5 research outputs found

    A scalable machine learning system for anomaly detection in manufacturing

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    Berichte ĂŒber RĂŒckrufaktionen in der Automobilindustrie gehören inzwischen zum medialen Alltag. TatsĂ€chlich hat deren HĂ€ufigkeit und die Anzahl der betroffenen Fahrzeuge in den letzten Jahren weiter zugenommen. Die meisten Aktionen sind auf Fehler in der Produktion zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. FĂŒr die Hersteller stellt neben Verbesserungen im QualitĂ€tsmanagement die intelligente und automatisierte Analyse von Produktionsprozessdaten ein bislang kaum ausgeschöpftes Potential dar. Die technischen Herausforderungen sind jedoch enorm: die Datenmengen sind gewaltig und die fĂŒr einen Fehler charakteristischen Datenmuster zwangslĂ€ufig unbekannt. Der Einsatz maschineller Lernverfahren (ML) ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz um diese Suche nach der sinnbildlichen Nadel im HĂ€uhaufen zu ermöglichen. Algorithmen sollen anhand der Daten selbstĂ€ndig lernen zwischen normalem und auffĂ€lligem Prozessverhalten zu unterscheiden um Prozessexperten frĂŒhzeitig zu warnen. Industrie und Forschung versuchen bereits seit Jahren solche ML-Systeme im Produktionsumfeld zu etablieren. Die meisten ML-Projekte scheitern jedoch bereits vor der Produktivphase bzw. verschlingen enorme Ressourcen im Betrieb und liefern keinen wirtschaftlichen Mehrwert. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines technischen Frameworks zur Implementierung eines skalierbares ML-System fĂŒr die Anomalieerkennung in Prozessdaten. Die Trainingsprozesse zum Initialisieren und Adaptieren der Modelle sollen hochautomatisierbar sein um einen strukturierten Skalierungsprozess zu ermöglichen. Das entwickelt DM/ML-Verfahren ermöglicht den langfristigen Aufwand fĂŒr den Systembetrieb durch initialen Mehraufwand fĂŒr den Modelltrainingsprozess zu senken und hat sich in der Praxis als sowohl relativ als auch absolut Skalierbar bewĂ€hrt. Dadurch kann die KomplexitĂ€t auf Systemebene auf ein beherrschbares Maß reduziert werden um einen spĂ€teren Systembetrieb zu ermöglichen

    A framework for the characterization and analysis of software systems scalability

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    The term scalability appears frequently in computing literature, but it is a term that is poorly defined and poorly understood. It is an important attribute of computer systems that is frequently asserted but rarely validated in any meaningful, systematic way. The lack of a consistent, uniform and systematic treatment of scalability makes it difficult to identify and avoid scalability problems, clearly and objectively describe the scalability of software systems, evaluate claims of scalability, and compare claims from different sources. This thesis provides a definition of scalability and describes a systematic framework for the characterization and analysis of software systems scalability. The framework is comprised of a goal-oriented approach for describing, modeling and reasoning about scalability requirements, and an analysis technique that captures the dependency relationships that underlie typical notions of scalability. The framework is validated against a real-world data analysis system and is used to recast a number of examples taken from the computing literature and from industry in order to demonstrate its use across different application domains and system designs

    UkƂad wielkoƛci organizacyjnych : koncepcja metodologiczna badania rzeczywistoƛci organizacyjnej

