1,026 research outputs found

    Low Complexity Time Synchronization Algorithm for OFDM Systems with Repetitive Preambles

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    In this paper, a new time synchronization algorithm for OFDM systems with repetitive preamble is proposed. This algorithm makes use of coarse and fine time estimation; the fine time estimation is performed using a cross-correlation similar to previous proposals in the literature, whereas the coarse time estimation is made using a new metric and an iterative search of the last sample of the repetitive preamble. A complete analysis of the new metric is included, as well as a wide performance comparison, for multipath channel and carrier frequency offset, with the main time synchronization algorithms found in the literature. Finally, the complexity of the VLSI implementation of this proposal is discussed. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia under grants TEC2006-14204-C02-01 and TEC2008-06787.Canet Subiela, MJ.; Almenar Terre, V.; Flores Asenjo, SJ.; Valls Coquillat, J. (2012). Low Complexity Time Synchronization Algorithm for OFDM Systems with Repetitive Preambles. Journal of Signal Processing Systems. 68(3):287-301. doi:10.1007/s11265-011-0618-6S287301683IEEE 802.11a standard (1999). Wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications: high-speed physical layer in the 5 GHz band.IEEE 802.11 g standard (2003). Wireless LAN specifications: Further higher data rate extension in the 2.4 GHz band.IEEE 802.16-2004 (2004). Standard for local and metropolitan area networks, part 16: Air interface for fixed broadband wireless access systems.Lee, D., & Cheun, K. (2002). Coarse symbol synchronization algorithms for OFDM systems in multipath channels. IEEE Communications Letters, 6(10), 446–448.Park, B., Cheon, H., Ko, E., Kang, C., & Hong, D. (2004). A blind OFDM synchronization algorithm based on cyclic correlation. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 11(2), 83–85.Beek, J. J., Sandell, M., & Börjesson, P. O. (1997). 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    Scattered Pilots and Virtual Carriers Based Frequency Offset Tracking for OFDM Systems: Algorithms, Identifiability, and Performance Analysis

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    In this paper, we propose a novel carrier frequency offset (CFO) tracking algorithm for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems by exploiting scattered pilot carriers and virtual carriers embedded in the existing OFDM standards. Assuming that the channel remains constant during two consecutive OFDM blocks and perfect timing, a CFO tracking algorithm is proposed using the limited number of pilot carriers in each OFDM block. Identifiability of this pilot based algorithm is fully discussed under the noise free environment, and a constellation rotation strategy is proposed to eliminate the c-ambiguity for arbitrary constellations. A weighted algorithm is then proposed by considering both scattered pilots and virtual carriers. We find that, the pilots increase the performance accuracy of the algorithm, while the virtual carriers reduce the chance of CFO outlier. Therefore, the proposed tracking algorithm is able to achieve full range CFO estimation, can be used before channel estimation, and could provide improved performance compared to existing algorithms. The asymptotic mean square error (MSE) of the proposed algorithm is derived and simulation results agree with the theoretical analysis

    Synchronization for OFDM-Based Systems

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    A Consistent OFDM Carrier Frequency Offset Estimator Based on Distinctively Spaced Pilot Tones

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    A pilot-tone-based maximum likelihood estimator (PBMLE) for carrier frequency offset (CFO) in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems is proposed. To obtain a consistent estimate of the CFO over a frequency-selective fading channel, the proposed method employs a preamble comprising distinctively spaced pilot tones. As a result of this preamble configuration, a large estimation range equal to the bandwidth of the OFDM signal can be achieved. Different from previous ad hoc pilot-tone-based CFO estimators, the PBMLE exploits the relationship between the CFO and the periodogram of the preamble. Analysis shows that the proposed PBMLE is asymptotically unbiased and efficient. To realize this PBMLE in practice, a suboptimal estimator is also introduced, in which a zero-padded fast Fourier transform is invoked and the CFO estimation is split into two phases: coarse and fine estimation. Coarse estimation is obtained through the correlation between the received preamble and its original pattern, whereas fine estimation is obtained by exploiting the magnitude attenuation in the vicinities of those CFO-shifted pilot tones. Both analytical investigations and computer simulations indicate that the accuracy of this simplified suboptimal estimator is proportional to the oversize ratio of zero padding. When the oversize ratio is sufficiently high, the performance of the suboptimal estimator approaches that of the proposed PBMLE.published_or_final_versio
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