5 research outputs found

    Trajectory and spray control planning on unknown 3D surfaces for industrial spray painting robot

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    Automated 3D path and spray control planning of industrial painting robots for unknown target surfaces is desired to meet demands on the production system. In this thesis, an image acquisition and laser range scanning based method has been developed. The system utilizes the XY projection of the boundaries of the target surface to generate the gun trajectory\u27s X and Y coordinates as well as the spray control. Z coordinates and gun direction, distance, and speed are generated based on the point cloud from the target that is acquired by the laser scanner. A simulation methodology was also developed which is capable of calculating the paint thickness across the target surface. Results have shown that the generated path could perform a full coverage on the target surface, while keeping the paint material waste at the minimum. Excellent paint thickness control could be achieved on 2D and straight line sweep surfaces, while a satisfactory thickness is obtained on other 3D arbitrary surfaces. Relationships among thickness, spray deposition profile, sampling roughness and geometric features of the target surfaces have been discussed to make this method more applicable in industry

    Robotereinsatz in der werkstattorientierten Fertigung

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    Génération de chemins de couverture pour des opérations automatisées de contrôle non destructif appliquées dans l'industrie aérospatiale

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    RÉSUMÉ L’industrie aérospatiale accorde un rôle majeur au contrôle non destructif (CND) dans le processus de fabrication et de maintenance des structures et il est utilisé, entre autres, pour détecter des défauts tels que des fissures à un stade précoce. Cependant, les techniques de CND sont encore principalement opérées manuellement, en particulier sur des structures aérospatiales complexes. Plusieurs inconvénients en résultent tels que la pénibilité et le temps d’opération des techniques. De plus, la fiabilité et la répétabilité des résultats d’inspection est susceptible de varier de manière significative puisqu’elles dépendent de l’expérience et de la dextérité de chaque opérateur. Dans le cadre du projet MANU-418 du Consortium de recherche et d’innovation en aérospatiale au Québec (CRIAQ) dans lequel s’inscrit le présent travail de recherche, il a été proposé de développer un système muni d’un bras manipulateur à 6 DDL permettant d’automatiser trois techniques particulières de CND utilisées dans l’industrie aérospatiale : l’inspection par courants de Foucault (ECT), l’inspection par ressuage fluorescent (FPI) et l’inspection par thermographie infrarouge (IRT). L’objectif global du projet MANU-418 est de démontrer que ce système automatisé permet d’obtenir des résultats de détection de défauts (des fissures généralement) en surface et légèrement sous la surface au moins aussi acceptables en termes de fiabilité et de répétabilité que ceux obtenus manuellement. Un des objectifs spécifiques qui découle de ce projet est de développer une méthodologie et un outil logiciel de génération de chemins de couverture adaptés aux trois techniques de CND mentionnées précédemment pour l’inspection de surfaces complexes de structures aérospatiales. Le présent travail de recherche s’attache à la réalisation de cet objectif spécifique. Dans un premier temps, les propriétés de géométrie et de topologie du type de surfaces considérées dans ce projet sont définies (surfaces planes, congés, bords droits, surfaces cylindriques, trou dans la surface). Il est également supposé que le modèle 3D de la surface à inspecter est connu à l’avance. Aussi, l’automatisation de l’inspection ECT étant prioritaire devant celles des techniques FPI et IRT dans le cadre du projet MANU-418, la méthodologie développée se base sur les propriétés de chemin qu’une sonde différentielle à courants de Foucault (appelée ici sonde EC) suit habituellement lors d’une inspection manuelle, tout en permettant de rester utilisable pour les autres techniques. Le chemin d’inspection d’une sonde EC est défini par un balayage en zigzag et cette sonde est généralement en contact léger avec la surface durant le balayage. Aussi, l’axe de la sonde doit en tout temps être normal à la surface et, l’alignement de ses deux bobines doit toujours être orienté le long de sa direction de déplacement. Une première méthodologie est alors proposée pour générer des chemins de couverture sur toute la surface à inspecter en respectant les contraintes de la sonde EC.----------ABSTRACT Non destructive testing (NDT) plays an important role in the aerospace industry during the fabrication and maintenance of the structures built and is used, among other useful applications, to detect flaws such as cracks at an early stage. However, NDT techniques are still mainly done manually, especially on complex aeronautical structures, which then results in several drawbacks. In addition to be difficult and time-consuming, reliability and repeatability of inspection results are likely to be affected, since they rely on each operator’s experience and dexterity. The present thesis is part of a larger project (MANU-418) of the Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Québec (CRIAQ). In this project, it has been proposed to develop a system using a 6-DOF manipulator arm to automate three particular NDT techniques often needed in the aerospace industry: eddy current testing (ECT), fluorescent penetrant inspection (FPI), and infrared thermography (IRT). The main objective of the MANU-418 project is to demonstrate the efficiency of the developed system and provide inspection results of surface and near surface flaws (cracks usually) at least as reliably and repeatably as inspection results from a human operator. One specific objective stemming from the main objective of the project is to develop a methodology and a software tool to generate covering paths adapted for the three forementioned NDT techniques to inspect the complex surfaces of aerospace structures. The present thesis aims at reaching this specific objective. At first, geometrical and topological properties of the surfaces considered in this project are defined (flat surfaces, round and straight edges, cylindrical or near cylindrical surfaces, holes). It is also assumed that the 3D model of the surface to inspect is known in advance. Moreover, it has been decided within the framework of the MANU-418 project to give priority to the automation of ECT compared with the other techniques (FPI and IRT). As a result, the methodology developed to generate inspection paths is more closely focused on path constraints relative to the manual operations of ECT using a differential eddy current probe (named here EC probe), but it is developed to be flexible enough to be used with the other techniques as well. Common inspection paths for ECT are usually defined by a sweeping motion using a zigzag pattern with the EC probe in mild contact with the inspected surface. Moreover, the main axis of the probe must keep a normal orientation with the surface, and the alignment of its two coils must always be oriented along the direction of its motion. A first methodology is then proposed to generate covering paths on the whole surface of interest while meeting all EC probe motion constraints. First, the surface is meshed with triangular facets, and then it is subdivided into several patches such that their geometry and topology are simpler than the whole surface

    A Method for Automatic Spray Painting of Unknown Parts

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    Today industrial automation of spray painting is limited to high part volumes and robot trajectories that are programmed by off-line programming and manual teach-in. This paper presents an approach that uses range image data to obtain the geometry of an unknown part and to automatically generate the robot spray painting trajectories. Laser strip range sensors are installed in front of the paint booth to acquire a range image of the part. Utilizing process knowledge (a geometric library containing constraints specific for the painting application) geometric primitives are detected in the range data. From the geometric primitives a normal vector field is generated that enables to extract main faces. The main faces are located in 3D space and the process knowledge related to each geometric primitive is utilized to obtain the trajectory for the paint gun. Results of painting a car mirror and a stearing column are given.