4,630 research outputs found

    Attribute Equilibrium Dominance Reduction Accelerator (DCCAEDR) Based on Distributed Coevolutionary Cloud and Its Application in Medical Records

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    © 2013 IEEE. Aimed at the tremendous challenge of attribute reduction for big data mining and knowledge discovery, we propose a new attribute equilibrium dominance reduction accelerator (DCCAEDR) based on the distributed coevolutionary cloud model. First, the framework of N-populations distributed coevolutionary MapReduce model is designed to divide the entire population into N subpopulations, sharing the reward of different subpopulations' solutions under a MapReduce cloud mechanism. Because the adaptive balancing between exploration and exploitation can be achieved in a better way, the reduction performance is guaranteed to be the same as those using the whole independent data set. Second, a novel Nash equilibrium dominance strategy of elitists under the N bounded rationality regions is adopted to assist the subpopulations necessary to attain the stable status of Nash equilibrium dominance. This further enhances the accelerator's robustness against complex noise on big data. Third, the approximation parallelism mechanism based on MapReduce is constructed to implement rule reduction by accelerating the computation of attribute equivalence classes. Consequently, the entire attribute reduction set with the equilibrium dominance solution can be achieved. Extensive simulation results have been used to illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed DCCAEDR accelerator for attribute reduction on big data. Furthermore, the DCCAEDR is applied to solve attribute reduction for traditional Chinese medical records and to segment cortical surfaces of the neonatal brain 3-D-MRI records, and the DCCAEDR shows the superior competitive results, when compared with the representative algorithms

    Analyze Large Multidimensional Datasets Using Algebraic Topology

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    This paper presents an efficient algorithm to extract knowledge from high-dimensionality, high- complexity datasets using algebraic topology, namely simplicial complexes. Based on concept of isomorphism of relations, our method turn a relational table into a geometric object (a simplicial complex is a polyhedron). So, conceptually association rule searching is turned into a geometric traversal problem. By leveraging on the core concepts behind Simplicial Complex, we use a new technique (in computer science) that improves the performance over existing methods and uses far less memory. It was designed and developed with a strong emphasis on scalability, reliability, and extensibility. This paper also investigate the possibility of Hadoop integration and the challenges that come with the framework

    Efficient classification using parallel and scalable compressed model and Its application on intrusion detection

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    In order to achieve high efficiency of classification in intrusion detection, a compressed model is proposed in this paper which combines horizontal compression with vertical compression. OneR is utilized as horizontal com-pression for attribute reduction, and affinity propagation is employed as vertical compression to select small representative exemplars from large training data. As to be able to computationally compress the larger volume of training data with scalability, MapReduce based parallelization approach is then implemented and evaluated for each step of the model compression process abovementioned, on which common but efficient classification methods can be directly used. Experimental application study on two publicly available datasets of intrusion detection, KDD99 and CMDC2012, demonstrates that the classification using the compressed model proposed can effectively speed up the detection procedure at up to 184 times, most importantly at the cost of a minimal accuracy difference with less than 1% on average

    Computing fuzzy rough approximations in large scale information systems

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    Rough set theory is a popular and powerful machine learning tool. It is especially suitable for dealing with information systems that exhibit inconsistencies, i.e. objects that have the same values for the conditional attributes but a different value for the decision attribute. In line with the emerging granular computing paradigm, rough set theory groups objects together based on the indiscernibility of their attribute values. Fuzzy rough set theory extends rough set theory to data with continuous attributes, and detects degrees of inconsistency in the data. Key to this is turning the indiscernibility relation into a gradual relation, acknowledging that objects can be similar to a certain extent. In very large datasets with millions of objects, computing the gradual indiscernibility relation (or in other words, the soft granules) is very demanding, both in terms of runtime and in terms of memory. It is however required for the computation of the lower and upper approximations of concepts in the fuzzy rough set analysis pipeline. Current non-distributed implementations in R are limited by memory capacity. For example, we found that a state of the art non-distributed implementation in R could not handle 30,000 rows and 10 attributes on a node with 62GB of memory. This is clearly insufficient to scale fuzzy rough set analysis to massive datasets. In this paper we present a parallel and distributed solution based on Message Passing Interface (MPI) to compute fuzzy rough approximations in very large information systems. Our results show that our parallel approach scales with problem size to information systems with millions of objects. To the best of our knowledge, no other parallel and distributed solutions have been proposed so far in the literature for this problem