIS offers a solution to information systems failures. Openness lies at the heart of EBIS, with open-access publishing and a culture of openness to new ways of working between IS academics and practitioners in the production of the evidence base. The authors have published an EBIS agenda and are developing a roadmap to implement this agenda. Their research activities are aimed at contributing to this roadmap and comprise: (i) setting up the open-access, peer-reviewed ‘Evidence Based Information Systems Journal’ which provides a vehicle to explore open access publishing and a research impact case study; (ii) creating an EBP culture, through establishing research networks; (iii) investigating IS practitioners’ use of resources; (iv) developing a model-driven approach for the analysis and synthesis of qualitative research within systematic literature reviews (SLRs) and using this to conduct an SLR on telehealthcare innovations. The ‘Evidence Based Information Systems journal’ lies at the heart of this research, providing the evidence repository with clear findings to take away and use, a forum to discuss and reflect on the evidence, and thus contributing to creating the paradigm shift to EBIS


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    It is important that modern IS decision making is accomplished using a systematic evaluation of research. A Model Driven Systematic Literature Review (MD-SLR) was used to examine the factors that influence e-commerce adoption readiness of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries. An initial review of commonly used theories of e-commerce adoption and e-readiness assessment theories was conducted to provide the model driving the MD-SLR. During the MD-SLR evidence was sought from all relevant empirical qualitative studies identified to refine the initial model based on evidence. The evidence supported the existence of internal SME factors (such as: awareness, commitment, technological resources, size of organisation, business resources, social relationship, relational complexities and human resources) and external factors (such as government readiness, market forces, supporting industries). New factors emerged: power supply instability, social and relationships, family support, political uncertainty, and cultural issues

    E-Commerce Readiness of SMEs in Developing Countires: A Model-Driven Systematic Literature Review

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    It is important that modern IS decision making is accomplished using a systematic evaluation of research. A Model Driven Systematic Literature Review (MD-SLR) was used to examine the factors that influence e-commerce adoption readiness of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries. An initial review of commonly used theories of e-commerce adoption and e-readiness assessment theories was conducted to provide the model driving the MD-SLR. During the MD-SLR evidence was sought from all relevant empirical qualitative studies identified to refine the initial model based on evidence. The evidence supported the existence of internal SME factors (such as: awareness, commitment, technological resources, size of organisation, business resources, social relationship, relational complexities and human resources) and external factors (such as government readiness, market forces, supporting industries). New factors emerged: power supply instability, social and relationships, family support, political uncertainty, and cultural issues

    Factors Affecting the Scientific Impact of Literature Reviews: A Scientometric Study

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    Standalone literature reviews are fundamental in every scientific discipline. Their value is reflected by a profound scientific impact in terms of citations. Although previous empirical research has shown that this impact has a large variance, it is largely unknown which specific factors influence the impact of literature reviews. Against this background, the purpose of our study is to shed light on the driving factors that make a difference in the scientific impact of literature reviews. Our analysis of an exhaustive set of 214 IS literature reviews reveals that factors on the author level (e.g., expertise, collaboration, and conceptual feedback) and on the article level (e.g., methodological rigor) are significant and robust predictors of scientific impact over and above journal level factors. These insights enhance our understanding of what distinguishes highly cited literature reviews. In so doing, our study informs future guidelines on literature reviews and provides insights for prospective authors

    A Framework for Guiding and Evaluating Literature Reviews

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    Given that the synthesis of cumulated knowledge is an essential condition for any field to grow and develop, we believe that the enhanced role of IS reviews requires that this expository form be given careful scrutiny. Over the past decade, several senior scholars have made calls for more review papers in our field. While the number of IS review papers has substantially increased in recent years, no prior research has attempted to develop a general framework to conduct and evaluate the rigor of standalone reviews. In this paper, we fill this gap. More precisely, we present a set of guidelines for guiding and evaluating IS literature reviews and specify to which review types they apply. To do so, we first distinguish between four broad categories of review papers and then propose a set of guidelines that are grouped according to the generic phases and steps of the review process. We hope our work will serve as a valuable source for those conducting, evaluating, and/or interpreting reviews in our field

    Evidence-Based Information Systems: A New Perspective and a Road Map for Research-Informed Practice

