11 research outputs found

    A Method for Stopping Active Learning Based on Stabilizing Predictions and the Need for User-Adjustable Stopping

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    A survey of existing methods for stopping active learning (AL) reveals the needs for methods that are: more widely applicable; more aggressive in saving annotations; and more stable across changing datasets. A new method for stopping AL based on stabilizing predictions is presented that addresses these needs. Furthermore, stopping methods are required to handle a broad range of different annotation/performance tradeoff valuations. Despite this, the existing body of work is dominated by conservative methods with little (if any) attention paid to providing users with control over the behavior of stopping methods. The proposed method is shown to fill a gap in the level of aggressiveness available for stopping AL and supports providing users with control over stopping behavior

    Improving News Popularity Estimation via Weak Supervision and Meta-active Learning

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    Social news has fundamentally changed the mechanisms of public perception, education, and even dis-information. Apprising the popularity of social news articles can have significant impact through a diversity of information redistribution techniques. In this article, an improved prediction algorithm is proposed to predict the long-time popularity of social news articles without the need for ground-truth observations. The proposed framework applies a novel active learning selection policy to obtain the optimal volume of observations and achieve superior predictive performance. To assess the proposed framework, a large set of experiments are undertaken; these indicate that the new solution can improve prediction performance by 28% (precision) while reducing the volume of required ground truth by 32%

    WeSAL: Applying Active Supervision to Find High-quality Labels at Industrial Scale

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    Obtaining hand-labeled training data is one of the most tedious and expensive parts of the machine learning pipeline. Previous approaches, such as active learning aim at optimizing user engagement to acquire accurate labels. Other methods utilize weak supervision to generate low-quality labels at scale. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid method named WeSAL that incorporates Weak Supervision sources with Active Learning to keep humans in the loop. The method aims to generate large-scale training labels while enhancing its quality by involving domain experience. To evaluate WeSAL, we compare it with two-state-of-the-art labeling techniques, Active Learning and Data Programming. The experiments use five publicly available datasets and a real-world dataset of 1.5M records provided by our industrial partner, IBM. The results indicate that WeSAL can generate large-scale, high-quality labels while reducing the labeling cost by up to 68% compared to active learning

    Hitting the target: stopping active learning at the cost-based optimum

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    Active learning allows machine learning models to be trained using fewer labels while retaining similar performance to traditional supervised learning. An active learner selects the most informative data points, requests their labels, and retrains itself. While this approach is promising, it raises the question of how to determine when the model is ‘good enough’ without the additional labels required for traditional evaluation. Previously, different stopping criteria have been proposed aiming to identify the optimal stopping point. Yet, optimality can only be expressed as a domain-dependent trade-off between accuracy and the number of labels, and no criterion is superior in all applications. As a further complication, a comparison of criteria for a particular real-world application would require practitioners to collect additional labelled data they are aiming to avoid by using active learning in the first place. This work enables practitioners to employ active learning by providing actionable recommendations for which stopping criteria are best for a given real-world scenario. We contribute the first large-scale comparison of stopping criteria for pool-based active learning, using a cost measure to quantify the accuracy/label trade-off, public implementations of all stopping criteria we evaluate, and an open-source framework for evaluating stopping criteria. Our research enables practitioners to substantially reduce labelling costs by utilizing the stopping criterion which best suits their domain

    Addressing the challenges of reconstructing systematic reviews datasets: a case study and a noisy label filter procedure

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    Systematic reviews and meta-analyses typically require significant time and effort. Machine learning models have the potential to enhance screening efficiency in these processes. To effectively evaluate such models, fully labeled datasets—detailing all records screened by humans and their labeling decisions—are imperative. This paper presents the creation of a comprehensive dataset for a systematic review of treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder, as reported by Oud et al. (2018) for running a simulation study. The authors adhered to the PRISMA guidelines and published both the search query and the list of included records, but the complete dataset with all labels was not disclosed. We replicated their search and, facing the absence of initial screening data, introduced a Noisy Label Filter (NLF) procedure using active learning to validate noisy labels. Following the NLF application, no further relevant records were found. A simulation study employing the reconstructed dataset demonstrated that active learning could reduce screening time by 82.30% compared to random reading. The paper discusses potential causes for discrepancies, provides recommendations, and introduces a decision tree to assist in reconstructing datasets for the purpose of running simulation studies

    Discovery of Self-Assembling π\pi-Conjugated Peptides by Active Learning-Directed Coarse-Grained Molecular Simulation

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    Electronically-active organic molecules have demonstrated great promise as novel soft materials for energy harvesting and transport. Self-assembled nanoaggregates formed from π\pi-conjugated oligopeptides composed of an aromatic core flanked by oligopeptide wings offer emergent optoelectronic properties within a water soluble and biocompatible substrate. Nanoaggregate properties can be controlled by tuning core chemistry and peptide composition, but the sequence-structure-function relations remain poorly characterized. In this work, we employ coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations within an active learning protocol employing deep representational learning and Bayesian optimization to efficiently identify molecules capable of assembling pseudo-1D nanoaggregates with good stacking of the electronically-active π\pi-cores. We consider the DXXX-OPV3-XXXD oligopeptide family, where D is an Asp residue and OPV3 is an oligophenylene vinylene oligomer (1,4-distyrylbenzene), to identify the top performing XXX tripeptides within all 203^3 = 8,000 possible sequences. By direct simulation of only 2.3% of this space, we identify molecules predicted to exhibit superior assembly relative to those reported in prior work. Spectral clustering of the top candidates reveals new design rules governing assembly. This work establishes new understanding of DXXX-OPV3-XXXD assembly, identifies promising new candidates for experimental testing, and presents a computational design platform that can be generically extended to other peptide-based and peptide-like systems