6 research outputs found

    Efficient AoA-based wireless indoor localization for hospital outpatients using mobile devices

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    The motivation of this work is to help outpatients find their corresponding departments or clinics, thus, it needs to provide indoor positioning services with a room-level accuracy. Unlike wireless outdoor localization that is dominated by the global positioning system (GPS), wireless indoor localization is still an open issue. Many different schemes are being developed to meet the increasing demand for indoor localization services. In this paper, we investigated the AoA-based wireless indoor localization for outpatients’ wayfinding in a hospital, where Wi-Fi access points (APs) are deployed, in line, on the ceiling. The target position can be determined by a mobile device, like a smartphone, through an efficient geometric calculation with two known APs coordinates and the angles of the incident radios. All possible positions in which the target may appear have been comprehensively investigated, and the corresponding solutions were proven to be the same. Experimental results show that localization error was less than 2.5 m, about 80% of the time, which can satisfy the outpatients’ requirements for wayfinding

    Continued Usage and Location Disclosure of Location-Based Applications: A Necessity for Location Intelligence

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    Location-based applications (LBA) have been widely accepted and used for different purposes ranging from navigation to dating or gaming. Most LBAs ask users to provide access to location data for more efficient and personalized location-based services. Location intelligence as an emerging area of business intelligence relies heavily on disclosing location information by users. This research builds a continuance usage and location disclosure model from the expectation-confirmation perspective. The effect of benefit expectations on usefulness and satisfaction is hypothesized. In addition, the positive effect of usefulness on satisfaction and continuance intention is postulated. After collecting survey data from main LBA users, the results of the analysis support the proposed model. Findings contribute to the current literature in business intelligence by focusing on location disclosure behavior in the context of LBAs and the necessity of this type of information for location intelligence

    A Measurement Study of BLE iBeacon and Geometric Adjustment Scheme for Indoor Location-Based Mobile Applications

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    Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and the iBeacons have recently gained large interest for enabling various proximity-based application services. Given the ubiquitously deployed nature of Bluetooth devices including mobile smartphones, using BLE and iBeacon technologies seemed to be a promising future to come. This work started off with the belief that this was true: iBeacons could provide us with the accuracy in proximity and distance estimation to enable and simplify the development of many previously difficult applications. However, our empirical studies with three different iBeacon devices from various vendors and two types of smartphone platforms prove that this is not the case. Signal strength readings vary significantly over different iBeacon vendors, mobile platforms, environmental or deployment factors, and usage scenarios. This variability in signal strength naturally complicates the process of extracting an accurate location/proximity estimation in real environments. Our lessons on the limitations of iBeacon technique lead us to design a simple class attendance checking application by performing a simple form of geometric adjustments to compensate for the natural variations in beacon signal strength readings. We believe that the negative observations made in this work can provide future researchers with a reference on how well of a performance to expect from iBeacon devices as they enter their system design phases