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    Despite the increasing sophistication and quality of published work, the development of a cumulative body of knowledge and an evidence-base for information systems (IS) research still represents a major challenge. IS research is still predominantly undertaken by IS researchers for other IS researchers and not utilized to its full extent by IS practitioners or policy-makers. We focus on this problem and express the need for a new evidence-based research perspective. It is argued that it is time to refocus the efforts of IS academics (and practitioners) to develop a new evidence-base for IS research whereby it can more routinely inform, develop, improve and support IS practice. We contribute to this debate by defining evidence-based practice (EBP), its relevance to IS, and the need to develop an evidence-based approach. We look in particular at its brief history, and its subsequent evolution, development and widespread acceptance in Medicine; making reference to recent arguments and critiques of EBP in other disciplines such as software engineering and management. We espouse the need to develop a similar evidence-based movement and infrastructure within the IS research and practitioner communities and then put forward a possible road map for the development of Evidence-Based Information Systems (EBIS) that comprises 9 key initiatives. We conclude our argument by stating that the current extent, severity and impact of IS failures are unacceptable, emphasizing the need for a new perspective for IS research that encourages and incorporates EBP as a guiding principle to inform better IS practice

    Intervenção da gestão de recursos humanos na discriminação por idade no local de trabalho : uma meta-anålise qualitativa

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    O envelhecimento populacional tem vindo a revelar-se a transformação social mais significativa dos Ășltimos anos. Este fenĂłmeno estĂĄ refletido no envelhecimento dos recursos humanos das organizaçÔes causando, assim, alteraçÔes profundas na organização do trabalho. A intervenção da GestĂŁo de Recursos Humanos torna-se essencial no sentido da criação de estratĂ©gias que garantam suporte Ă  força de trabalho envelhecida. É neste contexto que a presente meta-anĂĄlise surge, visando compreender de que forma as prĂĄticas e polĂ­ticas de GestĂŁo de Recursos Humanos podem impactar a discriminação por idade nas organizaçÔes e contribuir, portanto, para apoiar estes colaboradores. Como mĂ©todo de investigação escolheu-se a meta-anĂĄlise qualitativa uma vez que permite identificar as Ășltimas tendĂȘncias acerca de determinado tema. Desta forma, atravĂ©s de uma pesquisa nas bases de dados EBSCO e B-ON, atendendo a critĂ©rios previamente definidos, chegou-se a uma amostra de 30 artigos para anĂĄlise e discussĂŁo. Concluiu-se que o nĂșmero de organizaçÔes a implementar estratĂ©gias desta natureza aumentou, porĂ©m muitas fazem-no de forma desorganizada e inconsciente. As medidas que foram identificadas mais vezes na literatura foram: medidas de desenvolvimento, medidas de acomodação e medidas de saĂ­da ou de reforma. No entanto, conclui-se ainda, que estas estratĂ©gias devem ser, nĂŁo sĂł adaptadas a cada organização, como transversais a todos os colaboradores, pois sĂł assim impactarĂŁo os colaboradores mais velhos de uma forma eficaz. Importa ainda que se implementem vĂĄrias estratĂ©gias em conjunto, aproveitando as sinergias entre as mesmas, criando-se um plano personalizado e holĂ­stico.Population aging has proved to be the most significant social transformation nowadays. This phenomenon is reflected in the aging of organizations’ human resources causing profound changes in the organization of work. The intervention of Human Resources Management becomes essential in the sense of creating strategies that support the aging workforce. It is in this context that the present meta-analysis intervenes, aiming to understand how Human Resources Management practices and policies can impact age discrimination in organizations and, therefore, how can it contributes to support these employees. As a research method it was chosen qualitative meta-analysis since it allows to identify the latest trends on a given topic. So, through a search in the EBSCO and B-ON databases, meeting previously defined criteria, a sample of 30 articles was obtained for analysis and discussion. In conclusion, the number of organizations implementing strategies of this nature has increased, but many do it in a disorganized and unconscious way. The strategies that were most often identified in the literature were: development measures, accommodation measures and exit or retirement measures. However, these strategies must be adapted to each organization and also transversal to all employees, as this is the only way to impact older employees in an effective way. It is also important to implement this strategies as a bundle, taking advantage of the synergies between them, creating a personalized and holistic plan