220 research outputs found

    A Two-Level Logic Approach to Reasoning about Typed Specification Languages

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    International audienceThe two-level logic approach (2LL) to reasoning about computational specifications, as implemented by the Abella theorem prover, represents derivations of a specification language as an inductive definition in a reasoning logic. This approach has traditionally been formulated with the specification and reasoning logics having the same type system, and only the formulas being translated. However, requiring identical type systems limits the approach in two important ways: (1) every change in the specification language's type system requires a corresponding change in that of the reasoning logic, and (2) the same reasoning logic cannot be used with two specification languages at once if they have incompatible type systems. We propose a technique based on adequate encodings of the types and judgements of a typed specification language in terms of a simply typed higher-order logic program, which is then used for reasoning about the specification language in the usual 2LL. Moreover, a single specification logic implementation can be used as a basis for a number of other specification languages just by varying the encoding. We illustrate our technique with an implementation of the LF dependent type theory as a new specification language for Abella, co-existing with its current simply typed higher-order hereditary Harrop specification logic, without modifying the type system of its reasoning logic

    Nominal Abstraction

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    Recursive relational specifications are commonly used to describe the computational structure of formal systems. Recent research in proof theory has identified two features that facilitate direct, logic-based reasoning about such descriptions: the interpretation of atomic judgments through recursive definitions and an encoding of binding constructs via generic judgments. However, logics encompassing these two features do not currently allow for the definition of relations that embody dynamic aspects related to binding, a capability needed in many reasoning tasks. We propose a new relation between terms called nominal abstraction as a means for overcoming this deficiency. We incorporate nominal abstraction into a rich logic also including definitions, generic quantification, induction, and co-induction that we then prove to be consistent. We present examples to show that this logic can provide elegant treatments of binding contexts that appear in many proofs, such as those establishing properties of typing calculi and of arbitrarily cascading substitutions that play a role in reducibility arguments.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Information and Computatio

    On Irrelevance and Algorithmic Equality in Predicative Type Theory

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    Dependently typed programs contain an excessive amount of static terms which are necessary to please the type checker but irrelevant for computation. To separate static and dynamic code, several static analyses and type systems have been put forward. We consider Pfenning's type theory with irrelevant quantification which is compatible with a type-based notion of equality that respects eta-laws. We extend Pfenning's theory to universes and large eliminations and develop its meta-theory. Subject reduction, normalization and consistency are obtained by a Kripke model over the typed equality judgement. Finally, a type-directed equality algorithm is described whose completeness is proven by a second Kripke model.Comment: 36 pages, superseds the FoSSaCS 2011 paper of the first author, titled "Irrelevance in Type Theory with a Heterogeneous Equality Judgement

    Nominal Abstraction

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    International audienceRecursive relational specifications are commonly used to describe the computational structure of formal systems. Recent research in proof theory has identified two features that facilitate direct, logic-based reasoning about such descriptions: the interpretation of atomic judgments through recursive definitions and an encoding of binding constructs via generic judgments. However, logics encompassing these two features do not currently allow for the definition of relations that embody dynamic aspects related to binding, a capability needed in many reasoning tasks. We propose a new relation between terms called nominal abstraction as a means for overcoming this deficiency. We incorporate nominal abstraction into a rich logic also including definitions, generic quantification, induction, and co-induction that we then prove to be consistent. We present examples to show that this logic can provide elegant treatments of binding contexts that appear in many proofs, such as those establishing properties of typing calculi and of arbitrarily cascading substitutions that play a role in reducibility arguments

    An Implementation of the Language Lambda Prolog Organized around Higher-Order Pattern Unification

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    This thesis concerns the implementation of Lambda Prolog, a higher-order logic programming language that supports the lambda-tree syntax approach to representing and manipulating formal syntactic objects. Lambda Prolog achieves its functionality by extending a Prolog-like language by using typed lambda terms as data structures that it then manipulates via higher-order unification and some new program-level abstraction mechanisms. These additional features raise new implementation questions that must be adequately addressed for Lambda Prolog to be an effective programming tool. We consider these questions here, providing eventually a virtual machine and compilation based realization. A key idea is the orientation of the computation model of Lambda Prolog around a restricted version of higher-order unification with nice algorithmic properties and appearing to encompass most interesting applications. Our virtual machine embeds a treatment of this form of unification within the structure of the Warren Abstract Machine that is used in traditional Prolog implementations. Along the way, we treat various auxiliary issues such as the low-level representation of lambda terms, the implementation of reduction on such terms and the optimized processing of types in computation. We also develop an actual implementation of Lambda Prolog called Teyjus Version 2. A characteristic of this system is that it realizes an emulator for the virtual machine in the C language a compiler in the OCaml language. We present a treatment of the software issues that arise from this kind of mixing of languages within one system and we discuss issues relevant to the portability of our virtual machine emulator across arbitrary architectures. Finally, we assess the the efficacy of our various design ideas through experiments carried out using the system
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