3 research outputs found

    Ravnanje s poslovno dokumentacijo glede na njeno informacijsko vrednost v slovenskih lesnoindustrijskih podjetjih

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    The present competitive business environment demands more documentation, whichis also more complex for the purpose of quality execution of business operations. Documents are no longer merely bearers of information among activesubjects in business processes but have certain information value in thearchives as well. For a better control of documentation and documents themselves, availability of data and information for the need of the decision-making process in the companies, the so-called contemporary documentation management systems (DMS) and e-archives have been introduced. During our research, the current state of use of contemporary technologies andapproaches to documentation management was assessed and the quantities and recording medium for documentation storage in Slovenian wood industry companies were analysed. Documentation was classified in view of its information value and a three-level proposal of e-archive organization based on information value of documents in wood industry companies was introduced.Današnje konkurenčno okolje zahteva vse več in vedno bolj kompleksno dokumentacijo pri poslovanju. Dokumenti pa niso več samo nosilci informacij med aktivnimi subjekti v nekem poslovnem sistemu, marveč imajo neko informacijsko vrednost tudi v arhivu. Da bi si podjetja zagotovila boljši pregled nad dokumentacijo in tudi boljši vpogled v podatke in informacije za potrebe odločanja, uvajajo sodobne sisteme ravnanja z dokumenti (angl. DMS - Document management systems) in shranjevanja dokumentov v elektronske arhive. V raziskavi smo preverjali trenutno stanje uporabe sodobnih tehnologij in pristopov pri ravnanju z dokumenti v slovenskih lesnoindustrijskih podjetjih, kjer smo opravili tudi analizo količin in medijev zapisa za shranjevanje dokumentov. Dokumentacijo smo tudi razporejali glede na njeno informacijsko vrednost in na podlagi tega pripravili predlog organizacije e-arhiva za potrebe lesnoindustrijskih podjetij

    A Model of Collaborating Agents for Content-Based Electronic Document Filtering

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    Abstract. The huge volume of distributed information that is nowadays available in electronic multimedia documents forces a lot of people to consume a significant percentage of their time looking for documents that contain information useful to them. The filtering of electronic documents seems hard to automate, partly because of document heterogeneity, but mainly because it is difficult to train computers to have an understanding of the contents of these documents and make decisions based on user-subjective criteria. In this paper, we suggest a model for the automation of content-based electronic document filtering, supporting multimedia documents in a wide variety of forms. The model is based on multi-agent technology and utilizes an adaptive knowledge base organized as a set of logical rules. Implementations of the model using the client-server architecture should be able to efficiently access documents distributed over an intranet or the Internet