486 research outputs found

    Improving Reachability and Navigability in Recommender Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate recommender systems from a network perspective and investigate recommendation networks, where nodes are items (e.g., movies) and edges are constructed from top-N recommendations (e.g., related movies). In particular, we focus on evaluating the reachability and navigability of recommendation networks and investigate the following questions: (i) How well do recommendation networks support navigation and exploratory search? (ii) What is the influence of parameters, in particular different recommendation algorithms and the number of recommendations shown, on reachability and navigability? and (iii) How can reachability and navigability be improved in these networks? We tackle these questions by first evaluating the reachability of recommendation networks by investigating their structural properties. Second, we evaluate navigability by simulating three different models of information seeking scenarios. We find that with standard algorithms, recommender systems are not well suited to navigation and exploration and propose methods to modify recommendations to improve this. Our work extends from one-click-based evaluations of recommender systems towards multi-click analysis (i.e., sequences of dependent clicks) and presents a general, comprehensive approach to evaluating navigability of arbitrary recommendation networks

    User modeling for exploratory search on the Social Web. Exploiting social bookmarking systems for user model extraction, evaluation and integration

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    Exploratory search is an information seeking strategy that extends be- yond the query-and-response paradigm of traditional Information Retrieval models. Users browse through information to discover novel content and to learn more about the newly discovered things. Social bookmarking systems integrate well with exploratory search, because they allow one to search, browse, and filter social bookmarks. Our contribution is an exploratory tag search engine that merges social bookmarking with exploratory search. For this purpose, we have applied collaborative filtering to recommend tags to users. User models are an im- portant prerequisite for recommender systems. We have produced a method to algorithmically extract user models from folksonomies, and an evaluation method to measure the viability of these user models for exploratory search. According to our evaluation web-scale user modeling, which integrates user models from various services across the Social Web, can improve exploratory search. Within this thesis we also provide a method for user model integra- tion. Our exploratory tag search engine implements the findings of our user model extraction, evaluation, and integration methods. It facilitates ex- ploratory search on social bookmarks from Delicious and Connotea and pub- lishes extracted user models as Linked Data

    Latent Geometry Inspired Graph Dissimilarities Enhance Affinity Propagation Community Detection in Complex Networks

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    Affinity propagation is one of the most effective unsupervised pattern recognition algorithms for data clustering in high-dimensional feature space. However, the numerous attempts to test its performance for community detection in complex networks have been attaining results very far from the state of the art methods such as Infomap and Louvain. Yet, all these studies agreed that the crucial problem is to convert the unweighted network topology in a 'smart-enough' node dissimilarity matrix that is able to properly address the message passing procedure behind affinity propagation clustering. Here we introduce a conceptual innovation and we discuss how to leverage network latent geometry notions in order to design dissimilarity matrices for affinity propagation community detection. Our results demonstrate that the latent geometry inspired dissimilarity measures we design bring affinity propagation to equal or outperform current state of the art methods for community detection. These findings are solidly proven considering both synthetic 'realistic' networks (with known ground-truth communities) and real networks (with community metadata), even when the data structure is corrupted by noise artificially induced by missing or spurious connectivity

    From Ranked Lists to Carousels: A Carousel Click Model

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    Carousel-based recommendation interfaces allow users to explore recommended items in a structured, efficient, and visually-appealing way. This made them a de-facto standard approach to recommending items to end users in many real-life recommenders. In this work, we try to explain the efficiency of carousel recommenders using a \emph{carousel click model}, a generative model of user interaction with carousel-based recommender interfaces. We study this model both analytically and empirically. Our analytical results show that the user can examine more items in the carousel click model than in a single ranked list, due to the structured way of browsing. These results are supported by a series of experiments, where we integrate the carousel click model with a recommender based on matrix factorization. We show that the combined recommender performs well on held-out test data, and leads to higher engagement with recommendations than a traditional single ranked list

    An Approach for Link Prediction in Directed Complex Networks based on Asymmetric Similarity-Popularity

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    Complex networks are graphs representing real-life systems that exhibit unique characteristics not found in purely regular or completely random graphs. The study of such systems is vital but challenging due to the complexity of the underlying processes. This task has nevertheless been made easier in recent decades thanks to the availability of large amounts of networked data. Link prediction in complex networks aims to estimate the likelihood that a link between two nodes is missing from the network. Links can be missing due to imperfections in data collection or simply because they are yet to appear. Discovering new relationships between entities in networked data has attracted researchers' attention in various domains such as sociology, computer science, physics, and biology. Most existing research focuses on link prediction in undirected complex networks. However, not all real-life systems can be faithfully represented as undirected networks. This simplifying assumption is often made when using link prediction algorithms but inevitably leads to loss of information about relations among nodes and degradation in prediction performance. This paper introduces a link prediction method designed explicitly for directed networks. It is based on the similarity-popularity paradigm, which has recently proven successful in undirected networks. The presented algorithms handle the asymmetry in node relationships by modeling it as asymmetry in similarity and popularity. Given the observed network topology, the algorithms approximate the hidden similarities as shortest path distances using edge weights that capture and factor out the links' asymmetry and nodes' popularity. The proposed approach is evaluated on real-life networks, and the experimental results demonstrate its effectiveness in predicting missing links across a broad spectrum of networked data types and sizes
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