10 research outputs found

    On the snake in the box problem

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    AbstractA snake in a graph is a simple cycle without chords. Denote by s(d) the length of a longest snake in the d-dimensional unit cube. We give a new proof of the theorem of Evdokimov that s(d) > 位2d, where 位 is a positive constant

    Further results on snakes in powers of complete graphs

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    AbstractBy a snake in a finite graph G is meant a cycle without chords. Denoted by S(G) the length of a longest snake in G. In this paper we obtain a new lower bound for S(G) in the case where G is the product of d copies of the complete graph on n vertices

    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications, supplement 1

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    Graph theory and its applications - bibliography, supplement

    A Method for Constructing Circuit Codes

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