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    Reasons for raising the issue: Methodological problems of management science are the subject of lively discussion and interest of many contemporary representatives in management science. The discussion about the identity of management science and its methodological assumptions dates back to 1961, when H. Koontz stimulated the awareness of organizational reality researchers with the concept of a „management theory jungle”, meaning a disordered way of practicing management science with its growing ontological and epistemological controversies. Although several decades have passed since then, „we‘re still dealing with the management theory jungle, and it‘s even more extensive and vivid than ever before”. Some authors emphasize that the current situation of management science represents a crisis of these sciences, especially their philosophical and methodological foundations. S. SuƂkowski even writes that this science has neither „theories nor rights, nor even a substitute for the scientific method”. The first reason for undertaking the work on the system of organizational terms as a methodological concept of management science was the fact that on the one hand, unresolved methodological problems in management science are subject to criticism, and on the other hand, there is a certain degree of reconciliation with the permanent state of the “management theory jungle”. The second reason was the specific problems of this science, including: a dilemma whether management science belongs to idiographic or nomothetic sciences; domination of the organizational reality research based on situations at certain moments of time, which leads to a static and only temporary assessment of this reality; creation of theory in management science under the clear influence of the researcher‘s evaluation of the elements of these theories; increasing diversity of the understanding of concepts; incommensurability of the entire scientific discipline, especially in the field of methods of conducting research and interpretation of their results. The third reason of raising the issue, which, unlike the two previous ones, concerns more with the future than the past, is the progressive digitization and automation of the modern world. Already in 1967, P. Drucker wrote that computer systems (then – „computers“ – an author‘s note) would not only serve to collect information, but the algorithms written in them would be able to replace managers over time. Although it has not happened yet, IT systems fill and automate more and more areas of human life, and thus, also manager‘s work. Research problem: The research problem, which was stated after the preliminary literature studies and after determining the reasons to raise the issue, can be presented by means of the following research question: can there be a comprehensive, coherent and formalized methodological concept of the management science which allows practicing this science in a way that solves current problems of this science? Three concepts included in this question should be clarified. First of all, the condition was made that the concept should be comprehensive. It means that it should cover all or most of the issues necessary for practicing science, such as ontological and epistemological assumptions, defined elements of science, ways of using the language, methods of inference, etc. Secondly, the assumption in the research question states that the methodological concept should be coherent, and therefore internally consistent and internally complementary. Thirdly, the concept should be formalized, so there should be strictly defined rules on how to apply individual elements of the concept, defined either in details or in the form of universal and scaled principles. Subject of research: The subject of this book is therefore a comprehensive, coherent and formalized methodological concept of management science, whose tasks have been identified in the mentioned research problem. The essence of this concept is to represent organizational reality with certain terms, just as physical phenomena can be represented by units and their corresponding physical quantities in the SI system. However, it should be emphasized that due to the ontological and epistemological conditions of management science, the SI system is only an analogy of the created concept, and from the point of view of the chronology of work on this concept, it was the author‘s inspiration to raise the above mentioned research problem. The core of the methodological concept of management science is the organizational terms, which were divided into primary and derivative as a result of an analysis of ontological conditions. Organizational terms represent facts occurring in the organizational reality, and these facts correspond to the ontological conception of being, widely accepted in the philosophy of science. As a result of combining this type of ontological conditions and a farreaching analogy, which is the SI system, the name of the developed methodological concept was created – the system of organizational terms. This work is therefore a voice in the discussion on the need for new methods of studying the organizational reality. Perhaps the use of the system of organizational terms as a methodological concept of management science will also allow for the creation of more humanindependent systems of management organization which, in certain situations, will be able to replace a human manager with a more effective robot manager

    Policy-based management of medical devices and applications

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    Die Arbeit prĂ€sentiert einen erweiterten Ansatz zum autonomen technischen Management, der das innovative Modell-basierte Management mit dem etablierten Policy-basierten Management kombiniert. Zur Planung des Systems wird ein umfassendes Modell des Management- und des zu verwaltenden Systems entworfen. Beide Systeme werden auf drei Abstraktionsschichten („Use Cases“, „Services“, „Components“) modelliert. Auf Basis der vorgestellten Ableitungsmuster (Evaluierungs-, Kontroll- und Verfeinerungsmuster) und der Zwischenschichtassoziationen wird der Prozess der Ableitung der Management-Policies automatisiert mit Hilfe eines Modellierungstools durchgefĂŒhrt. Am Ende werden die zur Laufzeit vom Management ausfĂŒhrbaren Policies generiert. Der Ansatz wird im Rahmen des medizinischen Anwendungsfeldes erprobt. Es wird gezeigt, dass der Ansatz die Entwicklung und VerlĂ€sslichkeit sowie den Betrieb des medizinischen GerĂ€te- und Anwendungsensembles unterstĂŒtzt.This work presents an extended approach to the autonomous technical management, which combines the innovative model-based management with the established policy-based management technique. A comprehensive model of the managed and the management system is created. Both systems are modeled on three abstraction layers („Use Cases“, „Services“, „Components“). On the basis of the introduced policy derivation patterns (evaluation, control and refinement patterns) and intra-layer associations the policy derivation process is conducted automated by means of a modeling tool. Finally, runnable policies are generated which are enforced by the management at runtime. The approach is applied within the medical application field. It is demonstrated, that the presented technical management supports the development and dependable behavior of medical devices and applications